| |
| ================ |
| Barbican formula |
| ================ |
| |
| Barbican is a REST API designed for the secure storage, provisioning and |
| management of secrets such as passwords, encryption keys and X.509 Certificates. |
| It is aimed at being useful for all environments, including large ephemeral |
| Clouds. |
| |
| Sample pillars |
| ============== |
| |
| Barbican cluster service |
| |
| .. code-block:: yaml |
| |
| barbican: |
| server: |
| enabled: true |
| version: ocata |
| host_href: '' |
| is_proxied: true |
| plugin: |
| simple_crypto: |
| kek: "YWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcHFyc3R1dnd4eXoxMjM0NTY=" |
| store: |
| software: |
| crypto_plugin: simple_crypto |
| store_plugin: store_crypto |
| global_default: True |
| database: |
| engine: "mysql+pymysql" |
| host: |
| port: 3306 |
| name: barbican |
| user: barbican |
| password: password |
| bind: |
| address: |
| port: 9311 |
| admin_port: 9312 |
| identity: |
| engine: keystone |
| host: |
| port: 35357 |
| domain: default |
| tenant: service |
| user: barbican |
| password: password |
| message_queue: |
| engine: rabbitmq |
| user: openstack |
| password: password |
| virtual_host: '/openstack' |
| members: |
| - host: |
| port: 5672 |
| - host: |
| port: 5672 |
| - host: |
| port: 5672 |
| cache: |
| members: |
| - host: |
| port: 11211 |
| - host: |
| port: 11211 |
| - host: |
| port: 11211 |
| |
| Enhanced logging with logging.conf |
| ---------------------------------- |
| |
| By default logging.conf is disabled. |
| |
| That is possible to enable per-binary logging.conf with new variables: |
| * openstack_log_appender - set it to true to enable log_config_append for all OpenStack services; |
| * openstack_fluentd_handler_enabled - set to true to enable FluentHandler for all Openstack services. |
| * openstack_ossyslog_handler_enabled - set to true to enable OSSysLogHandler for all Openstack services. |
| |
| Only WatchedFileHandler, OSSysLogHandler and FluentHandler are available. |
| |
| Also it is possible to configure this with pillar: |
| |
| .. code-block:: yaml |
| |
| barbican: |
| server: |
| logging: |
| log_appender: true |
| log_handlers: |
| watchedfile: |
| enabled: true |
| fluentd: |
| enabled: true |
| ossyslog: |
| enabled: true |
| |
| Running behind loadbalancer |
| |
| If you are running behind loadbalancer, set the `host_href` to load balancer's |
| address. You can set `host_href` empty and the api attempts autodetect correct |
| address from http requests. |
| |
| .. code-block:: yaml |
| |
| barbican: |
| server: |
| enabled: true |
| version: ocata |
| host_href: '' |
| |
| |
| Running behind proxy |
| |
| If you are running behind proxy, set the `is_proxied` parameter to `true`. This |
| will allow `host_href` autodetection with help of proxy headers such as |
| |
| .. code-block:: yaml |
| |
| barbican: |
| server: |
| enabled: true |
| version: ocata |
| host_href: '' |
| is_proxied: true |
| |
| Queuing asynchronous messaging |
| |
| By default is `async_queues_enable` set `false` to invoke worker tasks |
| synchronously (i.e. no-queue standalone mode). To enable queuing asynchronous |
| messaging you need to set it true. |
| |
| .. code-block:: yaml |
| |
| barbican: |
| server: |
| enabled: true |
| version: ocata |
| async_queues_enable: true |
| |
| Keystone notification listener |
| |
| To enable keystone notification listener, set the `ks_notification_enable` |
| to true. |
| |
| `ks_notifications_allow_requeue` enables requeue feature in case of |
| notification processing error. Enable this only when underlying transport |
| supports this feature. |
| |
| `ks_notifications_topic` (defaults to 'notifications') allows to set |
| name of the topic to listen for Keystone notifications on. Note that Keystone |
| must also be configured to send notifications to this topic. |
| If Barbican version and messaging back end support listener pooling, |
| it is preferable to leave this value as default and use |
| `ks_notifications_pool_name` (see below). |
| |
| `ks_notifications_pool_name` (Since Pike release) allows to use keystone |
| listener together with other applications listening on the same notifications |
| topic without interference between services. |
| Set it to any distinctive value to enable listener pooling. |
| It is enabled by default with pool name 'barbican'. |
| Disable it (by setting to empty string) only if underlying messaging transport |
| does not support this feature or Barbican is the sole service listening for |
| notifications on `ks_notifications_topic` (default is 'notifications') topic. |
| |
| .. code-block:: yaml |
| |
| barbican: |
| server: |
| enabled: true |
| version: queens |
| ks_notifications_enable: true |
| ks_notifications_allow_requeue: true |
| ks_notifications_pool_name: barbican |
| |
| |
| MySQL server has gone away |
| |
| MySQL uses a default `wait_timeout` of 8 hours, after which it will drop |
| idle connections. This can result in 'MySQL Gone Away' exceptions. If you |
| notice this, you can lower `sql_idle_timeout` to ensure that SQLAlchemy |
| reconnects before MySQL can drop the connection. If you run MySQL with HAProxy |
| you need to consider haproxy client/server timeout parameters. |
| |
| .. code-block:: yaml |
| |
| barbican: |
| server: |
| enabled: true |
| version: ocata |
| database: |
| engine: "mysql+pymysql" |
| host: |
| port: 3306 |
| name: barbican |
| user: barbican |
| password: password |
| sql_idle_timeout: 180 |
| |
| |
| Configuring TLS communications |
| ------------------------------ |
| |
| In order to trust remote server's certificate during establishing tls |
| connection the CA cert must be provided at client side. By default |
| system wide installed CA certs are used. You can change this behavior |
| by specifying cacert_file and cacert params (optional). |
| See examples below: |
| |
| |
| - **RabbitMQ** |
| |
| .. code-block:: yaml |
| |
| barbican: |
| server: |
| message_queue: |
| port: 5671 |
| ssl: |
| enabled: True |
| cacert: cert body if the cacert_file does not exists |
| cacert_file: /etc/openstack/rabbitmq-ca.pem |
| |
| |
| - **MySQL** |
| |
| .. code-block:: yaml |
| |
| barbican: |
| server: |
| database: |
| ssl: |
| enabled: True |
| cacert: cert body if the cacert_file does not exists |
| cacert_file: /etc/openstack/mysql-ca.pem |
| |
| |
| Change default service policy configuration: |
| -------------------------------------------- |
| |
| .. code-block:: yaml |
| |
| barbican: |
| server: |
| policy: |
| creator: 'role:creator' |
| audit: 'role:audit' |
| # Add key without value to remove line from policy.json |
| quotas:get: |
| |
| Configuring plugins |
| ------------------- |
| |
| Dogtag KRA |
| |
| .. code block:: yaml |
| |
| barbican: |
| server: |
| plugin: |
| dogtag: |
| pem_path: '/etc/barbican/kra_admin_cert.pem' |
| dogtag_host: localhost |
| dogtag_port: 8443 |
| nss_db_path: '/etc/barbican/alias' |
| nss_db_path_ca: '/etc/barbican/alias-ca' |
| nss_password: 'password123' |
| simple_cmc_profile: 'caOtherCert' |
| ca_expiration_time: 1 |
| plugin_working_dir: '/etc/barbican/dogtag' |
| |
| There are few sources (engines) to define KRA admin cert: |
| Engine #1: Define KRA admin cert by pillar. |
| To define KRA admin cert by pillar need to define the following: |
| .. code block:: yaml |
| barbican: |
| server: |
| dogtag_admin_cert: |
| engine: manual |
| key: | |
| ... key data ... |
| Engine #2: Receive DogTag cert from Salt Mine. |
| DogTag formula sends KRA cert to dogtag_admin_cert mine function. |
| .. code block:: yaml |
| barbican: |
| server: |
| dogtag_admin_cert: |
| engine: mine |
| minion: ...name of minion which has installed DogTag.. |
| Engine #3: No operations. |
| In case of some additional steps to install KRA certificate which |
| are out of scope for the formula, the formula has 'noop' engine |
| to perform no operations. If 'noop' engine is defined the formula will |
| do nothing to install KRA admin cert. |
| .. code block:: yaml |
| barbican: |
| server: |
| dogtag_admin_cert: |
| engine: noop |
| |
| |
| .. code block:: yaml |
| |
| barbican: |
| server: |
| plugin: |
| kmip: |
| username: 'admin' |
| password: 'password' |
| host: localhost |
| port: 5696 |
| keyfile: '/path/to/certs/cert.key' |
| certfile: '/path/to/certs/cert.crt' |
| ca_certs: '/path/to/certs/LocalCA.crt' |
| |
| |
| PKCS11 HSM |
| |
| .. code block:: yaml |
| |
| barbican: |
| server: |
| plugin: |
| p11_crypto: |
| library_path: '/usr/lib/libCryptoki2_64.so' |
| login: 'mypassword' |
| mkek_label: 'an_mkek' |
| mkek_length: 32 |
| hmac_label: 'my_hmac_label' |
| |
| |
| .. code block:: yaml |
| |
| barbican: |
| server: |
| plugin: |
| vault: |
| schema: http |
| host: localhost |
| port: 8200 |
| root_token_id: s.hpamtsbW5vcHFyc3R1dnd4eXo |
| approle_role_id: role_id |
| approle_secret_id: secret_id |
| kv_mountpoint: secret |
| |
| Vault supports secure connection. You able to define following fields for use security connection, |
| also you should place file of certificate or define cert content in cacert field, in the last case |
| `ssl_ca_crt_file` field required to define. |
| |
| .. code block:: yaml |
| |
| barbican: |
| server: |
| plugin: |
| vault: |
| schema: https |
| ssl_ca_crt_file: '/etc/barbican/ssl/vault/CA.crt' |
| cacert: (certificate content) |
| |
| |
| Software Only Crypto |
| |
| `kek` is key encryption key created from 32 bytes encoded as Base64. You should |
| not use this in production. |
| |
| .. code block:: yaml |
| |
| barbican: |
| server: |
| plugin: |
| simple_crypto: |
| kek: 'YWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcHFyc3R1dnd4eXoxMjM0NTY=' |
| |
| |
| Secret stores |
| ------------- |
| |
| .. code-block:: yaml |
| |
| barbican: |
| server: |
| plugin: |
| simple_crypto: |
| kek: "YWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcHFyc3R1dnd4eXoxMjM0NTY=" |
| p11_crypto: |
| library_path: '/usr/lib/libCryptoki2_64.so' |
| login: 'mypassword' |
| mkek_label: 'an_mkek' |
| mkek_length: 32 |
| hmac_label: 'my_hmac_label' |
| kmip: |
| username: 'admin' |
| password: 'password' |
| host: localhost |
| port: 5696 |
| keyfile: '/path/to/certs/cert.key' |
| certfile: '/path/to/certs/cert.crt' |
| ca_certs: '/path/to/certs/LocalCA.crt' |
| dogtag: |
| pem_path: '/etc/barbican/kra_admin_cert.pem' |
| dogtag_host: localhost |
| dogtag_port: 8443 |
| nss_db_path: '/etc/barbican/alias' |
| nss_db_path_ca: '/etc/barbican/alias-ca' |
| nss_password: 'password123' |
| simple_cmc_profile: 'caOtherCert' |
| ca_expiration_time: 1 |
| plugin_working_dir: '/etc/barbican/dogtag' |
| vault: |
| schema: http |
| host: localhost |
| port: 8200 |
| root_token_id: s.hpamtsbW5vcHFyc3R1dnd4eXo |
| approle_role_id: role_id |
| approle_secret_id: secret_id |
| kv_mountpoint: secret |
| store: |
| software: |
| crypto_plugin: simple_crypto |
| store_plugin: store_crypto |
| global_default: True |
| kmip: |
| store_plugin: kmip_plugin |
| dogtag: |
| store_plugin: dogtag_crypto |
| pkcs11: |
| store_plugin: store_crypto |
| crypto_plugin: p11_crypto |
| |
| Creating resources in barbican |
| ------------------------------ |
| |
| To create a secret with payload from file in barbican, next pillar can be used: |
| |
| .. code-block:: yaml |
| |
| barbican: |
| client: |
| enabled: True |
| resources: |
| v1: |
| enabled: true |
| cloud_name: admin_identity |
| secrets: |
| TestSecret: |
| type: certificate |
| algorithm: RSA |
| payload_content_type: application/octet-stream |
| payload_content_encoding: base64 |
| payload_path: /tmp/test.crt |
| encodeb64_payload: true |
| acl: |
| TestSecret: |
| test_user: |
| enabled: True |
| |
| |
| Sign image with barbican |
| ------------------------ |
| |
| To sign image with given image name, secrect name and user credentials, can be |
| used the following pillar: |
| |
| |
| .. code-block:: yaml |
| |
| barbican: |
| client: |
| enabled: True |
| signed_images: |
| v1: |
| enabled: true |
| images: |
| TestImage: |
| secret_name: 'TestSecret' |
| cert_key: /etc/test/certs/image.key |
| name: test-image-name |
| cloud_name: admin_identity |
| |
| |
| |
| Enable x509 and ssl communication between Barbican and Galera cluster. |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| By default communication between Barbican and Galera is unsecure. |
| |
| barbican: |
| server: |
| database: |
| x509: |
| enabled: True |
| |
| You able to set custom certificates in pillar: |
| |
| barbican: |
| server: |
| database: |
| x509: |
| cacert: (certificate content) |
| cert: (certificate content) |
| key: (certificate content) |
| |
| You can read more about it here: |
| https://docs.openstack.org/security-guide/databases/database-access-control.html |
| |
| Barbican server with memcached caching and security strategy: |
| |
| .. code-block:: yaml |
| |
| barbican: |
| server: |
| enabled: true |
| ... |
| cache: |
| engine: memcached |
| members: |
| - host: |
| port: 11211 |
| - host: |
| port: 11211 |
| security: |
| enabled: true |
| strategy: ENCRYPT |
| secret_key: secret |
| |
| Change default options using configmap template settings |
| ======================================================== |
| |
| .. code-block:: yaml |
| |
| barbican: |
| server: |
| configmap: |
| max_allowed_secret_in_bytes: 10000 |
| max_allowed_request_size_in_bytes: 1000000 |
| sql_pool_max_overflow: 10 |
| default_limit_paging: 10 |
| max_limit_paging: 100 |
| quotas: |
| quota_secrets: -1 |
| quota_orders: -1 |
| quota_containers: -1 |
| quota_consumers: -1 |
| quota_cas: -1 |
| |
| Read more |
| ========= |
| |
| * https://docs.openstack.org/barbican/latest/ |