blob: cbe8b5d75b33910b4882d764667bbcdf654ba96c [file] [log] [blame]
import logging
from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError, SaltInvocationError
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
SIZE = {
"M": 1000000,
"G": 1000000000,
"T": 1000000000000,
RAID = {
0: "raid-0",
1: "raid-1",
5: "raid-5",
10: "raid-10",
def __virtual__():
Load MaaSng module
return 'maasng'
def disk_layout_present(hostname, layout_type, root_size=None, root_device=None, volume_group=None, volume_name=None, volume_size=None, disk={}, **kwargs):
Ensure that the disk layout does exist
:param name: The name of the cloud that should not exist
ret = {'name': hostname,
'changes': {},
'result': True,
'comment': 'Disk layout "{0}" updated'.format(hostname)}
machine = __salt__['maasng.get_machine'](hostname)
if "error" in machine:
ret['comment'] = "State execution failed for machine {0}".format(
ret['result'] = False
ret['changes'] = machine
return ret
if machine["status_name"] != "Ready":
ret['comment'] = 'Machine {0} is not in Ready state.'.format(hostname)
return ret
if __opts__['test']:
ret['result'] = None
ret['comment'] = 'Disk layout will be updated on {0}, this action will delete current layout.'.format(
return ret
if layout_type == "flat":
ret["changes"] = __salt__['maasng.update_disk_layout'](
hostname, layout_type, root_size, root_device)
elif layout_type == "lvm":
ret["changes"] = __salt__['maasng.update_disk_layout'](
hostname, layout_type, root_size, root_device, volume_group, volume_name, volume_size)
ret["comment"] = "Not supported layout provided. Choose flat or lvm"
ret['result'] = False
return ret
def raid_present(hostname, name, level, devices=[], partitions=[], partition_schema={}):
Ensure that the raid does exist
:param name: The name of the cloud that should not exist
ret = {'name': name,
'changes': {},
'result': True,
'comment': 'Raid {0} presented on {1}'.format(name, hostname)}
machine = __salt__['maasng.get_machine'](hostname)
if "error" in machine:
ret['comment'] = "State execution failed for machine {0}".format(
ret['result'] = False
ret['changes'] = machine
return ret
if machine["status_name"] != "Ready":
ret['comment'] = 'Machine {0} is not in Ready state.'.format(hostname)
return ret
if __opts__['test']:
ret['result'] = None
ret['comment'] = 'Raid {0} will be updated on {1}'.format(
name, hostname)
return ret
# Validate that raid exists
# With correct devices/partition
# OR
# Create raid
ret["changes"] = __salt__['maasng.create_raid'](
hostname=hostname, name=name, level=level, disks=devices, partitions=partitions)
# TODO partitions
hostname, name, partition_schema)["changes"])
if "error" in ret["changes"]:
ret["result"] = False
return ret
def disk_partition_present(hostname, disk, partition_schema={}):
Ensure that the disk has correct partititioning schema
:param name: The name of the cloud that should not exist
# 1. Validate that disk has correct values for size and mount
# a. validate count of partitions
# b. validate size of partitions
# 2. If not delete all partitions on disk and recreate schema
# 3. Validate type exists
# if should not exits
# delete mount and unformat
# 4. Validate mount exists
# 5. if not enforce umount or mount
ret = {'name': hostname,
'changes': {},
'result': True,
'comment': 'Disk layout {0} presented'.format(disk)}
machine = __salt__['maasng.get_machine'](hostname)
if "error" in machine:
ret['comment'] = "State execution failed for machine {0}".format(
ret['result'] = False
ret['changes'] = machine
return ret
if machine["status_name"] != "Ready":
ret['comment'] = 'Machine {0} is not in Ready state.'.format(hostname)
return ret
if __opts__['test']:
ret['result'] = None
ret['comment'] = 'Partition schema will be changed on {0}'.format(disk)
return ret
partitions = __salt__['maasng.list_partitions'](hostname, disk)
# Calculate actual size in bytes from provided data
for part_name, part in partition_schema.iteritems():
size, unit = part["size"][:-1], part["size"][-1]
part["calc_size"] = int(size) * SIZE[unit]
if len(partitions) == len(partition_schema):
for part_name, part in partition_schema.iteritems():'validated {0}'.format(part["calc_size"]))'validated {0}'.format(
if part["calc_size"] == int(partitions[disk+"-"+part_name.split("-")[-1]]["size"]):'validated')
# TODO validate size (size from maas is not same as calculate?)
# TODO validate mount
# TODO validate fs type
return ret
#DELETE and RECREATE'delete')
for partition_name, partition in partitions.iteritems():
ret["changes"] = __salt__['maasng.delete_partition_by_id'](
hostname, disk, partition["id"])'recreating')
for part_name, part in partition_schema.iteritems():"partitition for creation")
if "mount" not in part:
part["mount"] = None
if "type" not in part:
part["type"] = None
ret["changes"] = __salt__['maasng.create_partition'](
hostname, disk, part["size"], part["type"], part["mount"])
if "error" in ret["changes"]:
ret["result"] = False
return ret
def volume_group_present(hostname, name, devices=[], partitions=[]):
Ensure that the disk layout does exist
:param name: The name of the cloud that should not exist
ret = {'name': hostname,
'changes': {},
'result': True,
'comment': 'LVM group {0} presented on {1}'.format(name, hostname)}
machine = __salt__['maasng.get_machine'](hostname)
if "error" in machine:
ret['comment'] = "State execution failed for machine {0}".format(
ret['result'] = False
ret['changes'] = machine
return ret
if machine["status_name"] != "Ready":
ret['comment'] = 'Machine {0} is not in Ready state.'.format(hostname)
return ret
# TODO validation if exists
vgs = __salt__['maasng.list_volume_groups'](hostname)
if name in vgs:
# TODO validation for devices and partitions
return ret
if __opts__['test']:
ret['result'] = None
ret['comment'] = 'LVM group {0} will be updated on {1}'.format(
name, hostname)
return ret
ret["changes"] = __salt__['maasng.create_volume_group'](
hostname, name, devices, partitions)
if "error" in ret["changes"]:
ret["result"] = False
return ret
def volume_present(hostname, name, volume_group_name, size, type=None, mount=None):
Ensure that the disk layout does exist
:param name: The name of the cloud that should not exist
ret = {'name': hostname,
'changes': {},
'result': True,
'comment': 'LVM group {0} presented on {1}'.format(name, hostname)}
machine = __salt__['maasng.get_machine'](hostname)
if "error" in machine:
ret['comment'] = "State execution failed for machine {0}".format(
ret['result'] = False
ret['changes'] = machine
return ret
if machine["status_name"] != "Ready":
ret['comment'] = 'Machine {0} is not in Ready state.'.format(hostname)
return ret
if __opts__['test']:
ret['result'] = None
ret['comment'] = 'LVM volume {0} will be updated on {1}'.format(
name, hostname)
# TODO validation if exists
ret["changes"] = __salt__['maasng.create_volume'](
hostname, name, volume_group_name, size, type, mount)
return ret
def select_boot_disk(hostname, name):
Select disk that will be used to boot partition
:param name: The name of disk on machine
:param hostname: The hostname of machine
ret = {'name': hostname,
'changes': {},
'result': True,
'comment': 'LVM group {0} presented on {1}'.format(name, hostname)}
machine = __salt__['maasng.get_machine'](hostname)
if "error" in machine:
ret['comment'] = "State execution failed for machine {0}".format(
ret['result'] = False
ret['changes'] = machine
return ret
if machine["status_name"] != "Ready":
ret['comment'] = 'Machine {0} is not in Ready state.'.format(hostname)
return ret
if __opts__['test']:
ret['result'] = None
ret['comment'] = 'LVM volume {0} will be updated on {1}'.format(
name, hostname)
# TODO disk validation if exists
ret["changes"] = __salt__['maasng.set_boot_disk'](hostname, name)
return ret
def update_vlan(name, fabric, vid, description, primary_rack, dhcp_on=False):
:param name: Name of vlan
:param fabric: Name of fabric
:param vid: Vlan id
:param description: Description of vlan
:param dhcp_on: State of dhcp
:param primary_rack: primary_rack
ret = {'name': fabric,
'changes': {},
'result': True,
'comment': 'Module function maasng.update_vlan executed'}
ret["changes"] = __salt__['maasng.update_vlan'](
name=name, fabric=fabric, vid=vid, description=description, primary_rack=primary_rack, dhcp_on=dhcp_on)
if "error" in fabric:
ret['comment'] = "State execution failed for fabric {0}".format(fabric)
ret['result'] = False
ret['changes'] = fabric
return ret
if __opts__['test']:
ret['result'] = None
ret['comment'] = 'Vlan {0} will be updated for {1}'.format(vid, fabric)
return ret
return ret