blob: 6700bf764b435c3f4b53f2ec69685a3881c26a2e [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Management of runtest resources
:depends: - jsonpath-rw Python module
:configuration: See :py:mod:`salt.modules.runtest` for setup instructions.
import importlib
import logging
import os
from functools import wraps
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
DEPENDENCIES = ['jsonpath_rw']
def __virtual__():
Only load if runtest module if dependencies are present
failures = []
for module in DEPENDENCIES:
except ImportError:
if failures:
log.error("The required modules are not present %s" % ','.join(failures))
return False
return 'runtest'
def _test_call(method):
(resource, functionality) = method.func_name.split('_')
if functionality == 'present':
functionality = 'updated'
functionality = 'removed'
def check_for_testing(name, *args, **kwargs):
if __opts__.get('test', None):
return _no_change(name, resource, test=functionality)
return method(name, *args, **kwargs)
return check_for_testing
def tempestconf_present(name, regenerate=False):
""" Checks that file with config present."""
if os.path.isfile(name) and not regenerate:
return _no_change(name, 'tempest_config')
cfg = __salt__['runtest.generate_tempest_config'](name)
return _created(name, 'tempest_config', cfg)
def _created(name, resource, resource_definition):
changes_dict = {'name': name,
'changes': resource_definition,
'result': True,
'comment': '{0} {1} created'.format(resource, name)}
return changes_dict
def _no_change(name, resource, test=False):
changes_dict = {'name': name,
'changes': {},
'result': True}
if test:
changes_dict['comment'] = \
'{0} {1} will be {2}'.format(resource, name, test)
changes_dict['comment'] = \
'{0} {1} is in correct state'.format(resource, name)
return changes_dict