| {%- if pillar.get('fluentd', {}).get('agent', {}).get('enabled', False) %} |
| {%- from "opencontrail/map.jinja" import control, collector, compute, config, database, web with context %} |
| {%- set positiondb = pillar.fluentd.agent.dir.positiondb %} |
| agent: |
| config: |
| dollar: '$' |
| label: |
| opencontrail: |
| input: |
| {%- if control.get('enabled', False) %} |
| contrail_collector: |
| type: tail |
| tag: temp.opencontrail.collector.* |
| path: /var/log/contrail/contrail-collector.log, /var/log/contrail/contrail-control.log, /var/log/contrail/contrail-dns.log, /var/log/contrail/contrail-query-engine.log |
| path_key: log_location |
| pos_file: {{ positiondb }}/contrail.collector.pos |
| parser: |
| type: regexp |
| time_format: '%Y-%m-%d %a %H:%M:%S:%L.%L %Z' |
| time_key: Timestamp |
| keep_time_key: false |
| format: '/^(?<Timestamp>[^ ]+ [^ ]+ [^ ]+ [^ ]+)\s+?(?<Hostname>[^ ]+) \[Thread \d+?, Pid (?<Pid>[^ ]+)\]: (?<Payload>.*)$/' |
| {%- endif %} |
| contrail_supervisord: |
| type: tail |
| tag: temp.opencontrail.supervisord.* |
| path: /var/log/contrail/supervisord-*.log |
| path_key: log_location |
| pos_file: {{ positiondb }}/contrail.suppervisord.pos |
| parser: |
| type: regexp |
| time_format: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%L' |
| time_key: Timestamp |
| keep_time_key: false |
| format: '/^(?<Timestamp>[^ ]+ [^ ]+) (?<orig_severity_label>[^ ]+) (?<Payload>.*)$/' |
| contrail_main: |
| type: tail |
| tag: temp.opencontrail.main.* |
| path: /var/log/contrail/contrail-api.log, /var/log/contrail/contrail-analytics-api.log, /var/log/contrail/contrail-alarm-gen*.log, /var/log/contrail/contrail-*-stderr.log, /var/log/contrail/contrail-*svc-monitor*.log, /var/log/contrail/contrail-snmp*.log, /var/log/contrail/contrail-discovery.log, /var/log/contrail/contrail-schema.log, /var/log/contrail/contrail-topology.log, /var/log/contrail/device-manager-zk.log, /var/log/contrail/discovery.log |
| path_key: log_location |
| pos_file: {{ positiondb }}/contrail.main.pos |
| parser: |
| type: multiline |
| time_format: '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S %P' |
| time_key: Timestamp |
| keep_time_key: false |
| format_firstline: '/^[^ ]+ [^ ]+ [^ ]+/' |
| format: '/^(?<Timestamp>[^ ]+ [^ ]+ [^ ]+) \[(?<programname>[^ ]+)\]: (?<Payload>.*)/' |
| filter: |
| enrich_main: |
| tag: temp.opencontrail.main.** |
| type: record_transformer |
| enable_ruby: true |
| record: |
| - name: severity_label |
| value: INFO |
| - name: Severity |
| value: 6 |
| {%- if control.get('enabled', False) %} |
| enrich_collector: |
| tag: temp.opencontrail.collector.** |
| type: record_transformer |
| enable_ruby: true |
| record: |
| - name: severity_label |
| value: INFO |
| - name: Severity |
| value: 6 |
| - name: programname |
| value: '${ tag_parts[5] }' |
| {%- endif %} |
| enrich_supervisord: |
| tag: temp.opencontrail.supervisord.** |
| type: record_transformer |
| remove_keys: orig_severity_label |
| enable_ruby: true |
| record: |
| - name: severity_label |
| value: ${ {'BLAT'=>'TRACE','TRAC'=>'TRACE','DEBG'=>'DEBUG','INFO'=>'INFO','WARN'=>'WARNING','ERRO'=>'ERROR','CRIT'=>'CRITICAL'}[record['orig_severity_label']] } |
| - name: Severity |
| value: ${ {'BLAT'=>7,'TRAC'=>7,'DEBG'=>7,'INFO'=>6,'WARN'=>4,'ERRO'=>3,'CRIT'=>2}[record['orig_severity_label']].to_i } |
| - name: programname |
| value: 'contrail-${ tag_parts[5] }' |
| match: |
| cast_service_tag: |
| tag: 'temp.opencontrail.**' |
| type: rewrite_tag_filter |
| rule: |
| - name: log_location |
| regexp: '^.*\/(.*)\.log$' |
| result: opencontrail.$1 |
| push_to_default: |
| tag: 'opencontrail.**' |
| type: relabel |
| label: default_output |
| {%- if database.get('enabled', False) %} |
| cassandra_zookeeper: |
| input: |
| tail_cassandra_log_files: |
| type: tail |
| path: /var/log/cassandra/*.log |
| tag: temp.cassandra |
| pos_file: {{ positiondb }}/cassandra.pos |
| path_key: log_location |
| parser: |
| type: multiline |
| format: '/(?<Timestamp>[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}\s[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2},[0-9]{3})\s+-\s+(?<java_severity_label>[A-Z]*)\s+-\s+(?<Payload>.*)/' |
| format_firstline: '/^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}\s[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2},[0-9]{3}/' |
| time_key: Timestamp |
| keep_time_key: false |
| time_format: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%N' |
| tail_zookeeper_log_files: |
| type: tail |
| path: /var/log/zookeeper/zookeeper.log |
| tag: opencontrail.zookeeper |
| pos_file: {{ positiondb }}/zookeeper.pos |
| parser: |
| type: multiline |
| format: '/(?<Timestamp>[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}\s[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2},[0-9]{3})\s+-\s+(?<java_severity_label>[A-Z]*)\s+(?<Payload>.*)/' |
| format_firstline: '/^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}\s[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2},[0-9]{3}/' |
| time_key: Timestamp |
| keep_time_key: false |
| time_format: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%N' |
| filter: |
| cast_severity_and_severity_label: |
| tag: opencontrail.** |
| type: record_transformer |
| enable_ruby: true |
| remove_keys: java_severity_label |
| record: |
| - name: severity_label |
| value: ${ {'TRACE'=>'DEBUG', 'DEBUG'=>'DEBUG', 'INFO'=>'INFO', 'WARN'=>'WARNING', 'ERROR'=>'ERROR', 'FATAL'=>'EMERGENCY'}[record['java_severity_label']] } |
| - name: Severity |
| value: ${ {'TRACE'=>7, 'DEBUG'=>7, 'INFO'=>6, 'WARN'=>4, 'ERROR'=>3, 'FATAL'=>0}[record['java_severity_label']].to_i } |
| add_cassandra_programname: |
| tag: opencontrail.cassandra.** |
| type: record_transformer |
| enable_ruby: true |
| record: |
| - name: programname |
| value: cassandra |
| add_zookeeper_programname: |
| tag: opencontrail.zookeeper.** |
| type: record_transformer |
| enable_ruby: true |
| record: |
| - name: programname |
| value: zookeeper |
| match: |
| cast_service_tag: |
| tag: temp.cassandra |
| type: rewrite_tag_filter |
| rule: |
| - name: log_location |
| regexp: '^.*\/(.*)\.log$' |
| result: opencontrail.cassandra.$1 |
| push_to_default: |
| tag: 'opencontrail.**' |
| type: relabel |
| label: default_output |
| {%- endif %} |
| {%- if control.get('enabled', False) %} |
| ifmap: |
| input: |
| tail_ifmap_log_files: |
| type: tail |
| path: /var/log/contrail/ifmap-server*.log |
| tag: opencontrail.ifmap |
| pos_file: {{ positiondb }}/ifmap.pos |
| parser: |
| type: multiline |
| format: '/(?<Timestamp>[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}\s[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2},[0-9]{3})\s+\[.+\]\s+(?<java_severity_label>[A-Z]*)\s+-\s+(?<Payload>.*)/' |
| format_firstline: '/^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}\s[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2},[0-9]{3}/' |
| time_key: Timestamp |
| keep_time_key: false |
| time_format: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%N' |
| filter: |
| cast_severity_and_severity_label: |
| tag: opencontrail.ifmap |
| type: record_transformer |
| enable_ruby: true |
| remove_keys: java_severity_label |
| record: |
| - name: severity_label |
| value: ${ {'TRACE'=>'DEBUG', 'DEBUG'=>'DEBUG', 'INFO'=>'INFO', 'WARN'=>'WARNING', 'ERROR'=>'ERROR', 'FATAL'=>'EMERGENCY'}[record['java_severity_label']] } |
| - name: Severity |
| value: ${ {'TRACE'=>7, 'DEBUG'=>7, 'INFO'=>6, 'WARN'=>4, 'ERROR'=>3, 'FATAL'=>0}[record['java_severity_label']].to_i } |
| add_ifmap_programname: |
| tag: opencontrail.ifmap |
| type: record_transformer |
| enable_ruby: true |
| record: |
| - name: programname |
| value: ifmap |
| match: |
| push_to_default: |
| tag: opencontrail.ifmap |
| type: relabel |
| label: default_output |
| {%- endif %} |
| {%- if web.get('enabled', False) and web.get('cache', {}).get('engine', '') == 'redis' %} |
| redis: |
| input: |
| tail_redis_log_file: |
| type: tail |
| path: /var/log/redis/redis-server.log |
| tag: opencontrail.redis |
| pos_file: {{ positiondb }}/redis.pos |
| parser: |
| type: multiline |
| format: '/\[(?<Pid>\d+)(|\s\|\ssignal\shandler)\]\s((?<TimestampWOYear>\d{2}\s\w+\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{3})|\((?<UnixTimestamp>\d+)\))\s(\*\s|\#\s|)(?<Payload>.*)/' |
| format_firstline: '/\[(?<Pid>\d+)(|\s\|\ssignal\shandler)\]/' |
| filter: |
| add_redis_fields: |
| tag: opencontrail.redis |
| type: record_transformer |
| enable_ruby: true |
| record: |
| - name: programname |
| value: redis |
| - name: severity_label |
| value: INFO |
| - name: Severity |
| value: 6 |
| match: |
| push_to_default: |
| tag: opencontrail.redis |
| type: relabel |
| label: default_output |
| {%- endif %} |
| {%- endif %} |