parameters: | |
_param: | |
# Enable barbican integration in other services nova,glance,cinder | |
barbican_integration_enabled: False | |
# General | |
cluster_public_protocol: https | |
cluster_internal_protocol: http | |
openstack_service_hostname: os-ctl-vip | |
openstack_service_host: ${_param:openstack_service_hostname}.${linux:system:domain} | |
# SSL | |
ceilometer_agent_ssl_enabled: False | |
openstack_mysql_x509_enabled: False | |
# for non-ssl use 5672 / for ssl 5671 | |
openstack_rabbitmq_port: 5672 | |
openstack_rabbitmq_x509_enabled: False | |
# Openstack memcache | |
openstack_memcached_server_bind_address: | |
openstack_memcache_security_enabled: False | |
openstack_memcache_security_strategy: 'ENCRYPT' | |
openstack_memcached_proto_tcp_enabled: True | |
openstack_memcached_proto_udp_enabled: False | |
# Cinder | |
cinder_memcache_security_enabled: ${_param:openstack_memcache_security_enabled} | |
cinder_memcache_secret_key: '' | |
# Nova | |
nova_memcache_security_enabled: ${_param:openstack_memcache_security_enabled} | |
nova_memcache_secret_key: '' | |
# Glance | |
glance_memcache_security_enabled: ${_param:openstack_memcache_security_enabled} | |
glance_memcache_secret_key: '' | |
# Allow CORS from horizon, needed for direct upload | |
glance_cors_allowed_origin: '${_param:horizon_public_protocol}://${_param:horizon_public_host}' | |
# Heat | |
heat_memcache_security_enabled: ${_param:openstack_memcache_security_enabled} | |
heat_memcache_secret_key: '' | |
# Aodh | |
aodh_memcache_security_enabled: ${_param:openstack_memcache_security_enabled} | |
aodh_memcache_secret_key: '' | |
# Gnocchi | |
gnocchi_memcache_security_enabled: ${_param:openstack_memcache_security_enabled} | |
gnocchi_memcache_secret_key: '' | |
# Panko | |
panko_memcache_security_enabled: ${_param:openstack_memcache_security_enabled} | |
panko_memcache_secret_key: '' | |
# Barbican | |
barbican_memcache_security_enabled: ${_param:openstack_memcache_security_enabled} | |
barbican_memcache_secret_key: '' | |
# Ironic | |
ironic_memcache_security_enabled: ${_param:openstack_memcache_security_enabled} | |
ironic_memcache_secret_key: '' | |
# Apache mods defaults | |
apache_mods_status_enabled: True | |
apache_mods_status_status: 'disabled' | |
apache_horizon_listen_address: '' | |
# Horizon | |
# 'direct' mode will require cors on glance side to be enabled. | |
horizon_images_upload_mode: 'direct' | |
# TODO (vsaineko): switch to openstack_cluster_public_host | |
horizon_public_host: ${_param:cluster_public_host} | |
horizon_public_port: 443 | |
horizon_public_protocol: https | |
# HAproxy | |
haproxy_openstack_web_bind_port: ${_param:horizon_public_port} | |
# | |
# haproxy_openstack_web_sticks_params is defined for SSL by default | |
# if cluster_protocolr HTTP is going to be used then haproxy_openstack_web_sticks_params | |
# should be redefined peroperly. For example empty list. | |
# | |
haproxy_openstack_web_sticks_params: | |
- stick-table type binary len 32 size 30k expire 30m | |
- acl clienthello req_ssl_hello_type 1 | |
- acl serverhello rep_ssl_hello_type 2 | |
- tcp-request inspect-delay 5s | |
- tcp-request content accept if clienthello | |
- tcp-response content accept if serverhello | |
- stick on payload_lv(43,1) if clienthello | |
- stick store-response payload_lv(43,1) if serverhello |