| wget -O - https://repo.saltstack.com/apt/ubuntu/16.04/amd64/latest/SALTSTACK-GPG-KEY.pub | sudo apt-key add - |
| add-apt-repository http://repo.saltstack.com/apt/ubuntu/16.04/amd64/latest |
| apt update |
| apt install -y salt-master salt-minion reclass make |
| |
| rm /etc/salt/minion_id |
| rm -f /etc/salt/pki/minion/minion_master.pub |
| echo "id: all01.local" > /etc/salt/minion |
| echo "master: localhost" >> /etc/salt/minion |
| |
| [ ! -d /etc/salt/master.d ] && mkdir -p /etc/salt/master.d |
| cat <<-EOF > /etc/salt/master.d/master.conf |
| file_roots: |
| base: |
| - /usr/share/salt-formulas/env |
| pillar_opts: False |
| open_mode: True |
| reclass: &reclass |
| storage_type: yaml_fs |
| inventory_base_uri: /srv/salt/reclass |
| ext_pillar: |
| - reclass: *reclass |
| master_tops: |
| reclass: *reclass |
| EOF |
| |
| [ ! -d /etc/reclass ] && mkdir /etc/reclass |
| cat <<-EOF > /etc/reclass/reclass-config.yml |
| storage_type: yaml_fs |
| pretty_print: True |
| output: yaml |
| inventory_base_uri: /srv/salt/reclass |
| EOF |
| |
| service salt-master restart |
| service salt-minion restart |
| |
| git clone https://github.com/andreyshestakov/mcp-aio /srv/salt/reclass |
| cd /srv/salt/reclass |
| git clone https://gerrit.mcp.mirantis.net/p/salt-models/reclass-system.git classes/system |
| ln -s /usr/share/salt-formulas/reclass/service classes/service |
| |
| export FORMULAS_BASE=https://gerrit.mcp.mirantis.net/salt-formulas |
| export FORMULAS_PATH=/root/formulas |
| export FORMULAS_BRANCH=master |
| |
| mkdir -p ${FORMULAS_PATH} |
| declare -a formula_services=("linux" "reclass" "salt" "openssh" "ntp" "git" "nginx" "collectd" "sensu" "heka" "sphinx" "mysql" "grafana" "libvirt" "rsyslog" "memcached" "rabbitmq" "apache" "keystone" "glance" "nova" "neutron" "cinder" "heat" "horizon" "ironic" "tftpd-hpa") |
| for formula_service in "${formula_services[@]}"; do |
| [ ! -d "${FORMULAS_PATH}/${formula_service}" ] && { |
| if ! git ls-remote --exit-code --heads ${FORMULAS_BASE}/${formula_service}.git ${_BRANCH};then |
| # Fallback to the master branch if the branch doesn't exist for this repository |
| _BRANCH=master |
| fi |
| git clone ${FORMULAS_BASE}/${formula_service}.git ${FORMULAS_PATH}/${formula_service} -b ${_BRANCH} |
| } || { |
| cd ${FORMULAS_PATH}/${formula_service}; |
| git fetch ${_BRANCH} || git fetch --all |
| git checkout ${_BRANCH} && git pull || git pull; |
| cd - |
| } |
| cd ${FORMULAS_PATH}/${formula_service} |
| make install |
| cd - |
| done |
| |
| # Apply all |
| salt-call state.apply # minimum two times or until success |
| |
| # or apply one by one (when fail on some step - repeat or ignore): |
| #salt-call state.apply salt |
| #salt-call state.apply linux,ntp,openssh |
| #salt-call state.apply memcached |
| #salt-call state.apply rabbitmq |
| #salt-call state.apply mysql |
| #salt-call state.apply keystone |
| #salt-call state.apply glance |
| #salt-call state.apply neutron |
| #salt-call state.apply nova |
| #salt-call state.apply cinder |
| #salt-call state.apply heat |
| #salt-call state.apply horizon |
| # Ironic is not available yet. |
| #salt-call state.apply ironic |
| #salt-call state.apply tftpd_hpa |
| |
| service nova* restart |
| |
| . /root/keystonercv3 |
| |
| wget http://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.3.5/cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk.img |
| glance image-create --name cirros --visibility public --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --file cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk.img --progress |
| |
| neutron net-create internal_net |
| neutron subnet-create --name internal_subnet internal_net |
| |
| neutron net-create external_network --provider:network_type flat --provider:physical_network physnet1 --router:external |
| neutron subnet-create --name external_subnet --enable_dhcp=False --allocation-pool=start=,end= --gateway= external_network |
| |
| neutron router-create r1 |
| neutron router-interface-add r1 internal_subnet |
| neutron router-gateway-set r1 external_network |
| |
| nova secgroup-add-rule default icmp -1 -1 |
| nova secgroup-add-rule default tcp 1 65535 |
| |
| nova flavor-create m1.extra_tiny auto 256 0 1 |
| |
| nova boot --flavor m1.extra_tiny --image cirros --nic net-id=d23f9845-cbce-47a6-be15-0603f6a31365 test # UUID of internal network |
| |
| nova floating-ip-create external_network |
| nova floating-ip-associate test # floating IP |
| |
| cinder create --name test 1 |
| nova volume-attach test 49a471ec-2e6d-4810-9161-6c191e1370f5 # UUID of volume |
| |
| # Horizon is available on port :8078 |