blob: 7ba26ec93c6b07c10589d3f3891c58dbed2a9743 [file] [log] [blame]
# Set to 1 to enable KSM, 0 to disable KSM, and AUTO to use default settings.
# After changing this setting restart the qemu-kvm service.
KSM_ENABLED={{ params.get('ksm_enabled', 'AUTO') }}
SLEEP_MILLISECS={{ params.get('sleep_millisecs', 200) }}
# To load the vhost_net module, which in some cases can speed up
# network performance, set VHOST_NET_ENABLED to 1.
{%- if params.vhost_net_enabled is defined %}
VHOST_NET_ENABLED={{ params.vhost_net_enabled }}
{%- endif %}
# Set this to 1 if you want hugepages to be available to kvm under
# /run/hugepages/kvm
{%- if params.kvm_hugepages is defined %}
KVM_HUGEPAGES={{ params.kvm_hugepages }}
{%- endif %}