blob: b28781e0098ec775acd73d0db811c35664465e71 [file] [log] [blame]
import base_section
from runtest import conditions
class Dashboard(base_section.BaseSection):
name = "dashboard"
options = [
def dashboard_url(self):
horizon_enable = conditions.BaseRule('horizon.server.enabled', 'eq', True,multiple='any')
if not horizon_enable:
nginx_enable = conditions.BaseRule('nginx.server.enabled', 'eq', True)
if self.get_item_when_condition_match('horizon.server.enabled', horizon_enable):
if self.get_item_when_condition_match('', nginx_enable):
port = self.get_item_when_condition_match('', nginx_enable)
protocol = self.get_item_when_condition_match('', nginx_enable)
ip = self.get_item_when_condition_match('', nginx_enable)
port = self.get_item_when_condition_match('horizon.server.bind.port', horizon_enable)
protocol = 'http'
ip = self.get_item_when_condition_match('_param.cluster_local_address', horizon_enable)
# When CSRF protection is enabled Refferer and Host header should match.
# Common browsers doesn't add default ports like 80 and 443 to the headers
# Use the same logic here to make sure test passed when CSRF protection is enabled and
# we using default port numbers. More info may be found here:
# *
# *
if str(port) not in ['80', '443']:
return "{}://{}:{}".format(protocol, ip, port)
return "{}://{}".format(protocol, ip)
def login_url(self):
if self.dashboard_url:
return "{}/auth/login/".format(self.dashboard_url)
def disable_ssl_certificate_validation(self):