| {%- from "nova/map.jinja" import compute with context %} |
| |
| {%- if compute.get('enabled') %} |
| include: |
| - nova._ssl.rabbitmq |
| |
| nova_compute_packages: |
| pkg.installed: |
| - names: {{ compute.pkgs }} |
| |
| /var/log/nova: |
| file.directory: |
| {%- if compute.log_dir_perms is defined %} |
| - mode: {{ compute.log_dir_perms }} |
| {%- else %} |
| - mode: 750 |
| {%- endif %} |
| - user: nova |
| - group: nova |
| - require: |
| - pkg: nova_compute_packages |
| - require_in: |
| - service: nova_compute_services |
| |
| {%- if compute.vm_swappiness is defined %} |
| vm.swappiness: |
| sysctl.present: |
| - value: {{ compute.vm_swappiness }} |
| - require: |
| - pkg: nova_compute_packages |
| - require_in: |
| - service: nova_compute_services |
| {%- endif %} |
| |
| {%- if compute.user is defined %} |
| |
| nova_auth_keys: |
| ssh_auth.present: |
| - user: nova |
| - names: |
| - {{ compute.user.public_key }} |
| |
| user_nova_bash: |
| user.present: |
| - name: nova |
| - home: /var/lib/nova |
| - shell: /bin/bash |
| {%- if compute.user.groups is defined %} |
| - groups: {{ compute.user.groups }} |
| {%- else %} |
| - groups: |
| - libvirtd |
| {%- endif %} |
| |
| user_libvirt-qemu: |
| user.present: |
| - name: libvirt-qemu |
| - groups: |
| - nova |
| |
| /var/lib/nova: |
| file.directory: |
| - user: nova |
| - group: nova |
| - dir_mode: 0750 |
| - makedirs: True |
| |
| /var/lib/nova/.ssh/id_rsa: |
| file.managed: |
| - user: nova |
| - contents_pillar: nova:compute:user:private_key |
| - mode: 400 |
| - require: |
| - pkg: nova_compute_packages |
| |
| /var/lib/nova/.ssh/config: |
| file.managed: |
| - user: nova |
| - contents: StrictHostKeyChecking no |
| - mode: 400 |
| - require: |
| - pkg: nova_compute_packages |
| |
| {%- endif %} |
| |
| {%- if not pillar.nova.get('controller',{}).get('enabled') %} |
| /etc/nova/nova.conf: |
| file.managed: |
| - source: salt://nova/files/{{ compute.version }}/nova-compute.conf.{{ grains.os_family }} |
| - template: jinja |
| - require: |
| - pkg: nova_compute_packages |
| - sls: nova._ssl.rabbitmq |
| {%- endif %} |
| |
| {% for service_name in compute.services %} |
| {{ service_name }}_default: |
| file.managed: |
| - name: /etc/default/{{ service_name }} |
| - source: salt://nova/files/default |
| - template: jinja |
| - require: |
| - pkg: nova_compute_packages |
| - defaults: |
| service_name: {{ service_name }} |
| values: {{ compute }} |
| - watch_in: |
| - service: nova_compute_services |
| {% endfor %} |
| |
| {% if compute.logging.log_appender -%} |
| |
| {% if compute.logging.log_handlers.get('fluentd').get('enabled', False) -%} |
| nova_compute_fluentd_logger_package: |
| pkg.installed: |
| - name: python-fluent-logger |
| {% endif %} |
| |
| {% for service_name in compute.get('services', []) %} |
| |
| {{ service_name }}_logging_conf: |
| file.managed: |
| - name: /etc/nova/logging/logging-{{ service_name }}.conf |
| - source: salt://oslo_templates/files/logging/_logging.conf |
| - template: jinja |
| - user: nova |
| - group: nova |
| - require: |
| - pkg: nova_compute_packages |
| {%- if compute.logging.log_handlers.get('fluentd').get('enabled', False) %} |
| - pkg: nova_compute_fluentd_logger_package |
| {%- endif %} |
| - makedirs: True |
| - defaults: |
| service_name: {{ service_name }} |
| _data: {{ compute.logging }} |
| - watch_in: |
| - service: nova_compute_services |
| |
| {% endfor %} |
| {% endif %} |
| |
| {%- if compute.libvirt.get('tls',{}).get('enabled',False) %} |
| {%- set ca_file=compute.libvirt.tls.ca_file %} |
| {%- set key_file=compute.libvirt.tls.key_file %} |
| {%- set cert_file=compute.libvirt.tls.cert_file %} |
| {%- set client_key_file=compute.libvirt.tls.client.key_file %} |
| {%- set client_cert_file=compute.libvirt.tls.client.cert_file %} |
| |
| libvirt_ca_nova_compute: |
| {%- if compute.libvirt.tls.cacert is defined %} |
| file.managed: |
| - name: {{ ca_file }} |
| - contents_pillar: nova:compute:libvirt:tls:cacert |
| - mode: 644 |
| - user: root |
| - group: nova |
| - makedirs: true |
| - require: |
| - user: user_nova_bash |
| {%- else %} |
| file.exists: |
| - name: {{ ca_file }} |
| {%- endif %} |
| |
| libvirt_public_cert: |
| {%- if compute.libvirt.tls.cert is defined %} |
| file.managed: |
| - name: {{ cert_file }} |
| - contents_pillar: nova:compute:libvirt:tls:cert |
| - mode: 640 |
| - user: root |
| - group: nova |
| - makedirs: true |
| - require: |
| - user: user_nova_bash |
| {%- else %} |
| file.exists: |
| - name: {{ cert_file }} |
| {%- endif %} |
| |
| libvirt_private_key: |
| {%- if compute.libvirt.tls.key is defined %} |
| file.managed: |
| - name: {{ key_file }} |
| - contents_pillar: nova:compute:libvirt:tls:key |
| - mode: 640 |
| - user: root |
| - group: nova |
| - makedirs: true |
| - require: |
| - user: user_nova_bash |
| {%- else %} |
| file.exists: |
| - name: {{ key_file }} |
| {%- endif %} |
| |
| libvirt_client_public_cert: |
| {%- if compute.libvirt.tls.client.cert is defined %} |
| file.managed: |
| - name: {{ client_cert_file }} |
| - contents_pillar: nova:compute:libvirt:tls:client:cert |
| - mode: 640 |
| - user: root |
| - group: nova |
| - makedirs: true |
| - require: |
| - user: user_nova_bash |
| {%- else %} |
| file.exists: |
| - name: {{ client_cert_file }} |
| {%- endif %} |
| |
| libvirt_client_key: |
| {%- if compute.libvirt.tls.client.key is defined %} |
| file.managed: |
| - name: {{ client_key_file }} |
| - contents_pillar: nova:compute:libvirt:tls:client:key |
| - mode: 640 |
| - user: root |
| - group: nova |
| - makedirs: true |
| - require: |
| - user: user_nova_bash |
| {%- else %} |
| file.exists: |
| - name: {{ client_key_file }} |
| {%- endif %} |
| |
| libvirt_tls_set_user_and_group: |
| file.managed: |
| - names: |
| - {{ ca_file }} |
| - {{ cert_file }} |
| - {{ key_file }} |
| - {{ client_key_file }} |
| - {{ client_cert_file }} |
| - user: root |
| - group: nova |
| - require: |
| - user: user_nova_bash |
| |
| {%- endif %} |
| |
| {%- if compute.qemu.vnc.tls.get('enabled', False) %} |
| |
| {%- set ca_file=compute.qemu.vnc.tls.ca_file %} |
| {%- set key_file=compute.qemu.vnc.tls.key_file %} |
| {%- set cert_file=compute.qemu.vnc.tls.cert_file %} |
| |
| qemu_ca_nova_compute: |
| {%- if compute.qemu.vnc.tls.cacert is defined %} |
| file.managed: |
| - name: {{ ca_file }} |
| - contents_pillar: nova:compute:qemu:vnc:tls:cacert |
| - mode: 644 |
| - user: root |
| - group: nova |
| - makedirs: true |
| - require: |
| - user: user_libvirt-qemu |
| {%- else %} |
| file.exists: |
| - name: {{ ca_file }} |
| {%- endif %} |
| |
| qemu_public_cert: |
| {%- if compute.qemu.vnc.tls.cert is defined %} |
| file.managed: |
| - name: {{ cert_file }} |
| - contents_pillar: nova:compute:qemu:vnc:tls:cert |
| - mode: 640 |
| - user: root |
| - group: nova |
| - makedirs: true |
| - require: |
| - user: user_libvirt-qemu |
| {%- else %} |
| file.exists: |
| - name: {{ cert_file }} |
| {%- endif %} |
| |
| qemu_private_key: |
| {%- if compute.qemu.vnc.tls.key is defined %} |
| file.managed: |
| - name: {{ key_file }} |
| - contents_pillar: nova:compute:qemu:vnc:tls:key |
| - mode: 640 |
| - user: root |
| - group: nova |
| - makedirs: true |
| - require: |
| - user: user_libvirt-qemu |
| {%- else %} |
| file.exists: |
| - name: {{ key_file }} |
| {%- endif %} |
| |
| qemu_tls_set_user_and_group: |
| file.managed: |
| - names: |
| - {{ ca_file }} |
| - {{ cert_file }} |
| - {{ key_file }} |
| - user: root |
| - group: nova |
| - require: |
| - user: user_libvirt-qemu |
| |
| {%- endif %} |
| |
| nova_compute_services: |
| service.running: |
| - enable: true |
| - names: {{ compute.services }} |
| - require: |
| - sls: nova._ssl.rabbitmq |
| - watch: |
| - file: /etc/nova/nova.conf |
| |
| {%- set ident = compute.identity %} |
| |
| {%- if ident.get('api_version', '2') == '3' %} |
| {%- set version = "v3" %} |
| {%- else %} |
| {%- set version = "v2.0" %} |
| {%- endif %} |
| |
| {%- if ident.get('protocol', 'http') == 'http' %} |
| {%- set protocol = 'http' %} |
| {%- else %} |
| {%- set protocol = 'https' %} |
| {%- endif %} |
| |
| {%- set identity_params = " --os-username="+ident.user+" --os-password="+ident.password+" --os-project-name="+ident.tenant+" --os-auth-url="+protocol+"://"+ident.host+":"+ident.port|string+"/"+version %} |
| |
| {%- if compute.availability_zone != None %} |
| |
| Add_compute_to_availability_zone_{{ compute.availability_zone }}: |
| cmd.run: |
| - name: "nova {{ identity_params }} aggregate-add-host {{ compute.availability_zone }} {{ pillar.linux.system.name }}" |
| - unless: "nova {{ identity_params }} service-list | grep {{ compute.availability_zone }} | grep {{ pillar.linux.system.name }}" |
| |
| {%- endif %} |
| |
| {%- for aggregate in compute.aggregates %} |
| Add_compute_to_aggregate_{{ aggregate }}: |
| cmd.run: |
| - name: "nova {{ identity_params }} aggregate-add-host {{ aggregate }} {{ pillar.linux.system.name }}" |
| {%- if compute.version in ['juno','kilo','liberty','mitaka'] %} |
| - unless: "nova {{ identity_params }} aggregate-details {{ aggregate }} | grep {{ pillar.linux.system.name }}" |
| {%- else %} |
| - unless: "nova {{ identity_params }} aggregate-show {{ aggregate }} | grep {{ pillar.linux.system.name }}" |
| {%- endif %} |
| |
| {%- endfor %} |
| |
| {%- if compute.get('compute_driver', 'libvirt.LibvirtDriver') == 'libvirt.LibvirtDriver' %} |
| |
| {%- if not salt['user.info']('nova') %} |
| # MOS9 libvirt fix to create group |
| group_libvirtd: |
| group.present: |
| - name: libvirtd |
| - system: True |
| - require_in: |
| - user: user_nova_compute |
| |
| user_nova_compute: |
| user.present: |
| - name: nova |
| - home: /var/lib/nova |
| {%- if compute.user is defined %} |
| - shell: /bin/bash |
| {%- else %} |
| - shell: /bin/false |
| {%- endif %} |
| {# note: nova uid/gid values would not be evaluated after user is created. #} |
| - uid: {{ compute.get('nova_uid', 303) }} |
| - gid: {{ compute.get('nova_gid', 303) }} |
| - system: True |
| - groups: |
| {%- if salt['group.info']('libvirtd') %} |
| - libvirtd |
| {%- endif %} |
| - nova |
| - require_in: |
| - pkg: nova_compute_packages |
| - sls: nova._ssl.rabbitmq |
| {%- if compute.user is defined %} |
| - file: /var/lib/nova/.ssh/id_rsa |
| {%- endif %} |
| |
| group_nova_compute: |
| group.present: |
| - name: nova |
| {# note: nova gid value would not be evaluated after user is created. #} |
| - gid: {{ compute.get('nova_gid', 303) }} |
| - system: True |
| - require_in: |
| - user: user_nova_compute |
| {%- endif %} |
| |
| {% if compute.ceph is defined %} |
| |
| ceph_package: |
| pkg.installed: |
| - name: ceph-common |
| |
| {%- if compute.ceph.cinder_secret_uuid is defined and compute.ceph.cinder_volumes_key is defined %} |
| |
| {%- set cinder_volumes_key = salt['grains.get']("ceph:ceph_keyring:"+compute.ceph.cinder_volumes_key+":key", '') %} |
| |
| {%- if cinder_volumes_key != '' %} |
| |
| /etc/secret_cinder.xml: |
| file.managed: |
| - source: salt://nova/files/secret_cinder.xml |
| - template: jinja |
| |
| ceph_virsh_secret_define_cinder: |
| cmd.run: |
| - name: "virsh secret-define --file /etc/secret_cinder.xml" |
| - unless: "virsh secret-list | grep {{ compute.ceph.cinder_secret_uuid }}" |
| - require: |
| - file: /etc/secret_cinder.xml |
| |
| ceph_virsh_secret_set_value_cinder: |
| cmd.run: |
| - name: "virsh secret-set-value --secret {{ compute.ceph.cinder_secret_uuid }} --base64 {{ cinder_volumes_key }} " |
| - unless: "virsh secret-get-value {{ compute.ceph.cinder_secret_uuid }} | grep {{ cinder_volumes_key }}" |
| - require: |
| - cmd: ceph_virsh_secret_define_cinder |
| |
| {% endif %} |
| |
| {% endif %} |
| |
| /etc/secret.xml: |
| file.managed: |
| - source: salt://nova/files/secret.xml |
| - template: jinja |
| |
| ceph_virsh_secret_define_nova: |
| cmd.run: |
| - name: "virsh secret-define --file /etc/secret.xml" |
| - unless: "virsh secret-list | grep {{ compute.ceph.secret_uuid }}" |
| - require: |
| - file: /etc/secret.xml |
| |
| {%- set client_cinder_key = salt['grains.get']("ceph:ceph_keyring:"+compute.ceph.client_cinder_key+":key", '') %} |
| |
| {%- if client_cinder_key != '' %} |
| |
| ceph_virsh_secret_set_value_nova: |
| cmd.run: |
| - name: "virsh secret-set-value --secret {{ compute.ceph.secret_uuid }} --base64 {{ client_cinder_key }} " |
| - unless: "virsh secret-get-value {{ compute.ceph.secret_uuid }} | grep {{ client_cinder_key }}" |
| - require: |
| - cmd: ceph_virsh_secret_define_nova |
| |
| {% else %} |
| |
| ceph_virsh_secret_set_value_nova: |
| cmd.run: |
| - name: "virsh secret-set-value --secret {{ compute.ceph.secret_uuid }} --base64 {{ compute.ceph.client_cinder_key }} " |
| - unless: "virsh secret-get-value {{ compute.ceph.secret_uuid }} | grep {{ compute.ceph.client_cinder_key }}" |
| - require: |
| - cmd: ceph_virsh_secret_define_nova |
| |
| {% endif %} |
| |
| {% endif %} |
| |
| {%- if compute.libvirt_bin is defined %} |
| {{ compute.libvirt_bin }}: |
| file.managed: |
| - source: salt://nova/files/{{ compute.version }}/libvirt.{{ grains.os_family }} |
| - template: jinja |
| - require: |
| - pkg: nova_compute_packages |
| - watch_in: |
| - service: {{ compute.libvirt_service }} |
| |
| {%- if grains.get('init', None) == 'systemd' %} |
| |
| nova_libvirt_restart_systemd: |
| module.wait: |
| - name: service.systemctl_reload |
| - watch: |
| - file: {{ compute.libvirt_bin }} |
| - require_in: |
| - service: {{ compute.libvirt_service }} |
| |
| {%- endif %} |
| {%- endif %} |
| |
| /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf: |
| file.managed: |
| - source: salt://nova/files/{{ compute.version }}/qemu.conf.{{ grains.os_family }} |
| - template: jinja |
| - require: |
| - pkg: nova_compute_packages |
| |
| /etc/libvirt/{{ compute.libvirt_config }}: |
| file.managed: |
| - source: salt://nova/files/{{ compute.version }}/libvirtd.conf.{{ grains.os_family }} |
| - template: jinja |
| - require: |
| - pkg: nova_compute_packages |
| |
| {%- if compute.get('virtlog',{}).get('enabled', false) %} |
| |
| /etc/libvirt/virtlogd.conf: |
| file.managed: |
| - source: salt://nova/files/{{ compute.version }}/virtlogd.conf.{{ grains.os_family }} |
| - template: jinja |
| - require: |
| - pkg: nova_compute_packages |
| |
| /usr/sbin/virtlogd: |
| service.running: |
| - name: virtlogd |
| - enable: true |
| {%- if grains.get('noservices') %} |
| - onlyif: /bin/false |
| {%- endif %} |
| - watch: |
| - file: /etc/libvirt/virtlogd.conf |
| {%- endif %} |
| |
| virsh net-undefine default: |
| cmd.run: |
| - name: "virsh net-destroy default" |
| - require: |
| - pkg: nova_compute_packages |
| - onlyif: "virsh net-list | grep default" |
| |
| {{ compute.libvirt_service }}: |
| service.running: |
| - enable: true |
| {%- if grains.get('noservices') %} |
| - onlyif: /bin/false |
| {%- endif %} |
| - require: |
| - pkg: nova_compute_packages |
| - cmd: virsh net-undefine default |
| - watch_in: |
| - service: nova_compute_services |
| - watch: |
| - file: /etc/libvirt/{{ compute.libvirt_config }} |
| - file: /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf |
| |
| {%- if grains.get('init', None) == "upstart" %} |
| # MOS9 libvirt fix for upstart |
| /etc/init/libvirtd.override: |
| file.managed: |
| - contents: 'start on runlevel [2345]' |
| {%- endif %} |
| |
| {%- endif %} |
| |
| {# temporary hack to fix broken init script in MOS 9.0 libvirt package #} |
| |
| {%- if compute.get('manage_init', False) and grains.init == 'upstart' %} |
| |
| /etc/init/libvirtd.conf: |
| file.managed: |
| - template: jinja |
| - source: salt://nova/files/libvirtd.conf |
| - mode: 755 |
| |
| {%- endif %} |
| |
| {# end temporary hack #} |
| |
| {%- if compute.network.dpdk.enabled %} |
| /etc/tmpfiles.d/{{ compute.network.openvswitch.vhost_socket_dir.name }}.conf: |
| file.managed: |
| - contents: 'd {{ compute.network.openvswitch.vhost_socket_dir.path }} 0755 libvirt-qemu kvm' |
| - require: |
| - pkg: nova_compute_packages |
| |
| nova_update_tmp_files_{{ compute.network.openvswitch.vhost_socket_dir.name }}: |
| cmd.run: |
| - name: 'systemd-tmpfiles --create' |
| {%- endif %} |
| |
| {%- endif %} |