blob: 78025eeb0bc6e8939ea5208fa39f86d8fb79d860 [file] [log] [blame]
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from tempest.scenario import manager
from tempest.test import attr
from tempest.test import call_until_true
import time
class AutoScalingTest(manager.OrchestrationScenarioTest):
def setUp(self):
super(AutoScalingTest, self).setUp()
if not self.config.orchestration.image_ref:
raise self.skipException("No image available to test")
self.client = self.orchestration_client
def assign_keypair(self):
self.stack_name = self._stack_rand_name()
if self.config.orchestration.keypair_name:
self.keypair_name = self.config.orchestration.keypair_name
self.keypair = self.create_keypair()
self.keypair_name =
def launch_stack(self):
self.parameters = {
'KeyName': self.keypair_name,
'InstanceType': self.config.orchestration.instance_type,
'ImageId': self.config.orchestration.image_ref,
'StackStart': str(time.time())
# create the stack
self.template = self._load_template(__file__, 'test_autoscaling.yaml')
self.stack = self.client.stacks.get(self.stack_name)
self.stack_identifier = '%s/%s' % (self.stack_name,
# if a keypair was set, do not delete the stack on exit to allow
# for manual post-mortums
if not self.config.orchestration.keypair_name:
self.set_resource('stack', self.stack)
def test_scale_up_then_down(self):
sid = self.stack_identifier
timeout = self.config.orchestration.build_timeout
interval = 10
self.assertEqual('CREATE', self.stack.action)
# wait for create to complete.
self.status_timeout(self.client.stacks, sid, 'COMPLETE')
self.assertEqual('CREATE_COMPLETE', self.stack.stack_status)
# the resource SmokeServerGroup is implemented as a nested
# stack, so servers can be counted by counting the resources
# inside that nested stack
resource = self.client.resources.get(sid, 'SmokeServerGroup')
nested_stack_id = resource.physical_resource_id
def server_count():
# the number of servers is the number of resources
# in the nexted stack
self.server_count = len(
return self.server_count
def assertScale(from_servers, to_servers):
call_until_true(lambda: server_count() == to_servers,
timeout, interval)
self.assertEqual(to_servers, self.server_count,
'Failed scaling from %d to %d servers' % (
from_servers, to_servers))
# he marched them up to the top of the hill
assertScale(1, 2)
assertScale(2, 3)
# and he marched them down again
assertScale(3, 2)
assertScale(2, 1)