| {%- if pillar.opencontrail is defined %} |
| {%- if pillar.opencontrail.control is defined %} |
| {%- from "opencontrail/map.jinja" import collector, config with context %} |
| local_plugin: |
| collectd_check_local_endpoint: |
| endpoint: |
| {%- if config.get('enabled', False) %} |
| contrail-api: |
| expected_code: 401 |
| url: "http://{{ config.bind.address|replace('', '') }}:{{ config.bind.api_port }}/" |
| contrail-discovery: |
| expected_code: 200 |
| url: "http://{{ config.bind.address|replace('', '') }}:{{ config.bind.discovery_port }}/" |
| {%- endif %} |
| {%- if collector.get('enabled', False) %} |
| contrail-collector: |
| expected_code: 200 |
| url: "http://{{ collector.bind.address|replace('', '') }}:{{ collector.bind.port }}/" |
| {%- endif %} |
| collectd_processes: |
| process: |
| contrail-alarm-gen: |
| match: 'python.*contrail-alarm-gen' |
| contrail-analytics-api: |
| match: 'python.*contrail-analytics-api' |
| contrail-api: |
| match: 'python.*contrail-api' |
| contrail-collector: |
| match: 'contrail-collector' |
| contrail-control: |
| match: 'contrail-control' |
| contrail-device-manager: |
| match: 'python.*contrail-device-manager' |
| contrail-discovery: |
| match: 'python.*contrail-discovery' |
| contrail-dns: |
| match: 'contrail-dns' |
| contrail-ifmap-server: |
| match: 'sh.*ifmap-server' |
| contrail-irond: |
| match: 'java.*irond' |
| contrail-job-server: |
| match: 'node.*jobServerStart' |
| contrail-named: |
| match: 'contrail-named' |
| contrail-nodemgr: |
| match: 'python.*contrail-nodemgr' |
| contrail-query-engine: |
| match: 'contrail-query-engine' |
| contrail-schema: |
| match: 'python.*contrail-schema' |
| contrail-snmp-collector: |
| match: 'python.*contrail-snmp-collector' |
| contrail-supervisord: |
| match: 'python.*supervisord' |
| contrail-svc-monitor: |
| match: 'python.*contrail-svc-monitor' |
| contrail-topology: |
| match: 'python.*contrail-topology' |
| contrail-web-server: |
| match: 'node.*webServerStart' |
| zookeeper: |
| match: 'java.*zookeeper.server' |
| kafka-zookeeper: |
| match: 'java.*kafka.Kafka' |
| redis-server: |
| match: 'redis-server' |
| cassandra-server: |
| match: 'java.*service.CassandraDaemon' |
| {%- elif pillar.opencontrail.compute is defined %} |
| {%- from "opencontrail/map.jinja" import compute with context %} |
| {%- if compute.get('enabled', False) %} |
| local_plugin: |
| collectd_check_local_endpoint: |
| endpoint: |
| contrail-node-manager: |
| expected_code: 200 |
| url: "" |
| contrail-vrouter: |
| expected_code: 200 |
| url: "" |
| collectd_processes: |
| process: |
| contrail-nodemgr: |
| match: 'python.*contrail-nodemgr' |
| contrail-supervisord: |
| match: 'python.*supervisord' |
| contrail-vrouter-agent: |
| match: 'contrail-vrouter-agent' |
| {%- endif %} |
| {%- endif %} |
| {%- endif %} |