blob: 4edd604bd4f0a79ea6bd9a5fa3fd8a643775e065 [file] [log] [blame]
import time
import logging
import os_client_config
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class CinderException(Exception):
_msg = "Cinder module exception occured."
def __init__(self, message=None, **kwargs):
super(CinderException, self).__init__(message or self._msg)
class NoCinderEndpoint(CinderException):
_msg = "Cinder endpoint not found in keystone catalog."
class NoAuthPluginConfigured(CinderException):
_msg = ("You are using keystoneauth auth plugin that does not support "
"fetching endpoint list from token (noauth or admin_token).")
class NoCredentials(CinderException):
_msg = "Please provide cloud name present in clouds.yaml."
class ResourceNotFound(CinderException):
_msg = "Uniq resource: {resource} with name: {name} not found."
def __init__(self, resource, name, **kwargs):
super(CinderException, self).__init__(
self._msg.format(resource=resource, name=name))
class MultipleResourcesFound(CinderException):
_msg = "Multiple resource: {resource} with name: {name} found."
def __init__(self, resource, name, **kwargs):
super(CinderException, self).__init__(
self._msg.format(resource=resource, name=name))
def _get_raw_client(cloud_name):
service_type = 'volumev3'
config = os_client_config.OpenStackConfig()
cloud = config.get_one_cloud(cloud_name)
adapter = cloud.get_session_client(service_type)
access_info = adapter.session.auth.get_access(adapter.session)
endpoints = access_info.service_catalog.get_endpoints()
except (AttributeError, ValueError):
e = NoAuthPluginConfigured()
log.exception('%s' % e)
raise e
if service_type not in endpoints:
if not service_type:
e = NoCinderEndpoint()
log.error('%s' % e)
raise e
return adapter
def send(method):
def wrap(func):
def wrapped_f(*args, **kwargs):
connect_retries = 30
connect_retry_delay = 1
cloud_name = kwargs.pop('cloud_name')
if not cloud_name:
e = NoCredentials()
log.error('%s' % e)
raise e
adapter = _get_raw_client(cloud_name)
# Remove salt internal kwargs
kwarg_keys = list(kwargs.keys())
for k in kwarg_keys:
if k.startswith('__'):
url, json = func(*args, **kwargs)
response = None
for i in range(connect_retries):
if json:
response = getattr(adapter, method)(
url, json=json, connect_retries=connect_retries)
response = getattr(adapter, method)(url)
except Exception as e:
if hasattr(e, 'http_status') and (e.http_status >= 500
or e.http_status == 0):
msg = ("Got retriable exception when contacting "
"Cinder API. Sleeping for %ss. Attepmpts "
"%s of %s")
msg % (connect_retry_delay, i, connect_retries))
if not response or not response.content:
return {}
resp = response.json()
resp = response.content
return resp
return wrapped_f
return wrap