| # 5.2.15 Ensure SSH warning banner is configured (Scored) |
| # - Level 1 - Workstation |
| # The Banner parameter specifies a file whose contents must be sent to the remote user |
| # before authentication is permitted. By default, no banner is displayed. |
| # Banners are used to warn connecting users of the particular site's policy regarding |
| # connection. Presenting a warning message prior to the normal user login may assist the |
| # prosecution of trespassers on the computer system. |
| # Run the following command and verify that output matches: |
| # # grep "^Banner" /etc/ssh/sshd_config |
| # Edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file to set the parameter as follows: |
| =================================== WARNING ==================================== |
| You have accessed a computer managed by ${_param:ssh_banner_company_name}. |
| You are required to have authorization from ${_param:ssh_banner_company_name} |
| before you proceed and you are strictly limited to use set out within that |
| authorization. Unauthorized access to or misuse of this system is prohibited |
| and constitutes an offence under the Computer Misuse Act 1990. |
| If you disclose any information obtained through this system without authority |
| ${_param:ssh_banner_company_name} may take legal action against you. |
| ================================================================================ |