| change OS-cloud credentials defining process |
| * 'cacert_path' and 'cafile' variables for Security Audit and Cleanup services were changed to: |
| security_monkey_openstack: |
| source_credentials: source/path/for/os/credentials/on/env |
| service_credentials: path/to/os/credentials/in/service/container |
| janitor_monkey_openstack: |
| source_credentials: source/path/for/os/credentials/on/env |
| service_credentials: path/to/os/credentials/in/service/container |
| Now you do not need to specify cert-file properly, need to define directory only. |
| Cert-file named 'cert.pem' by default for all services. |
| 'source_credentials' equal to 'oss_openstack_credentials_path'. |
| * 'oss_openstack_cert_path' was changed to: |
| oss_openstack_credentials_path: source/path/for/os/credentials/on/env |
| Changes affect cluster and system levels. |
| - https://mirantis.jira.com/browse/PROD-14863 |
| - https://mirantis.jira.com/browse/PROD-14870 |
| https://gerrit.mcp.mirantis.net/#/q/topic:os-creds+(status:open+OR+status:merged) |