blob: 416590bb6f16249c496971abf0b98908a9c818b7 [file] [log] [blame]
{%- from "keystone/map.jinja" import client with context %}
{%- if client.enabled %}
{%- for server_name, server in client.get('server', {}).iteritems() %}
{%- if server.admin.get('api_version', '2') == '3' %}
{%- set version = "v3" %}
{%- else %}
{%- set version = "v2.0" %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if server.admin.get('protocol', 'http') == 'http' %}
{%- set protocol = 'http' %}
{%- else %}
{%- set protocol = 'https' %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if server.admin.token is defined %}
{%- set connection_args = {'endpoint': protocol+'://'':'+server.admin.port|string+'/'+version,
'token': server.admin.token} %}
{%- else %}
{%- set connection_args = {'auth_url': protocol+'://'':'+server.admin.port|string+'/'+version,
'tenant': server.admin.project,
'user': server.admin.user,
'password': server.admin.password} %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if server.roles is defined %}
keystone_{{ server_name }}_roles:
- names: {{ server.roles }}
{%- if server.admin.token is defined %}
- connection_token: {{ connection_args.token }}
- connection_endpoint: {{ connection_args.endpoint }}
{%- else %}
- connection_user: {{ connection_args.user }}
- connection_password: {{ connection_args.password }}
- connection_tenant: {{ connection_args.tenant }}
- connection_auth_url: {{ connection_args.auth_url }}
{%- endif %}
{%- endif %}
{% for service_name, service in server.get('service', {}).iteritems() %}
keystone_{{ server_name }}_service_{{ service_name }}:
- name: {{ service_name }}
- service_type: {{ service.type }}
- description: {{ service.description }}
{%- if server.admin.token is defined %}
- connection_token: {{ connection_args.token }}
- connection_endpoint: {{ connection_args.endpoint }}
{%- else %}
- connection_user: {{ connection_args.user }}
- connection_password: {{ connection_args.password }}
- connection_tenant: {{ connection_args.tenant }}
- connection_auth_url: {{ connection_args.auth_url }}
{%- endif %}
{%- for endpoint in service.get('endpoints', ()) %}
keystone_{{ server_name }}_service_{{ service_name }}_endpoint_{{ endpoint.region }}:
- name: {{ service_name }}
- publicurl: '{{ endpoint.get('public_protocol', 'http') }}://{{ endpoint.public_address }}{% if not (endpoint.get('public_protocol', 'http') == 'https' and endpoint.public_port|int == 443) %}:{{ endpoint.public_port }}{% endif %}{{ endpoint.public_path }}'
- internalurl: '{{ endpoint.get('internal_protocol', 'http') }}://{{ endpoint.internal_address }}{% if not (endpoint.get('internal_protocol', 'http') == 'https' and endpoint.internal_port|int == 443) %}:{{ endpoint.internal_port }}{% endif %}{{ endpoint.internal_path }}'
- adminurl: '{{ endpoint.get('admin_protocol', 'http') }}://{{ endpoint.admin_address }}{% if not (endpoint.get('admin_protocol', 'http') == 'https' and endpoint.admin_port|int == 443) %}:{{ endpoint.admin_port }}{% endif %}{{ endpoint.admin_path }}'
- region: {{ endpoint.region }}
- require:
- keystone: keystone_{{ server_name }}_service_{{ service_name }}
{%- if server.admin.token is defined %}
- connection_token: {{ connection_args.token }}
- connection_endpoint: {{ connection_args.endpoint }}
{%- else %}
- connection_user: {{ connection_args.user }}
- connection_password: {{ connection_args.password }}
- connection_tenant: {{ connection_args.tenant }}
- connection_auth_url: {{ connection_args.auth_url }}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- for tenant_name, tenant in server.get('project', {}).iteritems() %}
keystone_{{ server_name }}_tenant_{{ tenant_name }}:
- name: {{ tenant_name }}
{%- if tenant.description is defined %}
- description: {{ tenant.description }}
{%- endif %}
{%- if server.admin.token is defined %}
- connection_token: {{ connection_args.token }}
- connection_endpoint: {{ connection_args.endpoint }}
{%- else %}
- connection_user: {{ connection_args.user }}
- connection_password: {{ connection_args.password }}
- connection_tenant: {{ connection_args.tenant }}
- connection_auth_url: {{ connection_args.auth_url }}
{%- endif %}
{%- if tenant.quota is defined and tenant.quota is mapping %}
keystone_{{ server_name }}_tenant_{{ tenant_name }}_quota:
- profile: {{ server_name }}
- tenant_name: {{ tenant_name }}
{%- for quota_name, quota_value in tenant.quota.iteritems() %}
- {{ quota_name }}: {{ quota_value }}
{%- endfor %}
- require:
- keystone: keystone_{{ server_name }}_tenant_{{ tenant_name }}
{%- endif %}
{%- for user_name, user in tenant.get('user', {}).iteritems() %}
keystone_{{ server_name }}_tenant_{{ tenant_name }}_user_{{ user_name }}:
- name: {{ user_name }}
- password: {{ user.password }}
{%- if is defined %}
- email: {{ }}
{%- endif %}
- tenant: {{ tenant_name }}
- roles:
"{{ tenant_name }}":
{%- if user.get('is_admin', False) %}
- admin
{%- elif user.get('roles', False) %}
{{ user.roles }}
{%- else %}
- Member
{%- endif %}
- require:
- keystone: keystone_{{ server_name }}_tenant_{{ tenant_name }}
- keystone: keystone_{{ server_name }}_roles
{%- if server.admin.token is defined %}
- connection_token: {{ connection_args.token }}
- connection_endpoint: {{ connection_args.endpoint }}
{%- else %}
- connection_user: {{ connection_args.user }}
- connection_password: {{ connection_args.password }}
- connection_tenant: {{ connection_args.tenant }}
- connection_auth_url: {{ connection_args.auth_url }}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}