blob: 2e401ff2f9884eebee89bbc4491d47e349ffb855 [file] [log] [blame]
# The version of the Helm client to install
# version: 2.6.2
# The path to which the Helm binary should be installed. Defaults to
# /usr/bin/helm
# bin: /usr/bin/helm
# The path this formula should use as helm home. Defaults to /srv/helm/home;
# it is recommended to set this to /root/.helm if users will be calling
# helm from the command line directly on the target minion
# helm_home: /srv/helm/home
# The flavor of the helm or kubectl binary to install, as informed by the
# target minion's OS. For available flavor names, peruse the listing of
# Helm binaries exposed at:
# Defaults to linux-amd64
# flavor: linux-amd64
# The hash for the helm client binary. You must calculate the hash for the
# version and flavor of the binary you install (per the helm:client:flavor
# configuration value)
# Defaults to the SHA 256 hash for the helm-v2.6.2-linux-amd64.tar.gz binary
# The binary is downloaded from:
#[[ client.version ]]-[[ client.flavor ]].tar.gz
# Here is an example command you can use to calculate the sha256 hash for
# the binary:
# ```
# shasum -a 256 /path/to/helm-v[[ client.version ]]-linux.amd64.tar.gz
# ```
# download_hash: sha256=ba807d6017b612a0c63c093a954c7d63918d3e324bdba335d67b7948439dbca8
# Configurations to manage the cluster's Tiller installation
# tiller:
# Whether Tiller should be deployed to the kubernetes cluster as part of
# this formaul. Defaults to true.
# install: true
# The namespace to which Tiller should be installed (only used if
# `helm:client:tiller:install` is set to true).
# Defaults to `kube-system`
# naamespace: kube-system
# The host IP or name and port for an existing tiller installation that
# should be used by the Helm client. Defaults to Helm's default if
# unspecified.
# host:
# Configurations defined to manage the target minion's kubectl installation
# kubectl:
# Whether kubectl should be installed as part of this formula.
# Defaults to false
# install: false
# The version of the kubectl binary to install.
# Defaults to 1.6.7
# version: 1.6.7
# The path to which the kubectl binary should be installed. Defaults to
# /usr/bin/kubectl
# bin: /usr/bin/kubectl
# The hash for the kubectl binary version to install. You must calculate
# the hash for the version and flavor of the binary you install (per the
# helm:client:flavor configuration value)
# The binary is downloaded from:
#[[ client.kubectl.version ]]/kubernetes-client-[[ client.flavor ]].tar.gz
# Defaults to the SHA 256 hash for the Linux distribution of version 1.6.7
# Here is an example command you can use to calculate the sha256 hash for
# the binary:
# ```
# shasum -a 256 /path/to/kubernetes-client-[[ client.flavor ]].tar.gz
# ```
# download_hash: sha256=54947ef84181e89f9dbacedd54717cbed5cc7f9c36cb37bc8afc9097648e2c91
# Configuration parameters that should be applied to the kubectl
# installation's kubeconfig. Not that this will only be applied to the
# kubectl installation managed by this formula.
# While the kubectl tool can be configured to connect to multiple
# clusters and allow switching between cluster contexts, this kubectl
# configuration managed by this formula will only be configured with
# the cluster context details used by this formula.
# config:
# cluster:
# server:
# certificate-authority-data: base64_of_ca_certificate
# cluster_name: kubernetes.example
# context_name: kubernetes-example
# user:
# username: admin
# password: uberadminpass
# user_name: admin
# The mapping of repository names to urls that should be registered and
# kept up-to-date with the helm client
# The listing of releases that should be managed by the formula. Note that
# if configured, the releases listed under this `helm:client:releases` key
# will be used as an authoritative, exclusive listing of the releases that
# should be configured and deployed to the Tiller installation; any
# release existing in the tiller cluster that is not configured here
# **will be deleted**
# The name of the release
name: my-zookeeper
# The repository name and chart name combination for the chart to
# release
chart: mirantisworkloads/zookeeper
# The version of the helm chart to install
version: 1.2.0
# The namespace to which the release should be deployed
namespace: helm-example-namespace
# Configuration values that should be supplied to the chart.
logLevel: INFO