blob: 45aebf31a135ea7bc887695494ea8591c2aa0ef0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2012 Canonical Ltd. This software is licensed under the
# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
"""Encoding of MIME multipart data."""
from __future__ import (
str = None
__metaclass__ = type
__all__ = [
from collections import (
from email.generator import Generator
from email.mime.application import MIMEApplication
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from io import (
from itertools import chain
import mimetypes
def get_content_type(*names):
"""Return the MIME content type for the file with the given name."""
for name in names:
if name is not None:
mimetype, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(name)
if mimetype is not None:
return mimetype
return "application/octet-stream"
def make_bytes_payload(name, content):
payload = MIMEApplication(content)
payload.add_header("Content-Disposition", "form-data", name=name)
return payload
def make_string_payload(name, content):
payload = MIMEApplication(content.encode("utf-8"), charset="utf-8")
payload.add_header("Content-Disposition", "form-data", name=name)
return payload
def make_file_payload(name, content):
print('content %s' % content)
payload = MIMEApplication(
"Content-Disposition", "form-data", name=name, filename=name)
names = name, getattr(content, "name", None)
return payload
def make_payloads(name, content):
if isinstance(content, bytes):
yield make_bytes_payload(name, content)
elif isinstance(content, unicode):
yield make_string_payload(name, content)
elif isinstance(content, IOBase):
yield make_file_payload(name, content)
elif callable(content):
with content() as content:
for payload in make_payloads(name, content):
yield payload
elif isinstance(content, Iterable):
for part in content:
for payload in make_payloads(name, part):
yield payload
raise AssertionError(
"%r is unrecognised: %r" % (name, content))
def build_multipart_message(data):
message = MIMEMultipart("form-data")
for name, contents in data:
if not isinstance(contents, list):
contents = [contents]
for content in contents:
for payload in make_payloads(name, content):
return message
def encode_multipart_message(message):
# The message must be multipart.
assert message.is_multipart()
# The body length cannot yet be known.
assert "Content-Length" not in message
# So line-endings can be fixed-up later on, component payloads must have
# no Content-Length and their Content-Transfer-Encoding must be base64
# (and not quoted-printable, which Django doesn't appear to understand).
for part in message.get_payload():
assert "Content-Length" not in part
assert part["Content-Transfer-Encoding"] == "base64"
# Flatten the message without headers.
buf = BytesIO()
generator = Generator(buf, False) # Don't mangle "^From".
generator._write_headers = lambda self: None # Ignore.
# Ensure the body has CRLF-delimited lines. See
body = b"\r\n".join(buf.getvalue().splitlines())
# Only now is it safe to set the content length.
message.add_header("Content-Length", "%d" % len(body))
return message.items(), body
def encode_multipart_data(data=(), files=()):
"""Create a MIME multipart payload from L{data} and L{files}.
**Note** that this function is deprecated. Use `build_multipart_message`
and `encode_multipart_message` instead.
@param data: A mapping of names (ASCII strings) to data (byte string).
@param files: A mapping of names (ASCII strings) to file objects ready to
be read.
@return: A 2-tuple of C{(body, headers)}, where C{body} is a a byte string
and C{headers} is a dict of headers to add to the enclosing request in
which this payload will travel.
if isinstance(data, Mapping):
data = data.items()
if isinstance(files, Mapping):
files = files.items()
message = build_multipart_message(chain(data, files))
headers, body = encode_multipart_message(message)
return body, dict(headers)