blob: b74454ea0f2c2560847f83aab12cdd7806e4003e [file] [log] [blame]
{%- from "linux/map.jinja" import system with context -%}
# general parameters like debug, verbose and so on. batch is enabled for salt by default
batch = yes
{%- if system.sosreport.config_options.general is defined %}
{%- for key, value in system.sosreport.config_options.general.items() %}
{{ key }} = {{ value }}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}
# enable/disable specified plugins
{%- if system.sosreport.config_options.plugins is defined %}
{%- for status, plugins in system.sosreport.config_options.plugins.items() %}
{{ status }} = {{ plugins|join(',') }}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}
# custom options for enabled plugins
{%- if system.sosreport.config_options.tunables is defined %}
{%- for key, value in system.sosreport.config_options.tunables.items() %}
{{ key }} = {{ value }}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endif -%}