| classes: |
| - service.runtest.tempest.glance |
| - service.runtest.tempest.nova |
| - service.runtest.tempest.neutron |
| - service.runtest.tempest.artifactory |
| applications: |
| - runtest |
| parameters: |
| _param: |
| glance_image_cirros_name: 'TestCirros-0.3.5' |
| glance_image_fedora_name: 'TestFedora-27-1.6' |
| glance_image_cirros_location: 'http://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.3.5/cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk.img' |
| glance_image_fedora_location: 'https://mirror.chpc.utah.edu/pub/fedora/linux/releases/27/CloudImages/x86_64/images/Fedora-Cloud-Base-27-1.6.x86_64.qcow2' |
| runtest_heat_plugin_skip_scenario_test_list: 'SoftwareConfigIntegrationTest, VolumeBackupRestoreIntegrationTest, AodhAlarmTest' |
| # VolumeBackupRestoreIntegrationTest : we don't use volume backup in our default configuration. |
| # AodhAlarmTest : we don't have aodh endpoint because of have't telemetry on default configuration. |
| runtest_heat_plugin_skip_functional_test_list: 'UpdateServerNetworksTest, StackTemplateValidateTest' |
| # UpdateServerNetworksTest, StackTemplateValidateTest : These tests support in openstack Queens, but not in Pike. |
| runtest_path_to_ca_file: '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt' |
| runtest_local_image_url: ${_param:glance_image_cirros_location} |
| runtest_local_img_dir: /tmp |
| runtest_local_img_file: ${_param:glance_image_cirros_name}.img |
| tempest_test_target: cfg01* |
| runtest_tempest_cfg_dir: /root/test/ |
| runtest_tempest_cfg_name: tempest_generated.conf |
| runtest_tempest_log_file: /home/rally/test/tempest.log |
| runtest_tempest_regenerate_conf: false |
| runtest_tempest_public_net: public |
| runtest: |
| enabled: true |
| openstack_version: stable/${_param:openstack_version} |
| tempest: |
| enabled: true |
| test_target: ${_param:tempest_test_target} |
| keystone_profile_admin: admin_identity |
| local_image_url: ${_param:runtest_local_image_url} |
| regenerate_conf: ${_param:runtest_tempest_regenerate_conf} |
| convert_to_uuid: |
| compute: |
| image_ref: ${_param:glance_image_cirros_name} |
| flavor_ref: 'm1.extra_tiny_test' |
| flavor_ref_alt: 'm1.tiny_test' |
| image_ref_alt: ${_param:glance_image_cirros_name} |
| network: |
| public_network_id: ${_param:runtest_tempest_public_net} |
| floating_network_name: ${_param:runtest_tempest_public_net} |
| cfg_dir: ${_param:runtest_tempest_cfg_dir} |
| cfg_name: ${_param:runtest_tempest_cfg_name} |
| log_file: ${_param:runtest_tempest_log_file} |
| compute: |
| build_timeout: 600 |
| min_microversion: 2.1 |
| max_microversion: 2.53 |
| identity: |
| disable_ssl_certificate_validation: false |
| orchestration: |
| max_template_size: 5440000 |
| max_resources_per_stack: 20000 |
| dns_feature_enabled: |
| # Switch this to designate_admin_api_enabled once [1] is promoted to stable packages |
| # [1] https://gerrit.mcp.mirantis.net/gitweb?p=salt-formulas/designate.git;a=commit;h=96a3f43f6cf1149559e54a00b5548bdf46333749 |
| api_admin: false |
| api_v1: false |
| api_v2: true |
| api_v2_quotas: true |
| api_v2_root_recordsets: true |
| bug_1573141_fixed: true |
| volume-feature-enabled: |
| backup: false |
| heat_plugin: |
| floating_network_name: ${_param:runtest_tempest_public_net} |
| skip_scenario_test_list: ${_param:runtest_heat_plugin_skip_scenario_test_list} |
| skip_functional_test_list: ${_param:runtest_heat_plugin_skip_functional_test_list} |
| instance_type: 'm1.tiny_test' |
| minimal_instance_type: 'm1.extra_tiny_test' |
| auth_version: 3 |
| project_domain_id: default |
| user_domain_id: default |
| disable_ssl_certificate_validation: False |
| ca_file: ${_param:runtest_path_to_ca_file} |
| image_ref: ${_param:glance_image_fedora_name} |
| minimal_image_ref: ${_param:glance_image_cirros_name} |
| scenario: |
| img_file: ${_param:runtest_local_img_file} |
| img_dir: ${_param:runtest_local_img_dir} |
| validation: |
| run_validation: true |