blob: d18a6d2a8b7fcfff8ae8d489157b0fb09df64709 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
import json
from functools import wraps
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Import third party libs
from ironicclient import client
from ironicclient.common import utils
except ImportError:
__opts__ = {}
def __virtual__():
Only load this module if ironic is installed on this minion.
return 'ironicng'
return False
def _get_keystone_endpoint_and_token(**connection_args):
if connection_args.get('connection_endpoint_type') == None:
endpoint_type = 'internalURL'
endpoint_type = connection_args.get('connection_endpoint_type')
kstone = __salt__['keystone.auth'](**connection_args)
endpoint = kstone.service_catalog.url_for(
service_type='baremetal', endpoint_type=endpoint_type)
token = kstone.auth_token
return endpoint, token
def _get_ironic_session(endpoint, token, api_version=None):
return client.get_client(1, ironic_url=endpoint,
def _get_function_attrs(**kwargs):
connection_args = {'profile': kwargs.pop('profile', None)}
nkwargs = {}
for kwarg in kwargs:
if 'connection_' in kwarg:
connection_args.update({kwarg: kwargs[kwarg]})
elif '__' not in kwarg:
nkwargs.update({kwarg: kwargs[kwarg]})
return connection_args, nkwargs
def _autheticate(api_version=None):
def _auth(func_name):
Authenticate requests with the salt keystone module and format return data
def decorator_method(*args, **kwargs):
'''Authenticate request and format return data'''
connection_args, nkwargs = _get_function_attrs(**kwargs)
endpoint, token = _get_keystone_endpoint_and_token(**connection_args)
ironic_interface = _get_ironic_session(
token = token,
return func_name(ironic_interface, *args, **nkwargs)
return decorator_method
return _auth
def list_nodes(ironic_interface, *args, **kwargs):
list all ironic nodes
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' ironic.list_nodes
return {'nodes': [x.to_dict() for x
in ironic_interface.node.list(*args, **kwargs)]}
def create_node(ironic_interface, *args, **kwargs):
create ironic node
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' ironic.create_node
return ironic_interface.node.create(*args, **kwargs).to_dict()
def delete_node(ironic_interface, node_id):
delete ironic node
:param node_id: UUID or Name of the node.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' ironic.delete_node
def show_node(ironic_interface, node_id):
show info about ironic node
:param node_id: UUID or Name of the node.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' ironic.show_node
return ironic_interface.node.get(node_id).to_dict()
def create_port(ironic_interface, address, node_name=None,
node_uuid=None, **kwargs):
create ironic port
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' ironic.crate_port
node_uuid = node_uuid or ironic_interface.node.get(
return ironic_interface.port.create(
address=address, node_uuid=node_uuid, **kwargs).to_dict()
def list_ports(ironic_interface, *args, **kwargs):
list all ironic ports
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' ironic.list_ports
return {'ports': [x.to_dict() for x
in ironic_interface.port.list(*args, **kwargs)]}
def node_set_provision_state(ironic_interface, *args, **kwargs):
'''Set the provision state for the node.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' ironic.node_set_provision_state node_uuid=node-1 state=active profile=admin_identity
ironic_interface.node.set_provision_state(*args, **kwargs)
def vif_attach(ironic_interface, *args, **kwargs):
'''Attach vif to a given node.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' ironic.vif_attach node_ident=node-1 vif_id=vif1 profile=admin_identity
ironic_interface.node.vif_attach(*args, **kwargs)
def vif_detach(ironic_interface, *args, **kwargs):
'''Detach vif from a given node.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' ironic.vif_detach node_ident=node-1 vif_id=vif1 profile=admin_identity
ironic_interface.node.vif_detach(*args, **kwargs)
def vif_list(ironic_interface, *args, **kwargs):
'''List vifs for a given node.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' ironic.vif_list node_ident=node-1 profile=admin_identity
return [vif.to_dict() for vif in ironic_interface.node.vif_list(*args, **kwargs)]
def _merge_profiles(a, b, path=None):
"""Merge b into a"""
if path is None: path = []
for key in b:
if key in a:
if isinstance(a[key], dict) and isinstance(b[key], dict):
_merge_profiles(a[key], b[key], path + [str(key)])
elif a[key] == b[key]:
pass # same leaf value
raise Exception('Conflict at %s' % '.'.join(path + [str(key)]))
a[key] = b[key]
return a
def _get_node_deployment_profile(node_id, profile):
dp = {}
nodes = __salt__['pillar.get'](
'ironic:client:nodes:%s' % profile)
for node in nodes:
if node['name'] == node_id:
return node.get('deployment_profile')
def deploy_node(node_id, image_source=None, root_gb=None,
image_checksum=None, configdrive=None, vif_id=None,
deployment_profile=None, partition_profile=None,
profile=None, **kwargs):
'''Deploy user image to ironic node
Deploy node with provided data. If deployment_profile is set,
try to get deploy data from pillar:
:param node_id: UUID or Name of the node
:param image_source: URL/glance image uuid to deploy
:param root_gb: Size of root partition
:param image_checksum: md5 summ of image, only when image_source
is URL
:param configdrive: URL to or base64 gzipped iso config drive
:param vif_id: UUID of VIF to attach to node.
:param deployment_profile: id of the profile to look nodes in.
:param partition_profile: id of the partition profile to apply.
:param profile: auth profile to use.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' ironicng.deploy_node node_id=node01 image_source=aaa-bbb-ccc-ddd-eee-fff
deploy_params = [image_source, image_checksum, configdrive, vif_id]
if deployment_profile and any(deploy_params):
err_msg = ("deployment_profile can' be specified with any "
"of %s" % ', '.join(deploy_params))
return _deploy_failed(name, err_msg)
if partition_profile:
partition_profile = __salt__['pillar.get'](
'ironic:client:partition_profiles:%s' % partition_profile)
if deployment_profile:
deployment_profile = __salt__['pillar.get'](
'ironic:client:deployment_profiles:%s' % deployment_profile)
node_deployment_profile = _get_node_deployment_profile(
node_id, profile=profile) or {}
if partition_profile:
image_properties = deployment_profile['instance_info'].get('image_properties', {})
deployment_profile['instance_info']['image_properties'] = image_properties
_merge_profiles(deployment_profile, node_deployment_profile)
deployment_profile = {
'instance_info': {
'image_source': image_source,
'image_checksum': image_checksum,
'root_gb': root_gb,
'configdrive': configdrive,
'network': {
'vif_id': vif_id,
connection_args, nkwargs = _get_function_attrs(profile=profile, **kwargs)
endpoint, token = _get_keystone_endpoint_and_token(**connection_args)
ironic_interface = _get_ironic_session(
token = token)
def _convert_to_uuid(resource, name, **connection_args):
resources = __salt__['neutronng.list_%s' % resource](
name=name, **connection_args)
err_msg = None
if len(resources) == 0:
err_msg = "{0} with name {1} not found".format(
resource, network_name)
elif len(resources) > 1:
err_msg = "Multiple {0} with name {1} found.".format(
resource, network_name)
return resources[resource][0]['id']
return _deploy_failed(name, err_msg)
def _prepare_node_for_deploy(ironic_interface,
instance_info = deployment_profile.get('instance_info')
node_attr = []
for k,v in instance_info.iteritems():
node_attr.append('instance_info/%s=%s' % (k, json.dumps(v)))
net = deployment_profile.get('network')
vif_id = net.get('vif_id')
network_id = net.get('id')
network_name = net.get('name')
if (vif_id and any([network_name, network_id]) or
(network_name and network_id)):
err_msg = ("Only one of network:name or network:id or vif_id should be specified.")
return _deploy_failed(name, err_msg)
if network_name:
network_id = _convert_to_uuid('networks', network_name, **connection_args)
if network_id:
create_port_args = {
'name': '%s_port' % node_id,
'network_id': network_id,
fixed_ips = []
for fixed_ip in net.get('fixed_ips', []):
subnet_name = fixed_ip.get('subnet_name')
subnet_id = fixed_ip.get('subnet_id')
if subnet_name and subnet_id:
err_msg = ("Only one of subnet_name or subnet_id should be specified.")
return _deploy_failed(name, err_msg)
if subnet_name:
subnet_id = _convert_to_uuid('subnets', subnet_name, **connection_args)
if subnet_id:
fixed_ips.append({'ip_address': fixed_ip['ip_address'],
'subnet_id': subnet_id})
if fixed_ips:
create_port_args['fixed_ips'] = fixed_ips
vif_id = __salt__['neutronng.create_port'](**create_port_args)
if vif_id:
__salt__['ironicng.vif_attach'](node_ident=node_id, vif_id=vif_id, **connection_args)
configdrive = deployment_profile.get('configdrive')
if not configdrive:
metadata = deployment_profile.get('metadata')
if metadata:
configdrive_args = {}
userdata = metadata.get('userdata')
instance = metadata.get('instance')
hostname = instance.pop('hostname', node_id)
if userdata:
configdrive_args['user_data'] = userdata
if instance:
configdrive = __salt__['configdrive.generate'](
dst='/tmp/%s' % node_id, hostname=hostname, ironic_format=True,
if configdrive:
node_attr.append('instance_info/configdrive=%s' % configdrive)
if node_attr:
patch = utils.args_array_to_patch('add', node_attr)
ironic_interface.node.update(node_id, patch).to_dict()
_prepare_node_for_deploy(ironic_interface, node_id, deployment_profile)
provision_args = {
'node_uuid': node_id,
'state': 'active'
return _deploy_started(node_id)
def _deploy_failed(name, reason):
changes_dict = {'name': name,
'comment': 'Deployment of node {0} failed to start due to {1}.'.format(name, reason),
'result': False}
return changes_dict
def _deploy_started(name):
changes_dict = {'name': name,
'comment': 'Deployment of node {0} has been started.'.format(name),
'result': True}
return changes_dict