blob: 99e9d5b9261ac8974158c9dcf128f6b03985b1b1 [file] [log] [blame]
Generic system models
This repo contains general reclass system level of salt model. It is to be
used along with service models and concrete cluster deployment model.
Network configuration
Enable SR-IOV support
Include class at `cluster.<name>.openstack.compute`
- system.nova.compute.sriov
and parameters:
- sriov_nic01: Name of the interface
- sriov_nic01_numvfs: Number of Virtual Functions
- sriov_nic01_physical_network: Default "physnet1", label for physical network interface belongs to.
- sriov_unsafe_interrupts: Default False, needs to be set True if your hw platform does not support interrupt remapping