| exec > >(tee -i /tmp/"$(basename "$0" .sh)"_"$(date '+%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')".log) 2>&1 |
| CWD="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")" |
| # Import common functions |
| COMMONS="$CWD"/common_functions.sh |
| if [ ! -f "$COMMONS" ]; then |
| echo "File $COMMONS does not exist" |
| # Configure compute nodes |
| # Provision opencontrail virtual routers |
| hosts=($(salt-call pillar.get linux:network:host | egrep 'cmp0.*:' | sed -e 's/ *//' -e 's/://')) |
| vip=$(salt-call pillar.get _param:opencontrail_control_address | grep '^ ' | sed -e 's/ *//') |
| nb=$(( ${#hosts[@]} - 1 )) |
| for i in $(seq 0 $nb); do |
| ip=$(salt-call pillar.get linux:network:host:"${h}":address | grep '^ ' | sed -e 's/ *//') |
| salt -C 'I@opencontrail:control:id:1' cmd.run "/usr/share/contrail-utils/provision_vrouter.py --host_name $h --host_ip $ip --api_server_ip $vip --oper add --admin_user admin --admin_password workshop --admin_tenant_name admin" |
| salt "cmp*" system.reboot |
| # Wait for all compute nodes in current deployment to be available |
| wait_for "$(get_nodes_names "cmp[0-9]" | wc -l)" "cmp*" |