| ================================== |
| ================================== |
| Development and test workflow with `Test Kitchen <http://kitchen.ci>`_ and |
| `kitchen-salt <https://github.com/simonmcc/kitchen-salt>`_ provisioner plugin. |
| Test Kitchen is a test harness tool to execute your configured code on one or more platforms in isolation. |
| There is a ``.kitchen.yml`` in main directory that defines *platforms* to be tested and *suites* to execute on them. |
| Kitchen CI can spin instances locally or remote, based on used *driver*. |
| For local development ``.kitchen.yml`` defines a `vagrant <https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-vagrant>`_ or |
| `docker <https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-docker>`_ driver. |
| To use backend drivers or implement your CI follow the section `INTEGRATION.rst#Continuous Integration`__. |
| The `Busser <https://github.com/test-kitchen/busser>`_ *Verifier* is used to setup and run tests |
| implementated in `<repo>/test/integration`. It installs the particular driver to tested instance |
| (`Serverspec <https://github.com/neillturner/kitchen-verifier-serverspec>`_, |
| `InSpec <https://github.com/chef/kitchen-inspec>`_, Shell, Bats, ...) prior the verification is executed. |
| # list instances and status |
| # manually execute integration tests |
| kitchen [test || [create|converge|verify|exec|login|destroy|...]] [instance] -t tests/integration |
| # use with provided Makefile (ie: within CI pipeline) |