blob: d81825d577bcbc6506c6a82be3500724b486d443 [file] [log] [blame]
import collections
import datetime
import json
from lxml.etree import Element, SubElement, tostring
import os.path
import re
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import shlex
import salt.ext.six as six
from oscap import untangle
def normalize_id(id,
if xccdf_version == '1.2':
if not re.match('^xccdf_[^_]+_{}_.+'.format(typeof), id):
return 'xccdf_org.{0}.content_{1}_{2}'.format(vendor, typeof, id)
return id
def build_tailoring(data, id):
xccdf_version = data.get('xccdf_version', '1.2')
ns = {None: '{}'.format(xccdf_version)}
tid = normalize_id(id, xccdf_version, typeof='tailoring')
pid = normalize_id(data['profile'], xccdf_version, vendor='customer')
ext = normalize_id(data['extends'], xccdf_version)
tailoring = Element('Tailoring', nsmap=ns, id=tid)
tailoring.append(Element('benchmark', {'href': ext}))
now =
SubElement(tailoring, 'version', time=now).text = '1'
profile = SubElement(tailoring, 'Profile', id=pid, extends=ext)
SubElement(profile, 'title').text = 'Extends {}'.format(ext)
for key, value in six.iteritems(data.get('values', {})):
idref = normalize_id(key, xccdf_version, typeof='value')
elem = SubElement(profile, 'set-value', idref=idref)
elem.text = str(value)
return tostring(tailoring, pretty_print=True)
def run(cmd, cwd=None):
# The Popen used here because the __salt__[''] returns only stdout
proc = Popen(shlex.split(cmd), stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, cwd=cwd)
(stdout, stderr) = proc.communicate()
return stdout, stderr, proc.returncode
def _get_flatten_groups(document, groups=None):
groups = groups if groups else []
if hasattr(document, 'Group'):
for group in document.Group:
groups = _get_flatten_groups(group, groups)
return groups
def _get_rules(groups):
rules = {}
for group in groups:
if hasattr(group, 'Rule'):
for rule in group.Rule:
rules[rule['id']] = {
'title': rule.title.cdata,
'severity': rule['severity'],
'ident': rule.ident.cdata,
'description': rule.description.cdata}
return rules
def _parse_xccdf_doc(document):
groups = _get_flatten_groups(document.Benchmark)
rules = _get_rules(groups)
results = []
for result in document.Benchmark.TestResult.rule_result:
'rule': result['idref'],
'result': result.result.cdata,
'severity': result['severity'],
'weight': result['weight'],
'title': rules[result['idref']]['title'],
'cis_code': rules[result['idref']]['ident'],
'description': rules[result['idref']]['title']
return results
def _sanitize_xccdf_xml(data):
data = data.replace(
'<html:code xmlns:html="">', '')
data = data.replace('</html:code>', '')
data = data.replace(
'<html:pre xmlns:html="">', '')
data = data.replace('<html:pre>', '')
data = data.replace('</html:pre>', '')
data = data.replace('<html:code>', '')
data = data.replace('<html:li>', '')
data = data.replace('</html:li>', '')
data = data.replace(
'<html:pre xmlns:html="" '
data = data.replace(
'<html:br xmlns:html=""/>', '')
data = data.replace(
'<html:code xmlns:html="" '
return data
def xccdf_xml_to_json(xml_file):
with open(xml_file) as in_file:
raw_xml =
doc = untangle.parse(_sanitize_xccdf_xml(raw_xml))
results = _parse_xccdf_doc(doc)
with open(os.path.splitext(xml_file)[0] + '.json', 'w') as json_file:
# NOTE(pas-ha) the src/com/mirantis/mk.Common.parseJSON method
# from mk/pipeline-library that is used in our Jenkins pipelines
# can not parse the string representation of a list!
# only dict structure is supported as a top-level one there
json.dump({"results": results}, json_file)
def _parse_oval_definitions(document):
definitions = {}
def_list = document.oval_results.oval_definitions.definitions.definition
for definition in def_list:
definitions[definition['id']] = {'class': definition['class']}
def_dict = definitions[definition['id']]
def_dict['title'] = definition.metadata.title.cdata
def_dict['description'] = definition.metadata.description.cdata
def_dict['ref_id'] = definition.metadata.reference['ref_id']
def_dict['link'] = definition.metadata.reference['ref_url']
def_dict['severity'] = definition.metadata.advisory.severity.cdata
except (AttributeError, IndexError):
# NOTE(e0ne): inventory does't have some element
return definitions
def oval_xml_to_json(xml_file):
document = untangle.parse(xml_file)
definitions = _parse_oval_definitions(document)
results = []
for defn in document.oval_results.results.system.definitions.definition:
res = collections.defaultdict(lambda: None)
res['id'] = defn['definition_id']
res['result'] = defn['result']
with open(os.path.splitext(xml_file)[0] + '.json', 'w') as json_file:
# NOTE(pas-ha) the src/com/mirantis/mk.Common.parseJSON method
# from mk/pipeline-library that is used in our Jenkins pipelines
# can not parse the string representation of a list!
# only dict structure is supported as a top-level one there
json.dump({"results": results}, json_file)