| {%- from "xtrabackup/map.jinja" import client with context %} |
| {%- if client.enabled %} |
| |
| xtrabackup_client_packages: |
| pkg.installed: |
| - names: {{ client.pkgs }} |
| |
| xtrabackup_client_runner_script: |
| file.managed: |
| - name: /usr/local/bin/innobackupex-runner.sh |
| - source: salt://xtrabackup/files/innobackupex-client-runner.sh |
| - template: jinja |
| - mode: 750 |
| - require: |
| - pkg: xtrabackup_client_packages |
| |
| xtrabackups_full_dir: |
| file.directory: |
| - name: {{ client.backup_dir }}/full |
| - user: root |
| - group: root |
| - makedirs: true |
| |
| xtrabackups_incr_dir: |
| file.directory: |
| - name: {{ client.backup_dir }}/incr |
| - user: root |
| - group: root |
| - makedirs: true |
| |
| |
| xtrabackup_client_runner_cron: |
| cron.present: |
| - name: /bin/bash /usr/local/bin/innobackupex-runner.sh |
| - user: root |
| {%- if client.cron is defined %} |
| - commented: {{ not client.cron }} |
| {%- endif %} |
| {%- if client.backup_times is defined %} |
| {%- if client.backup_times.day_of_week is defined %} |
| - dayweek: {{ client.backup_times.day_of_week }} |
| {%- endif -%} |
| {%- if client.backup_times.month is defined %} |
| - month: {{ client.backup_times.month }} |
| {%- endif %} |
| {%- if client.backup_times.day_of_month is defined %} |
| - daymonth: {{ client.backup_times.day_of_month }} |
| {%- endif %} |
| {%- if client.backup_times.hour is defined %} |
| - hour: {{ client.backup_times.hour }} |
| {%- endif %} |
| {%- if client.backup_times.minute is defined %} |
| - minute: {{ client.backup_times.minute }} |
| {%- endif %} |
| {%- elif client.hours_before_incr is defined %} |
| - minute: 0 |
| {%- if client.hours_before_incr <= 23 and client.hours_before_incr > 1 %} |
| - hour: '*/{{ client.hours_before_incr }}' |
| {%- elif not client.hours_before_incr <= 1 %} |
| - hour: 2 |
| {%- endif %} |
| {%- else %} |
| - hour: 2 |
| {%- endif %} |
| - require: |
| - file: xtrabackup_client_runner_script |
| |
| {%- if client.restore_full_latest is defined %} |
| include: |
| - xtrabackup.client.restore |
| {%- endif %} |
| {%- endif %} |