blob: 9f61f2d32085acded675b8548888c58bcf012077 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import common
# Function alias to not shadow built-ins
__func_alias__ = {
'list_': 'list'
@common.function_descriptor('find', 'Host aggregate', 'aggregates')
def list_(**kwargs):
"""List host aggregates"""
url = '/os-aggregates'
return url, {}
@common.function_descriptor('update', 'Host aggregate', 'aggregate')
@common.get_by_name_or_uuid(list_, 'aggregates')
def add_host(aggregate_id, host, **kwargs):
"""Add host to a host aggregate"""
url = '/os-aggregates/%s/action' % aggregate_id
return url, {'json': {'add_host': {'host': host}}}
@common.function_descriptor('create', 'Host aggregate', 'aggregate')
def create(name, availability_zone, **kwargs):
"""Create a host aggregate"""
url = '/os-aggregates'
req = {'name': name, 'availability_zone': availability_zone}
return url, {'json': {'aggregate': req}}
@common.function_descriptor('delete', 'Host aggregate')
@common.get_by_name_or_uuid(list_, 'aggregates')
def delete(aggregate_id, **kwargs):
"""Delete a host aggregate"""
url = '/os-aggregates/%s' % aggregate_id
return url, {}
@common.function_descriptor('find', 'Host aggregate', 'aggregate')
@common.get_by_name_or_uuid(list_, 'aggregates')
def get(aggregate_id, **kwargs):
"""Get a host aggregate"""
url = '/os-aggregates/%s' % aggregate_id
return url, {}
@common.function_descriptor('update', 'Host aggregate', 'aggregate')
@common.get_by_name_or_uuid(list_, 'aggregates')
def remove_host(aggregate_id, host, **kwargs):
"""Remove host from a host aggregate"""
url = '/os-aggregates/%s/action' % aggregate_id
return url, {'json': {'remove_host': {'host': host}}}
@common.function_descriptor('update', 'Host aggregate', 'aggregate')
@common.get_by_name_or_uuid(list_, 'aggregates')
def set_metadata(aggregate_id, **kwargs):
"""Set host aggregate metadata"""
url = '/os-aggregates/%s/action' % aggregate_id
return url, {'json': {'set_metadata': {'metadata': kwargs}}}