| {%- from "kubernetes/map.jinja" import common with context -%} |
| {%- from "kubernetes/map.jinja" import master with context -%} |
| --- |
| |
| apiVersion: apps/v1beta2 |
| kind: DaemonSet |
| metadata: |
| name: opencontrail |
| namespace: kube-system |
| labels: |
| app: opencontrail |
| addonmanager.kubernetes.io/mode: Reconcile |
| spec: |
| selector: |
| matchLabels: |
| app: opencontrail |
| template: |
| metadata: |
| labels: |
| app: opencontrail |
| spec: |
| hostNetwork: true |
| containers: |
| - name: rabbitmq |
| image: rabbitmq:{{ common.addons.get('contrail',{}).get('rabbitmq_version',"3.6.6") }}-management-alpine |
| {% raw %} |
| lifecycle: |
| postStart: |
| exec: |
| command: |
| - /bin/sh |
| - -c |
| - > |
| if [ -z "$(grep rabbitmq /etc/resolv.conf)" ]; then |
| sed "s/^search \([^ ]\+\)/search rabbitmq.\1 \1/" /etc/resolv.conf > /etc/resolv.conf.new; |
| cat /etc/resolv.conf.new > /etc/resolv.conf; |
| rm /etc/resolv.conf.new; |
| fi; |
| until rabbitmqctl node_health_check; do sleep 1; done; |
| if [[ "$HOSTNAME" != "ctl01" && -z "$(rabbitmqctl cluster_status | grep ctl01)" ]]; then |
| rabbitmqctl stop_app; |
| rabbitmqctl join_cluster rabbit@ctl01; |
| rabbitmqctl start_app; |
| fi; |
| rabbitmqctl set_policy ha-all "." '{"ha-mode":"exactly","ha-params":3,"ha-sync-mode":"automatic"}' |
| {% endraw %} |
| env: |
| value: {{ common.addons.get('contrail',{}).get('rabbitmq_erlang_cookie',"YTQMGYEHFATZPDKPOCXX") }} |
| value: {{ master.network.get('opencontrail',{}).get('message_queue',{}).get('user',"guest") }} |
| value: {{ master.network.get('opencontrail',{}).get('message_queue',{}).get('password',"guest") }} |
| |
| - name: opencontrail-controller |
| image: {{ common.addons.opencontrail.controller.image }} |
| securityContext: |
| privileged: true |
| env: |
| - name: CONTRAIL_UID |
| value: "{{ salt['user.info']('contrail').get('uid', 0) }}" |
| - name: CONTRAIL_GID |
| value: "{{ salt['group.info']('contrail').get('gid', 0) }}" |
| {%- if pillar.get('opencontrail', None) %} |
| - name: API_WORKERS |
| value: "{{ pillar.get('opencontrail').get('config', {}).get('api',{}).get('workers_count', 4) }}" |
| {%- endif %} |
| lifecycle: |
| postStart: |
| exec: |
| command: |
| - /bin/sh |
| - -c |
| - > |
| service rabbitmq-server stop; |
| systemctl disable rabbitmq-server.service; |
| service redis-server stop; |
| systemctl disable redis-server.service; |
| |
| volumeMounts: |
| - name: etc-contrail |
| mountPath: /etc/contrail |
| - name: var-lib-configdb |
| mountPath: /var/lib/cassandra |
| - name: var-lib-config-zookeeper-data |
| mountPath: /var/lib/zookeeper |
| - name: var-lib-zookeeper-myid |
| mountPath: /var/lib/zookeeper/myid |
| - name: etc-cassandra-cassandra-env-sh |
| mountPath: /etc/cassandra/cassandra-env.sh |
| - name: etc-cassandra-cassandra-yaml |
| mountPath: /etc/cassandra/cassandra.yaml |
| - name: etc-cassandra-logback-xml |
| mountPath: /etc/cassandra/logback.xml |
| - name: etc-zookeeper-conf-zoo-cfg |
| mountPath: /etc/zookeeper/conf/zoo.cfg |
| - name: etc-zookeeper-conf-log4j-properties |
| mountPath: /etc/zookeeper/conf/log4j.properties |
| - name: contrail-logs |
| mountPath: /var/log/contrail |
| - name: journal-controller |
| mountPath: /var/log/journal |
| |
| |
| - name: opencontrail-analyticsdb |
| image: {{ common.addons.opencontrail.analyticsdb.image }} |
| securityContext: |
| privileged: true |
| env: |
| - name: CONTRAIL_UID |
| value: "{{ salt['user.info']('contrail').get('uid', 0) }}" |
| - name: CONTRAIL_GID |
| value: "{{ salt['group.info']('contrail').get('gid', 0) }}" |
| volumeMounts: |
| - name: etc-contrail |
| mountPath: /etc/contrail |
| - name: etc-cassandra-cassandra-env-analytics-sh |
| mountPath: /etc/cassandra/cassandra-env.sh |
| - name: etc-cassandra-cassandra-analytics-yaml |
| mountPath: /etc/cassandra/cassandra.yaml |
| - name: etc-cassandra-logback-xml |
| mountPath: /etc/cassandra/logback.xml |
| - name: var-lib-analyticsdb |
| mountPath: /var/lib/cassandra |
| - name: var-lib-analyticsdb-zookeeper-data |
| mountPath: /var/lib/zookeeper |
| - name: var-lib-zookeeper-myid |
| mountPath: /var/lib/zookeeper/myid |
| - name: usr-share-kafka-config-server-properties |
| mountPath: /usr/share/kafka/config/server.properties |
| - name: usr-share-kafka-config-consumer-properties |
| mountPath: /usr/share/kafka/config/consumer.properties |
| - name: usr-share-kafka-config-zookeeper-properties |
| mountPath: /usr/share/kafka/config/zookeeper.properties |
| - name: usr-share-kafka-logs |
| mountPath: /usr/share/kafka/logs |
| - name: etc-zookeeper-conf-zoo-analytics-cfg |
| mountPath: /etc/zookeeper/conf/zoo.cfg |
| - name: etc-zookeeper-conf-log4j-properties |
| mountPath: /etc/zookeeper/conf/log4j.properties |
| - name: contrail-logs |
| mountPath: /var/log/contrail |
| - name: journal-analyticsdb |
| mountPath: /var/log/journal |
| |
| - name: opencontrail-analytics |
| image: {{ common.addons.opencontrail.analytics.image }} |
| volumeMounts: |
| - name: etc-contrail |
| mountPath: /etc/contrail |
| - name: etc-redis-redis-conf |
| mountPath: /etc/redis/redis.conf |
| - name: contrail-logs |
| mountPath: /var/log/contrail |
| - name: journal-analytics |
| mountPath: /var/log/journal |
| securityContext: |
| privileged: true |
| env: |
| - name: CONTRAIL_UID |
| value: "{{ salt['user.info']('contrail').get('uid', 0) }}" |
| - name: CONTRAIL_GID |
| value: "{{ salt['group.info']('contrail').get('gid', 0) }}" |
| |
| volumes: |
| # analytics / analyticsdb / controller / |
| - name: etc-contrail |
| hostPath: |
| path: /etc/contrail |
| type: DirectoryOrCreate |
| - name: contrail-logs |
| hostPath: |
| path: /var/log/contrail |
| type: DirectoryOrCreate |
| |
| # controller |
| - name: var-lib-configdb |
| hostPath: |
| path: /var/lib/configdb |
| type: DirectoryOrCreate |
| - name: var-lib-config-zookeeper-data |
| hostPath: |
| path: /var/lib/config_zookeeper_data |
| type: DirectoryOrCreate |
| - name: etc-cassandra-cassandra-env-sh |
| hostPath: |
| path: /etc/cassandra/cassandra-env.sh |
| type: File |
| - name: etc-cassandra-cassandra-yaml |
| hostPath: |
| path: /etc/cassandra/cassandra.yaml |
| type: File |
| - name: etc-zookeeper-conf-zoo-cfg |
| hostPath: |
| path: /etc/zookeeper/conf/zoo.cfg |
| type: File |
| - name: journal-controller |
| hostPath: |
| path: /var/log/journal/contrail-controller |
| type: DirectoryOrCreate |
| |
| # analyticsdb |
| - name: etc-cassandra-cassandra-env-analytics-sh |
| hostPath: |
| path: /etc/cassandra/cassandra-env-analytics.sh |
| type: File |
| - name: etc-cassandra-cassandra-analytics-yaml |
| hostPath: |
| path: /etc/cassandra/cassandra_analytics.yaml |
| type: File |
| - name: etc-cassandra-logback-xml # is used by controller as well |
| hostPath: |
| path: /etc/cassandra/logback.xml |
| type: File |
| - name: var-lib-analyticsdb |
| hostPath: |
| path: /var/lib/analyticsdb |
| type: DirectoryOrCreate |
| - name: var-lib-analyticsdb-zookeeper-data |
| hostPath: |
| path: /var/lib/analyticsdb-zookeeper-data |
| type: DirectoryOrCreate |
| - name: var-lib-zookeeper-myid # is used for controller as well |
| hostPath: |
| path: /var/lib/zookeeper/myid |
| type: File |
| - name: usr-share-kafka-config-server-properties |
| hostPath: |
| path: /usr/share/kafka/config/server.properties |
| type: File |
| - name: usr-share-kafka-config-consumer-properties |
| hostPath: |
| path: /usr/share/kafka/config/consumer.properties |
| type: File |
| - name: usr-share-kafka-config-zookeeper-properties |
| hostPath: |
| path: /usr/share/kafka/config/zookeeper.properties |
| type: File |
| - name: usr-share-kafka-logs |
| hostPath: |
| path: /usr/share/kafka/logs |
| type: DirectoryOrCreate |
| - name: etc-zookeeper-conf-zoo-analytics-cfg |
| hostPath: |
| path: /etc/zookeeper/conf/zoo_analytics.cfg |
| type: File |
| - name: etc-zookeeper-conf-log4j-properties # is used by controller as well |
| hostPath: |
| path: /etc/zookeeper/conf/log4j.properties |
| type: File |
| - name: journal-analyticsdb |
| hostPath: |
| path: /var/log/journal/contrail-analyticsdb |
| type: DirectoryOrCreate |
| |
| # analytics |
| - name: etc-redis-redis-conf |
| hostPath: |
| path: /etc/redis/redis.conf |
| type: File |
| - name: journal-analytics |
| hostPath: |
| path: /var/log/journal/contrail-analytics |
| type: DirectoryOrCreate |
| |
| nodeSelector: |
| "node-role.kubernetes.io/master": "true" |
| tolerations: |
| - effect: NoSchedule |
| key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master |