blob: 00ea0c62a86bb02541ca03f7dd982115a185a531 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
import time
import salt
from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError
import six
from six.moves import urllib
from six.moves import zip_longest
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def __virtual__():
"""Only load if the nova module is in __salt__"""
if 'keystonev3.project_get_details' in __salt__:
return 'novav21'
class SaltModuleCallException(Exception):
def __init__(self, result_dict, *args, **kwargs):
super(SaltModuleCallException, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.result_dict = result_dict
def _get_failure_function_mapping():
return {
'create': _create_failed,
'update': _update_failed,
'find': _find_failed,
'delete': _delete_failed,
def _call_nova_salt_module(call_string, name, module_name='novav21'):
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
func = __salt__['%s.%s' % (module_name, call_string)]
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
if not result['result']:
ret = _get_failure_function_mapping()[func._action_type](
name, func._resource_human_readable_name)
ret['comment'] += '\nStatus code: %s\n%s' % (result['status_code'],
raise SaltModuleCallException(ret)
return result['body'].get(func._body_response_key)
return inner
def _error_handler(fun):
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
return fun(*args, **kwargs)
except SaltModuleCallException as e:
return e.result_dict
return inner
def flavor_present(name, cloud_name, vcpus=1, ram=256, disk=0, flavor_id=None,
"""Ensures that the flavor exists"""
extra_specs = extra_specs or {}
# There is no way to query flavors by name
flavors = _call_nova_salt_module('flavor_list', name)(
detail=True, cloud_name=cloud_name)
flavor = [flavor for flavor in flavors if flavor['name'] == name]
# Flavor names are unique, there is either 1 or 0 with requested name
if flavor:
flavor = flavor[0]
current_extra_specs = _call_nova_salt_module(
'flavor_get_extra_specs', name)(
flavor['id'], cloud_name=cloud_name)
to_delete = set(current_extra_specs) - set(extra_specs)
to_add = set(extra_specs) - set(current_extra_specs)
for spec in to_delete:
_call_nova_salt_module('flavor_delete_extra_spec', name)(
flavor['id'], spec, cloud_name=cloud_name)
_call_nova_salt_module('flavor_add_extra_specs', name)(
flavor['id'], cloud_name=cloud_name, **extra_specs)
if to_delete or to_add:
ret = _updated(name, 'Flavor', extra_specs)
ret = _no_change(name, 'Flavor')
flavor = _call_nova_salt_module('flavor_create', name)(
name, vcpus, ram, disk, id=flavor_id, cloud_name=cloud_name)
_call_nova_salt_module('flavor_add_extra_specs', name)(
flavor['id'], cloud_name=cloud_name, **extra_specs)
flavor['extra_specs'] = extra_specs
ret = _created(name, 'Flavor', flavor)
return ret
def flavor_absent(name, cloud_name):
"""Ensure flavor is absent"""
# There is no way to query flavors by name
flavors = _call_nova_salt_module('flavor_list', name)(
detail=True, cloud_name=cloud_name)
flavor = [flavor for flavor in flavors if flavor['name'] == name]
# Flavor names are unique, there is either 1 or 0 with requested name
if flavor:
_call_nova_salt_module('flavor_delete', name)(
flavor[0]['id'], cloud_name=cloud_name)
return _deleted(name, 'Flavor')
return _non_existent(name, 'Flavor')
def _get_keystone_project_id_by_name(project_name, cloud_name):
LOG.error("Keystone module not found, can not look up project ID "
"by name")
return None
project = __salt__['keystonev3.project_get_details'](
project_name, cloud_name=cloud_name)
if not project:
return None
return project['project']['id']
def quota_present(name, cloud_name, **kwargs):
"""Ensures that the nova quota exists
:param name: project name to ensure quota for.
project_name = name
project_id = _get_keystone_project_id_by_name(project_name, cloud_name)
changes = {}
if not project_id:
ret = _update_failed(project_name, 'Project quota')
ret['comment'] += ('\nCould not retrieve keystone project %s' %
return ret
quota = _call_nova_salt_module('quota_list', project_name)(
project_id, cloud_name=cloud_name)
for key, value in kwargs.items():
if quota.get(key) != value:
changes[key] = value
if changes:
_call_nova_salt_module('quota_update', project_name)(
project_id, cloud_name=cloud_name, **changes)
return _updated(project_name, 'Project quota', changes)
return _no_change(project_name, 'Project quota')
def quota_absent(name, cloud_name):
"""Ensures that the nova quota set to default
:param name: project name to reset quota for.
project_name = name
project_id = _get_keystone_project_id_by_name(project_name, cloud_name)
if not project_id:
ret = _delete_failed(project_name, 'Project quota')
ret['comment'] += ('\nCould not retrieve keystone project %s' %
return ret
_call_nova_salt_module('quota_delete', name)(
project_id, cloud_name=cloud_name)
return _deleted(name, 'Project quota')
def aggregate_present(name, cloud_name, availability_zone_name=None,
hosts=None, metadata=None):
"""Ensures that the nova aggregate exists"""
aggregates = _call_nova_salt_module('aggregate_list', name)(
aggregate_exists = [agg for agg in aggregates
if agg['name'] == name]
metadata = metadata or {}
hosts = hosts or []
if availability_zone_name:
if not aggregate_exists:
aggregate = _call_nova_salt_module('aggregate_create', name)(
name, availability_zone_name, cloud_name=cloud_name)
if metadata:
_call_nova_salt_module('aggregate_set_metadata', name)(
cloud_name=cloud_name, **metadata)
aggregate['metadata'] = metadata
for host in hosts or []:
_call_nova_salt_module('aggregate_add_host', name)(
name, host, cloud_name=cloud_name)
aggregate['hosts'] = hosts
return _created(name, 'Host aggregate', aggregate)
aggregate = aggregate_exists[0]
changes = {}
existing_meta = set(aggregate['metadata'].items())
requested_meta = set(metadata.items())
if existing_meta - requested_meta or requested_meta - existing_meta:
_call_nova_salt_module('aggregate_set_metadata', name)(
name, cloud_name=cloud_name, **metadata)
changes['metadata'] = metadata
hosts_to_add = set(hosts) - set(aggregate['hosts'])
hosts_to_remove = set(aggregate['hosts']) - set(hosts)
if hosts_to_remove or hosts_to_add:
for host in hosts_to_add:
_call_nova_salt_module('aggregate_add_host', name)(
name, host, cloud_name=cloud_name)
for host in hosts_to_remove:
_call_nova_salt_module('aggregate_remove_host', name)(
name, host, cloud_name=cloud_name)
changes['hosts'] = hosts
if changes:
return _updated(name, 'Host aggregate', changes)
return _no_change(name, 'Host aggregate')
def aggregate_absent(name, cloud_name):
"""Ensure aggregate is absent"""
existing_aggregates = _call_nova_salt_module('aggregate_list', name)(
matching_aggs = [agg for agg in existing_aggregates
if agg['name'] == name]
if matching_aggs:
_call_nova_salt_module('aggregate_delete', name)(
name, cloud_name=cloud_name)
return _deleted(name, 'Host Aggregate')
return _non_existent(name, 'Host Aggregate')
def keypair_present(name, cloud_name, public_key_file=None, public_key=None):
"""Ensures that the Nova key-pair exists"""
existing_keypairs = _call_nova_salt_module('keypair_list', name)(
matching_kps = [kp for kp in existing_keypairs
if kp['keypair']['name'] == name]
if public_key_file and not public_key:
with salt.utils.fopen(public_key_file, 'r') as f:
public_key =
if not public_key:
ret = _create_failed(name, 'Keypair')
ret['comment'] += '\nPlease specify public key for keypair creation.'
return ret
if matching_kps:
# Keypair names are unique, there is either 1 or 0 with requested name
kp = matching_kps[0]['keypair']
if kp['public_key'] != public_key:
_call_nova_salt_module('keypair_delete', name)(
name, cloud_name=cloud_name)
return _no_change(name, 'Keypair')
res = _call_nova_salt_module('keypair_create', name)(
name, cloud_name=cloud_name, public_key=public_key)
return _created(name, 'Keypair', res)
def keypair_absent(name, cloud_name):
"""Ensure keypair is absent"""
existing_keypairs = _call_nova_salt_module('keypair_list', name)(
matching_kps = [kp for kp in existing_keypairs
if kp['keypair']['name'] == name]
if matching_kps:
_call_nova_salt_module('keypair_delete', name)(
name, cloud_name=cloud_name)
return _deleted(name, 'Keypair')
return _non_existent(name, 'Keypair')
def _urlencode(dictionary):
return '&'.join([
'='.join((urllib.parse.quote(key), urllib.parse.quote(str(value))))
for key, value in dictionary.items()])
def _cmd_raising_helper(command_string, test=False, runas='nova'):
if test:'This is a test run of the following command: "%s"' %
return ''
result = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](command_string, python_shell=True,
if result.get('retcode', 0) != 0:
raise CommandExecutionError(
"Command '%(cmd)s' returned error code %(code)s." %
{'cmd': command_string, 'code': result.get('retcode')})
return result['stdout']
def cell_present(
name, db_name=None, db_user=None, db_password=None, db_address=None,
messaging_hosts=None, messaging_user=None, messaging_password=None,
messaging_virtual_host=None, db_engine='mysql',
messaging_engine='rabbit', messaging_query_params=None,
db_query_params=None, runas='nova', test=False):
"""Ensure nova cell is present
For newly created cells this state also runs discover_hosts and
:param name: name of the cell to be present.
:param db_engine: cell database engine.
:param db_name: name of the cell database.
:param db_user: username for the cell database.
:param db_password: password for the cell database.
:param db_address: cell database host. If not provided, other db parameters
passed to this function are ignored, create/update cell commands will
be using connection strings from the config files.
:param messaging_engine: cell messaging engine.
:param messaging_hosts: a list of dictionaries of messaging hosts of the
cell, containing host and optional port keys. port key defaults
to 5672. If not provided, other messaging parameters passed to this
function are ignored, create/update cell commands will be using
connection strings from the config files.
:param messaging_user: username for cell messaging hosts.
:param messaging_password: password for cell messaging hosts.
:param messaging_virtual_host: cell messaging vhost.
:param messaging_query_params: dictionary of query params to append to
transport URL.
:param db_query_params: dictionary of query params to append to database
connection URL. charset=utf8 will always be present in query params.
:param runas: username to run the shell commands under.
:param test: if this is a test run, actual commands changing state won't
be run. False by default.
cell_info = __salt__[''](
"nova-manage cell_v2 list_cells --verbose 2>/dev/null | "
"awk '/%s/ {print $4,$6,$8}'" % name, runas=runas).split()
if messaging_hosts:
transport_url = '%s://' % messaging_engine
for h in messaging_hosts:
if 'host' not in h:
ret = _create_failed(name, 'Nova cell')
ret['comment'] = (
'messaging_hosts parameter of cell_present call should be '
'a list of dicts containing host and optionally port keys')
return ret
transport_url = (
'%(transport_url)s%(user)s:%(password)s@%(host)s:%(port)s,' %
{'transport_url': transport_url, 'user': messaging_user,
'password': messaging_password, 'host': h['host'],
'port': h.get('port', 5672)})
transport_url = '%(transport_url)s/%(messaging_virtual_host)s' % {
'transport_url': transport_url.rstrip(','),
'messaging_virtual_host': messaging_virtual_host}
if messaging_query_params:
transport_url = '%(transport_url)s?%(query)s' % {
'transport_url': transport_url,
'query': _urlencode(messaging_query_params)}
transport_url = None
if db_address:
db_connection = (
'%(db_address)s/%(db_name)s' % {
'db_engine': db_engine, 'db_user': db_user,
'db_password': db_password, 'db_address': db_address,
'db_name': db_name})
if not db_query_params:
db_query_params = {}
db_query_params['charset'] = 'utf8'
db_connection = '%(db_connection)s?%(query)s' % {
'db_connection': db_connection,
'query': _urlencode(db_query_params)}
db_connection = None
changes = {}
# There should be at least 1 component printed to cell_info
if len(cell_info) >= 1:
cell_info = dict(zip_longest(
('cell_uuid', 'existing_transport_url', 'existing_db_connection'),
command_string = (
'--transport-url \'%(transport_url)s\' '
if transport_url else '' +
'--database_connection \'%(db_connection)s\''
if db_connection else '')
if cell_info['existing_transport_url'] != transport_url:
changes['transport_url'] = transport_url
if cell_info['existing_db_connection'] != db_connection:
changes['db_connection'] = db_connection
if not changes:
return _no_change(name, 'Nova cell')
('nova-manage cell_v2 update_cell --cell_uuid %s %s' % (
cell_info['cell_uuid'], command_string)) % {
'transport_url': transport_url,
'db_connection': db_connection}, test=test, runas=runas)
LOG.warning("Updating the transport_url or database_connection "
"fields on a running system will NOT result in all "
"nodes immediately using the new values. Use caution "
"when changing these values. You need to restart all "
"nova services on all controllers after this action.")
ret = _updated(name, 'Nova cell', changes)
except Exception as e:
ret = _update_failed(name, 'Nova cell')
ret['comment'] += '\nException: %s' % e
return ret
changes = {'transport_url': transport_url, 'db_connection': db_connection,
'name': name}
'nova-manage cell_v2 create_cell --name %(name)s ' +
('--transport-url \'%(transport_url)s\' ' if transport_url else '')
+ ('--database_connection \'%(db_connection)s\' '
if db_connection else '') + '--verbose ') % changes,
test=test, runas=runas)
ret = _created(name, 'Nova cell', changes)
except Exception as e:
ret = _create_failed(name, 'Nova cell')
ret['comment'] += '\nException: %s' % e
return ret
def cell_absent(name, force=False, runas='nova', test=False):
"""Ensure cell is absent
:param name: name of the cell to delete.
:param force: force cell deletion even if it contains host mappings
(host entries will be removed as well).
:param runas: username to run the shell commands under.
:param test: if this is a test run, actual commands changing state won't
be run. False by default.
cell_uuid = __salt__[''](
"nova-manage cell_v2 list_cells 2>/dev/null | awk '/%s/ {print $4}'" %
name, runas=runas)
if not cell_uuid:
return _non_existent(name, 'Nova cell')
# Note that if the cell contains any hosts, you need to pass force
# parameter for the deletion to succeed. Cell that has any instance
# mappings can not be deleted even with force.
'nova-manage cell_v2 delete_cell --cell_uuid %s %s' % (
cell_uuid, '--force' if force else ''), test=test, runas=runas)
ret = _deleted(name, 'Nova cell')
except Exception as e:
ret = _delete_failed(name, 'Nova cell')
ret['comment'] += '\nException: %s' % e
return ret
def instances_mapped_to_cell(name, max_count=None, timeout=60, runas='nova'):
"""Ensure that all instances in the cell are mapped
:param name: cell name.
:param max_count: how many instances to map in one iteration. If there are
lots of instances present in the cell database, consider setting higher
value. By default nova will run in batches of 50.
:param timeout: amount of time in seconds mapping process should finish in.
:param runas: username to run the shell commands under.
test = __opts__.get('test', False)
cell_uuid = __salt__[''](
"nova-manage cell_v2 list_cells 2>/dev/null | "
"awk '/%s/ {print $4}'" % name, runas=runas)
result = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': False}
if not cell_uuid:
result['comment'] = (
'Failed to map all instances in cell {0}, it does not exist'
return result
command = 'nova-manage cell_v2 map_instances --cell_uuid %s' % cell_uuid
if max_count:
command += ' --max-count %s' % max_count
start_time = time.time()
if not test:
while True:
rc = __salt__['cmd.retcode'](command, runas=runas)
if rc == 0 or time.time() - start_time > timeout:
if rc != 0:
result['comment'] = (
'Failed to map all instances in cell {0} in {1} seconds'
.format(name, timeout))
return result
result['comment'] = 'All instances mapped in cell {0}'.format(name)
if test:
result['comment'] = 'TEST: {}'.format(result['comment'])
result['result'] = True
return result
def _db_version_update(db, version, human_readable_resource_name):
existing_version = __salt__[''](
'nova-manage %s version 2>/dev/null' % db)
existing_version = int(existing_version)
version = int(version)
except Exception as e:
ret = _update_failed(existing_version,
ret['comment'] += ('\nCan not convert existing or requested version '
'to integer, exception: %s' % e)
return ret
if existing_version < version:
'nova-manage %s sync --version %s' % (db, version))
ret = _updated(existing_version, human_readable_resource_name,
{db: '%s sync --version %s' % (db, version)})
except Exception as e:
ret = _update_failed(existing_version,
ret['comment'] += '\nException: %s' % e
return ret
return _no_change(existing_version, human_readable_resource_name)
def api_db_version_present(name=None, version="20"):
"""Ensures that specific api_db version is present"""
return _db_version_update('api_db', version, 'Nova API database version')
def db_version_present(name=None, version="334"):
"""Ensures that specific db version is present"""
return _db_version_update('db', version, 'Nova database version')
def online_data_migrations_present(name=None, api_db_version="20",
"""Runs online_data_migrations if databases are of specific versions"""
ret = {'name': 'online_data_migrations', 'changes': {}, 'result': False,
'comment': 'Current nova api_db version != {0} or nova db version '
'!= {1}.'.format(api_db_version, db_version)}
cur_api_db_version = __salt__[''](
'nova-manage api_db version 2>/dev/null')
cur_db_version = __salt__[''](
'nova-manage db version 2>/dev/null')
cur_api_db_version = int(cur_api_db_version)
cur_db_version = int(cur_db_version)
api_db_version = int(api_db_version)
db_version = int(db_version)
except Exception as e:
ret['comment'] = ('\nCan not convert existing or requested database '
'versions to integer, exception: %s' % e)
return ret
if cur_api_db_version == api_db_version and cur_db_version == db_version:
__salt__['']('nova-manage db online_data_migrations')
ret['result'] = True
ret['comment'] = ('nova-manage db online_data_migrations was '
'executed successfuly')
ret['changes']['online_data_migrations'] = (
'online_data_migrations run on nova api_db version {0} and '
'nova db version {1}'.format(api_db_version, db_version))
except Exception as e:
ret['comment'] = (
'Failed to execute online_data_migrations on nova api_db '
'version %s and nova db version %s, exception: %s' % (
api_db_version, db_version, e))
return ret
def service_enabled(name, cloud_name, binary="nova-compute"):
"""Ensures that the service is enabled on the host
:param name: name of a host where service is running
:param service: name of the service have to be run
changes = {}
services = _call_nova_salt_module('services_list', name)(
name, binary=binary, cloud_name=cloud_name)
enabled_service = [s for s in services if s['binary'] == binary
and s['status'] == 'enabled' and s['host'] == name]
if len(enabled_service) > 0:
ret = _no_change(name, 'Compute services')
changes = _call_nova_salt_module('services_update', name)(
name, binary, 'enable', cloud_name=cloud_name)
ret = _updated(name, 'Compute services', changes)
return ret
def service_disabled(name, cloud_name, binary="nova-compute", disabled_reason=None):
"""Ensures that the service is disabled on the host
:param name: name of a host where service is running
:param service: name of the service have to be disabled
changes = {}
kwargs = {}
if disabled_reason is not None:
kwargs['disabled_reason'] = disabled_reason
services = _call_nova_salt_module('services_list', name)(
name, binary=binary, cloud_name=cloud_name)
disabled_service = [s for s in services if s['binary'] == binary
and s['status'] == 'disabled' and s['host'] == name]
if len(disabled_service) > 0:
ret = _no_change(name, 'Compute services')
changes = _call_nova_salt_module('services_update', name)(
name, binary, 'disable', cloud_name=cloud_name, **kwargs)
ret = _updated(name, 'Compute services', changes)
return ret
def _find_failed(name, resource):
return {
'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': False,
'comment': 'Failed to find {0}s with name {1}'.format(resource, name)}
def _created(name, resource, changes):
return {
'name': name, 'changes': changes, 'result': True,
'comment': '{0} {1} created'.format(resource, name)}
def _create_failed(name, resource):
return {
'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': False,
'comment': '{0} {1} creation failed'.format(resource, name)}
def _no_change(name, resource):
return {
'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': True,
'comment': '{0} {1} already is in the desired state'.format(
resource, name)}
def _updated(name, resource, changes):
return {
'name': name, 'changes': changes, 'result': True,
'comment': '{0} {1} was updated'.format(resource, name)}
def _update_failed(name, resource):
return {
'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': False,
'comment': '{0} {1} update failed'.format(resource, name)}
def _deleted(name, resource):
return {
'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': True,
'comment': '{0} {1} deleted'.format(resource, name)}
def _delete_failed(name, resource):
return {
'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': False,
'comment': '{0} {1} deletion failed'.format(resource, name)}
def _non_existent(name, resource):
return {
'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': True,
'comment': '{0} {1} does not exist'.format(resource, name)}