blob: bf9ede3cba3dc8ce5378f8bd28d0e35f683dcf14 [file] [log] [blame]
{%- from "linux/map.jinja" import system with context %}
# default port is 514
{%- if system.netconsole is mapping and system.netconsole.port is defined %}
PORT="{{ system.netconsole.port }}"
{%- endif %}
# unicast, could be multiline
#netconsole ens3 fa:16:3e:8d:f6:d0
{%- if system.netconsole is mapping and is mapping %}
{%- for target, data in %}
{%- if data is mapping %}
netconsole "{{ data.get('interface', '${interface}') }}" "{{ target }}" "{{ data.get('mac', '') }}"
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}
# set up dmesg log level
# dmesg -n info
{%- if system.netconsole is mapping and system.netconsole.loglevel is defined %}
dmesg -n "{{ system.netconsole.loglevel }}"
{%- endif %}