blob: e8687d990b57135f032be62643512b72391df6a3 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module extending the salt.modules.glance modules.
This module adds functionality for managing Glance V2 tasks by exposing the
following functions:
- task_create
- task_show
- task_list
:optdepends: - glanceclient Python adapter
:configuration: This module is not usable until the following are specified
either in a pillar or in the minion's config file::
keystone.user: admin
keystone.password: verybadpass
keystone.tenant: admin
keystone.insecure: False #(optional)
keystone.auth_url: ''
If configuration for multiple openstack accounts is required, they can be
set up as different configuration profiles:
For example::
keystone.user: admin
keystone.password: verybadpass
keystone.tenant: admin
keystone.auth_url: ''
keystone.user: admin
keystone.password: verybadpass
keystone.tenant: admin
keystone.auth_url: ''
With this configuration in place, any of the glance functions can
make use of a configuration profile by declaring it explicitly.
For example::
salt '*' glance.image_list profile=openstack1
# Import Python libs
from __future__ import absolute_import
import logging
import pprint
import re
# Import salt libs
from salt.exceptions import SaltInvocationError
from salt.version import (
# is there not SaltStackVersion.current() to get
# the version of the salt running this code??
_version_ary = __version__.split('.')
CUR_VER = SaltStackVersion(_version_ary[0], _version_ary[1])
BORON = SaltStackVersion.from_name('Boron')
# pylint: disable=import-error
from glanceclient import client
from glanceclient import exc
except ImportError:
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def __virtual__():
Only load this module if glance
is installed on this minion.
if not HAS_GLANCE:
return False, ("The glance execution module cannot be loaded: "
"the glanceclient python library is not available.")
return True
__opts__ = {}
def _auth(profile=None, api_version=2, **connection_args):
Set up glance credentials, returns
`glanceclient.client.Client`. Optional parameter
"api_version" defaults to 2.
Only intended to be used within glance-enabled modules
kstone = __salt__['keystoneng.auth'](profile, **connection_args)
endpoint_type = connection_args.get('connection_endpoint_type', 'internal')
g_endpoint = __salt__['keystoneng.endpoint_get']('glance', profile=profile, interface=endpoint_type)
glance_client = client.Client(api_version, session=kstone.session, endpoint=g_endpoint.get('url'))
return glance_client
def _validate_image_params(visibility=None, container_format='bare',
disk_format='raw', tags=None, **kwargs):
# valid options for "visibility":
v_list = ['public', 'private', 'shared', 'community']
# valid options for "container_format":
cf_list = ['ami', 'ari', 'aki', 'bare', 'ovf']
# valid options for "disk_format":
df_list = ['ami', 'ari', 'aki', 'vhd', 'vmdk',
'raw', 'qcow2', 'vdi', 'iso']
if visibility is not None:
if visibility not in v_list:
raise SaltInvocationError('"visibility" needs to be one ' +
'of the following: {0}'.format(
', '.join(v_list)))
if container_format not in cf_list:
raise SaltInvocationError('"container_format" needs to be ' +
'one of the following: {0}'.format(
', '.join(cf_list)))
if disk_format not in df_list:
raise SaltInvocationError('"disk_format" needs to be one ' +
'of the following: {0}'.format(
', '.join(df_list)))
if tags:
if not isinstance(tags, list):
raise SaltInvocationError('Incorrect input type for the {0} '
'parameter: expected: {1}, '
'got {2}'.format("tags", list,
def _validate_task_params(task_type, input_params):
# Only import tasks are currently supported
# TODO(eezhova): Add support for "export" and "clone" task types
valid_task_types = ["import", ]
import_required_params = {"import_from", "import_from_format",
if task_type not in valid_task_types:
raise SaltInvocationError("'task_type' must be one of the following: "
"{0}".format(', '.join(valid_task_types)))
if task_type == "import":
valid_import_from_formats = ['ami', 'ari', 'aki', 'vhd', 'vmdk',
'raw', 'qcow2', 'vdi', 'iso']
missing_params = import_required_params - set(input_params.keys())
if missing_params:
raise SaltInvocationError(
"Missing the following task parameters for the 'import' task: "
"{0}".format(', '.join(missing_params)))
import_from = input_params['import_from']
import_from_format = input_params['import_from_format']
image_properties = input_params['image_properties']
if not import_from.startswith(('http://', 'https://')):
raise SaltInvocationError("Only non-local sources of image data "
"are supported.")
if import_from_format not in valid_import_from_formats:
raise SaltInvocationError(
"'import_from_format' needs to be one of the following: "
"{0}".format(', '.join(valid_import_from_formats)))
def task_create(task_type, profile=None, input_params=None):
Create a Glance V2 task of a given type
:param task_type: Task type
:param profile: Authentication profile
:param input_params: Dictionary with input parameters for a task
:return: Dictionary with created task's parameters
g_client = _auth(profile, api_version=2)
'Task type: {}\nInput params: {}'.format(task_type, input_params)
task = g_client.tasks.create(type=task_type, input=input_params)
log.debug("Created task: {}".format(dict(task)))
created_task = task_show(, profile=profile)
return created_task
def task_show(task_id, profile=None):
Show a Glance V2 task
:param task_id: ID of a task to show
:param profile: Authentication profile
:return: Dictionary with created task's parameters
g_client = _auth(profile)
ret = {}
task = g_client.tasks.get(task_id)
except exc.HTTPNotFound:
return {
'result': False,
'comment': 'No task with ID {0}'.format(task_id)
pformat = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4).pformat
log.debug('Properties of task {0}:\n{1}'.format(
task_id, pformat(task)))
schema = image_schema(schema_type='task', profile=profile)
if len(schema.keys()) == 1:
schema = schema['task']
for key in schema.keys():
if key in task:
ret[key] = task[key]
return ret
def task_list(profile=None):
List Glance V2 tasks
:param profile: Authentication profile
:return: Dictionary with existing tasks
g_client = _auth(profile)
ret = {}
tasks = g_client.tasks.list()
schema = image_schema(schema_type='task', profile=profile)
if len(schema.keys()) == 1:
schema = schema['task']
for task in tasks:
task_dict = {}
for key in schema.keys():
if key in task:
task_dict[key] = task[key]
ret[task['id']] = task_dict
return ret
def get_image_owner_id(name, profile=None):
Mine function to get image owner
:param name: Name of the image
:param profile: Authentication profile
:return: Image owner ID or [] if image is not found
g_client = _auth(profile)
image_id = None
for image in g_client.images.list():
if == name:
image_id =
if not image_id:
return []
image = g_client.images.get(image_id)
except exc.HTTPNotFound:
return []
return image['owner']
def image_schema(schema_type='image', profile=None):
Returns names and descriptions of the schema "image"'s
properties for this profile's instance of glance
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' glance.image_schema
return schema_get(schema_type, profile)
def schema_get(name, profile=None):
Known valid names of schemas are:
- image
- images
- member
- members
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' glance.schema_get name=f16-jeos
g_client = _auth(profile)
pformat = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4).pformat
schema_props = {}
for prop in g_client.schemas.get(name).properties:
schema_props[] = prop.description
log.debug('Properties of schema {0}:\n{1}'.format(
name, pformat(schema_props)))
return {name: schema_props}