blob: 5a6f5c4cd6a91be8795b3cbb0b67c1be62d3e73c [file] [log] [blame]
def cast_dict_keys_to_int(x, *args, **kwargs):
Return a dictionary with keys casted to int.
This usually is required when you want sort the dict later.
Jinja examples:
.. code-block: jinja
{%- set ruleset = salt['']('misc.cast_dict_keys_to_int', c.get('ruleset', {})) %}
.. code-block:: jinja
{%- set func = salt['sharedlib.get']('misc.cast_dict_keys_to_int') %}
{%- for c_name, c in t.chains.items() %}
{%- set ruleset = func(c.get('ruleset', {})) %}
{%- for rule_id, r in ruleset | dictsort %}
{%- endfor %}
return dict([(int(key),value) for key,value in x.items()])