blob: 09c86d34fa5f6b659bb19ba37f230b29f6157397 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module for handling maas calls.
:optdepends: pyapi-maas Python adapter
:configuration: This module is not usable until the following are specified
either in a pillar or in the minion's config file::
maas.url: ''
maas.token: fdsfdsdsdsfa:fsdfae3fassd:fdsfdsfsafasdfsa
from __future__ import absolute_import
import logging
import os
import json
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Import third party libs
HAS_MASS = False
from apiclient.maas_client import MAASClient, MAASDispatcher, MAASOAuth
except ImportError:
def __virtual__():
Only load this module if maas-client
is installed on this minion.
return 'maas'
return False
__opts__ = {}
def _auth(**connection_args):
Set up maas credentials
Only intended to be used within maas-enabled modules
prefix = "maas."
# look in connection_args first, then default to config file
def get(key, default=None):
return connection_args.get('connection_' + key,
__salt__['config.get'](prefix + key, default))
api_token = get('token')
api_url = get('url', 'https://localhost/')
LOG.debug("MAAS url: " + api_url)
LOG.debug("MAAS token: " + api_token)
auth = MAASOAuth(*api_token.split(":"))
dispatcher = MAASDispatcher()
client = MAASClient(auth, dispatcher, api_url)
return client
def cluster_get(cluster_name=None, **connection_args):
Return a specific cluster
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' maas.cluster_get cluster
maas = _auth(**connection_args)
object_list = maas.get(u"nodegroups/", "list").read()
for cluster in object_list:
if cluster.get('name') == cluster_name:
return {cluster.get('name'): cluster}
return {'Error': 'Could not find specified cluster'}
def cluster_list(**connection_args):
Return a list of MAAS clusters
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' maas.cluster_list
maas = _auth(**connection_args)
ret = {}
response = maas.get(u"nodegroups/", "list").read()
LOG.debug("Clusters in maas: " + response )
object_list = json.loads(response)
for cluster in object_list:
ret[cluster.get('name')] = cluster
return ret
def cluster_create(cluster_name=None, **connection_args):
Create MAAS cluster
CLI Examples:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' maas.cluster_create cluster
maas = auth(**connection_args)
if project_name:
project = _get_project(maas, project_name)
project = _get_project_by_id(maas, project_id)
if not project:
return {'Error': 'Unable to resolve project'}
create = True
for cluster in maas.getprojectclusters(project.get('id')):
if cluster.get('url') == cluster_url:
create = False
if create:
maas.addprojectcluster(project['id'], cluster_url)
return cluster_get(cluster_url, project_id=project['id'])
def cluster_delete(cluster_name=None, **connection_args):
Delete MAAS cluster
CLI Examples:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' maas.cluster_delete 'https://cluster.url/' project_id=300
maas = _auth(**connection_args)
project = _get_project(maas, project_name)
for cluster in maas.getprojectclusters(project.get('id')):
if cluster.get('url') == cluster_url:
return maas.deleteprojectcluster(project['id'], cluster['id'])
return {'Error': 'Could not find cluster'}