blob: 81660d1714fce3fb4557bd1237a8ba48f713b0f4 [file] [log] [blame]
import logging
import re
from salt.serializers import yaml
from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class HelmExecutionError(CommandExecutionError):
def __init__(self, cmd, error):
self.cmd = cmd
self.error = error
def _helm_cmd(*args, **kwargs):
if kwargs.get('tiller_host'):
addtl_args = ('--host', kwargs['tiller_host'])
elif kwargs.get('tiller_namespace'):
addtl_args = ('--tiller-namespace', kwargs['tiller_namespace'])
addtl_args = ()
if kwargs.get('helm_home'):
addtl_args = addtl_args + ('--home', kwargs['helm_home'])
env = {}
if kwargs.get('kube_config'):
env['KUBECONFIG'] = kwargs['kube_config']
if kwargs.get('gce_service_token'):
return {
'cmd': ('helm',) + args + addtl_args,
'env': env,
def _cmd_and_result(*args, **kwargs):
cmd = _helm_cmd(*args, **kwargs)
env_string = "".join(['%s="%s" ' % (k, v) for (k, v) in cmd.get('env', {}).items()])
cmd_string = env_string + " ".join(cmd['cmd'])
result = None
result = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](**cmd)
if result['retcode'] != 0:
raise CommandExecutionError(result['stderr'])
return {
'cmd': cmd_string,
'stdout': result['stdout'],
'stderr': result['stderr']
except CommandExecutionError as e:
raise HelmExecutionError(cmd_string, e)
def _parse_release(output):
result = {}
chart_match ='CHART\: ([^0-9]+)-([^\s]+)', output)
if chart_match:
result['chart'] =
result['version'] =
user_values_match ="(?<=USER-SUPPLIED VALUES\:\n)(\n*.+)+?(?=\n*COMPUTED VALUES\:)", output, re.MULTILINE)
if user_values_match:
result['values'] = yaml.deserialize(
computed_values_match ="(?<=COMPUTED VALUES\:\n)(\n*.+)+?(?=\n*HOOKS\:)", output, re.MULTILINE)
if computed_values_match:
result['computed_values'] = yaml.deserialize(
manifest_match ="(?<=MANIFEST\:\n)(\n*(?!Release \".+\" has been upgraded).*)+", output, re.MULTILINE)
if manifest_match:
result['manifest'] =
namespace_match ="(?<=NAMESPACE\: )(.*)", output)
if namespace_match:
result['namespace'] =
return result
def _parse_repo(repo_string = None):
split_string = repo_string.split('\t')
return {
"name": split_string[0].strip(),
"url": split_string[1].strip()
def _get_release_namespace(name, tiller_namespace="kube-system", **kwargs):
cmd = _helm_cmd("list", name, **kwargs)
result = __salt__['cmd.run_stdout'](**cmd)
if not result or len(result.split("\n")) < 2:
return None
return result.split("\n")[1].split("\t")[6]
def list_repos(**kwargs):
Get the result of running `helm repo list` on the target minion, formatted
as a list of dicts with two keys:
* name: the name with which the repository is registered
* url: the url registered for the repository
cmd = _helm_cmd('repo', 'list', **kwargs)
result = __salt__['cmd.run_stdout'](**cmd)
if result is None:
return result
result = result.split("\n")
return {
repo['name']: repo['url'] for repo in [_parse_repo(line) for line in result]
def add_repo(name, url, **kwargs):
Register the repository located at the supplied url with the supplied name.
Note that re-using an existing name will overwrite the repository url for
that registered repository to point to the supplied url.
The name with which to register the repository with the Helm client.
The url for the chart repository.
return _cmd_and_result('repo', 'add', name, url, **kwargs)
def remove_repo(name, **kwargs):
Remove the repository from the Helm client registered with the supplied
The name (as registered with the Helm client) for the repository to remove
return _cmd_and_result('repo', 'remove', name, **kwargs)
def manage_repos(present={}, absent=[], exclusive=False, **kwargs):
Manage the repositories registered with the Helm client's local cache.
*ensuring repositories are present*
Repositories that should be present in the helm client can be supplied via
the `present` dict parameter; each key in the dict is a release name, and the
value is the repository url that should be registered.
*ensuring repositories are absent*
Repository names supplied via the `absent` parameter must be a string. If the
`exclusive` flag is set to True, the `absent` parameter will be ignored, even
if it has been supplied.
This function returns a dict with the following keys:
* already_present: a listing of supplied repository definitions to add that
are already registered with the Helm client
* added: a list of repositories that are newly registered with the Helm
client. Each item in the list is a dict with the following keys:
* name: the repo name
* url: the repo url
* stdout: the output from the `helm repo add` command call for the repo
* already_absent: any repository name supplied via the `absent` parameter
that was already not registered with the Helm client
* removed: the result of attempting to remove any repositories
* failed: a list of repositores that were unable to be added. Each item in
the list is a dict with the following keys:
* type: the text "removal" or "addition", as appropriate
* name: the repo name
* url: the repo url (if appropriate)
* error: the output from add or remove command attempted for the
The dict of repositories that should be registered with the Helm client.
Each dict key is the name with which the repository url (the corresponding
value) should be registered with the Helm client.
The list of repositories to ensure are not registered with the Helm client.
Each entry in the list must be the (string) name of the repository.
A flag indicating whether only the supplied repos should be available in
the target minion's Helm client. If configured to true, the `absent`
parameter will be ignored and only the repositories configured via the
`present` parameter will be registered with the Helm client. Defaults to
existing_repos = list_repos(**kwargs)
result = {
"already_present": [],
"added": [],
"already_absent": [],
"removed": [],
"failed": []
for name, url in present.iteritems():
if not name or not url:
raise CommandExecutionError(('Supplied repo to add must have a name (%s) '
'and url (%s)' % (name, url)))
if name in existing_repos and existing_repos[name] == url:
result['already_present'].append({ "name": name, "url": url })
'name': name,
'url': url,
'stdout': add_repo(name, url, **kwargs)['stdout']
existing_repos = {
n: u for (n, u) in existing_repos.iteritems() if name != n
except CommandExecutionError as e:
"type": "addition",
"name": name,
'url': url,
'error': '%s' % e
# Handle removal of repositories configured to be absent (or not configured
# to be present if the `exclusive` flag is set)
existing_names = [name for (name, url) in existing_repos.iteritems()]
if exclusive:
present['stable'] = "exclude"
absent = [name for name in existing_names if not name in present]
for name in absent:
if not name or not isinstance(name, str):
raise CommandExecutionError(('Supplied repo name to be absent must be a '
'string: %s' % name))
if name not in existing_names:
'name': name,
'stdout': remove_repo(name, **kwargs) ['stdout']
except CommandExecutionError as e:
"type": "removal", "name": name, "error": '%s' % e
return result
def update_repos(**kwargs):
Ensures the local helm repository cache for each repository is up to date.
Proxies the `helm repo update` command.
return _cmd_and_result('repo', 'update', **kwargs)
def get_release(name, tiller_namespace="kube-system", **kwargs):
Get the parsed release metadata from calling `helm get {{ release }}` for the
supplied release name, or None if no release is found. The following keys may
or may not be in the returned dict:
* chart
* version
* values
* computed_values
* manifest
* namespace
kwargs['tiller_namespace'] = tiller_namespace
cmd = _helm_cmd('get', name, **kwargs)
result = __salt__['cmd.run_stdout'](**cmd)
if not result:
return None
release = _parse_release(result)
# `helm get {{ release }}` doesn't currently (2.6.2) return the namespace, so
# separately retrieve it if it's not available
if not 'namespace' in release:
release['namespace'] = _get_release_namespace(name, **kwargs)
return release
def release_exists(name, tiller_namespace="kube-system", **kwargs):
Determine whether a release exists in the cluster with the supplied name
kwargs['tiller_namespace'] = tiller_namespace
return get_release(name, **kwargs) is not None
def release_create(name, chart_name, namespace='default',
version=None, values_file=None,
tiller_namespace='kube-system', **kwargs):
Install a release. There must not be a release with the supplied name
already installed to the Kubernetes cluster.
Note that if a release already exists with the specified name, you'll need
to use the release_upgrade function instead; unless the release is in a
different namespace, in which case you'll need to delete and purge the
existing release (using release_delete) and *then* use this function to
install a new release to the desired namespace.
args = []
if version is not None:
args += ['--version', version]
if values_file is not None:
args += ['--values', values_file]
return _cmd_and_result(
'install', chart_name,
'--namespace', namespace,
'--name', name,
*args, **kwargs
def release_delete(name, tiller_namespace='kube-system', **kwargs):
Delete and purge any release found with the supplied name.
kwargs['tiller_namespace'] = tiller_namespace
return _cmd_and_result('delete', '--purge', name, **kwargs)
def release_upgrade(name, chart_name, namespace='default',
version=None, values_file=None,
tiller_namespace='kube-system', **kwargs):
Upgrade an existing release. There must be a release with the supplied name
already installed to the Kubernetes cluster.
If attempting to change the namespace for the release, this function will
fail; you will need to first delete and purge the release and then use the
release_create function to create a new release in the desired namespace.
kwargs['tiller_namespace'] = tiller_namespace
args = []
if version is not None:
args += ['--version', version]
if values_file is not None:
args += ['--values', values_file]
return _cmd_and_result(
'upgrade', name, chart_name,
'--namespace', namespace,
*args, **kwargs
def install_chart_dependencies(chart_path, **kwargs):
Install the chart dependencies for the chart definition located at the
specified chart_path.
The path to the chart for which to install dependencies
return _cmd_and_result('dependency', 'build', chart_path, **kwargs)
def package(path, destination = None, **kwargs):
Package a chart definition, optionally to a specific destination. Proxies the
`helm package` command on the target minion
The path to the chart definition to package.
destination : None
An optional alternative destination folder.
args = []
if destination:
args += ["-d", destination]
return _cmd_and_result('package', path, *args, **kwargs)