| {%- from "kubernetes/map.jinja" import master with context %} |
| apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 |
| kind: ReplicaSet |
| metadata: |
| name: calico-policy-controller |
| namespace: {{ master.addons.calico_policy.namespace }} |
| labels: |
| k8s-app: calico-policy |
| kubernetes.io/cluster-service: "true" |
| spec: |
| replicas: 1 |
| selector: |
| matchLabels: |
| kubernetes.io/cluster-service: "true" |
| k8s-app: calico-policy |
| template: |
| metadata: |
| name: calico-policy-controller |
| namespace: {{ master.addons.calico_policy.namespace }} |
| labels: |
| kubernetes.io/cluster-service: "true" |
| k8s-app: calico-policy |
| spec: |
| hostNetwork: true |
| tolerations: |
| - key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master |
| effect: NoSchedule |
| containers: |
| - name: calico-policy-controller |
| image: {{ master.addons.calico_policy.image }} |
| imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent |
| resources: |
| limits: |
| cpu: 100m |
| memory: 256M |
| requests: |
| cpu: 30m |
| memory: 64M |
| env: |
| - name: ETCD_ENDPOINTS |
| value: "{% for member in master.network.etcd.members %}http{% if master.network.etcd.get('ssl', {}).get('enabled') %}s{% endif %}://{{ member.host }}:{{ member.port }}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %}" |
| - name: ETCD_CA_CERT_FILE |
| value: "/var/lib/etcd/ca.pem" |
| - name: ETCD_CERT_FILE |
| value: "/var/lib/etcd/etcd-client.pem" |
| - name: ETCD_KEY_FILE |
| value: "/var/lib/etcd/etcd-client.pem" |
| # Location of the Kubernetes API - this shouldn't need to be |
| # changed so long as it is used in conjunction with |
| - name: K8S_API |
| value: "https://kubernetes.default" |
| # Configure /etc/hosts within the container to resolve |
| # the kubernetes.default Service to the correct clusterIP |
| # using the environment provided by the kubelet. |
| # This removes the need for KubeDNS to resolve the Service. |
| value: "true" |
| volumeMounts: |
| - mountPath: /var/lib/etcd/ |
| name: etcd-certs |
| readOnly: true |
| volumes: |
| - hostPath: |
| path: /var/lib/etcd |
| name: etcd-certs |
| |