blob: ad9ea74823d7b6da714ebfbedba08207792e96e6 [file] [log] [blame]
{%- from "barbican/map.jinja" import server with context -%}
{%- set connection_x509_ssl_option = '' %}
{%- if server.database.get('x509',{}).get('enabled',False) %}
{%- set connection_x509_ssl_option = '&ssl_ca=' ~ server.database.x509.ca_file ~ '&ssl_cert=' ~ server.database.x509.cert_file ~ '&ssl_key=' ~ server.database.x509.key_file %}
{%- elif server.database.get('ssl',{}).get('enabled',False) %}
{%- set connection_x509_ssl_option = '&ssl_ca=' ~ server.database.ssl.get('cacert_file', server.cacert_file) %}
{%- endif %}
# From barbican.common.config
# Role used to identify an authenticated user as administrator.
# (string value)
#admin_role = admin
# Allow unauthenticated users to access the API with read-only
# privileges. This only applies when using ContextMiddleware. (boolean
# value)
#allow_anonymous_access = false
# Maximum allowed http request size against the barbican-api. (integer
# value)
#max_allowed_request_size_in_bytes = 15000
max_allowed_request_size_in_bytes = 1000000
# Maximum allowed secret size in bytes. (integer value)
#max_allowed_secret_in_bytes = 10000
max_allowed_secret_in_bytes = 10000
# Host name, for use in HATEOAS-style references Note: Typically this
# would be the load balanced endpoint that clients would use to
# communicate back with this service. If a deployment wants to derive
# host from wsgi request instead then make this blank. Blank is needed
# to override default config value which is 'http://localhost:9311'
# (string value)
#host_href = http://localhost:9311
{%- if server.host_href is defined %}
host_href = {{ server.host_href }}
{%- endif %}
# SQLAlchemy connection string for the reference implementation
# registry server. Any valid SQLAlchemy connection string is fine.
# See:
# Note: For absolute addresses, use '////' slashes after 'sqlite:'.
# (string value)
#sql_connection = sqlite:///barbican.sqlite
sql_connection = {{ server.database.engine }}://{{ server.database.user }}:{{ server.database.password }}@{{ }}/{{ }}?charset=utf8{{ connection_x509_ssl_option|string }}
# Period in seconds after which SQLAlchemy should reestablish its
# connection to the database. MySQL uses a default `wait_timeout` of 8
# hours, after which it will drop idle connections. This can result in
# 'MySQL Gone Away' exceptions. If you notice this, you can lower this
# value to ensure that SQLAlchemy reconnects before MySQL can drop the
# connection. (integer value)
#sql_idle_timeout = 3600
sql_idle_timeout = {{ server.database.get('sql_idle_timeout', 3600) }}
# Maximum number of database connection retries during startup. Set to
# -1 to specify an infinite retry count. (integer value)
#sql_max_retries = 60
# Interval between retries of opening a SQL connection. (integer
# value)
#sql_retry_interval = 1
# Create the Barbican database on service startup. (boolean value)
#db_auto_create = true
db_auto_create = False
# Maximum page size for the 'limit' paging URL parameter. (integer
# value)
#max_limit_paging = 100
max_limit_paging = 100
# Default page size for the 'limit' paging URL parameter. (integer
# value)
#default_limit_paging = 10
default_limit_paging = 10
# Accepts a class imported from the sqlalchemy.pool module, and
# handles the details of building the pool for you. If commented out,
# SQLAlchemy will select based on the database dialect. Other options
# are QueuePool (for SQLAlchemy-managed connections) and NullPool (to
# disabled SQLAlchemy management of connections). See
# for more
# details (string value)
#sql_pool_class = QueuePool
# Show SQLAlchemy pool-related debugging output in logs (sets DEBUG
# log level output) if specified. (boolean value)
#sql_pool_logging = false
# Size of pool used by SQLAlchemy. This is the largest number of
# connections that will be kept persistently in the pool. Can be set
# to 0 to indicate no size limit. To disable pooling, use a NullPool
# with sql_pool_class instead. Comment out to allow SQLAlchemy to
# select the default. (integer value)
#sql_pool_size = 5
# # The maximum overflow size of the pool used by SQLAlchemy. When the
# number of checked-out connections reaches the size set in
# sql_pool_size, additional connections will be returned up to this
# limit. It follows then that the total number of simultaneous
# connections the pool will allow is sql_pool_size +
# sql_pool_max_overflow. Can be set to -1 to indicate no overflow
# limit, so no limit will be placed on the total number of concurrent
# connections. Comment out to allow SQLAlchemy to select the default.
# (integer value)
#sql_pool_max_overflow = 10
# Enable eventlet backdoor. Acceptable values are 0, <port>, and
# <start>:<end>, where 0 results in listening on a random tcp port
# number; <port> results in listening on the specified port number
# (and not enabling backdoor if that port is in use); and
# <start>:<end> results in listening on the smallest unused port
# number within the specified range of port numbers. The chosen port
# is displayed in the service's log file. (string value)
#backdoor_port = <None>
# Enable eventlet backdoor, using the provided path as a unix socket
# that can receive connections. This option is mutually exclusive with
# 'backdoor_port' in that only one should be provided. If both are
# provided then the existence of this option overrides the usage of
# that option. (string value)
#backdoor_socket = <None>
{%- set _data = server.get('logging', {}) %}
{%- include "oslo_templates/files/queens/oslo/_log.conf" %}
{%- set _data = server.message_queue %}
{%- include "oslo_templates/files/queens/oslo/messaging/_default.conf" %}
# From oslo.service.periodic_task
# Some periodic tasks can be run in a separate process. Should we run
# them here? (boolean value)
#run_external_periodic_tasks = true
{%- include "oslo_templates/files/queens/oslo/service/_wsgi_default.conf" %}
# From barbican.certificate.plugin
# Extension namespace to search for plugins. (string value)
#namespace = barbican.certificate.plugin
# List of certificate plugins to load. (multi valued)
#enabled_certificate_plugins = simple_certificate
# From barbican.certificate.plugin
# Extension namespace to search for eventing plugins. (string value)
#namespace = barbican.certificate.event.plugin
# List of certificate plugins to load. (multi valued)
#enabled_certificate_event_plugins = simple_certificate_event
{%- if server.cors is defined %}
{%- set _data = server.cors %}
{%- include "oslo_templates/files/queens/oslo/_cors.conf" %}
{%- endif %}
# From barbican.plugin.crypto
# Extension namespace to search for plugins. (string value)
#namespace = barbican.crypto.plugin
namespace = barbican.crypto.plugin
# List of crypto plugins to load. (multi valued)
#enabled_crypto_plugins = simple_crypto
{% for store_name, store in server.get('store', {}).iteritems() %}
[secretstore:{{ store_name }}]
{%- if store.store_plugin is defined %}
secret_store_plugin = {{ store.store_plugin }}
{%- endif %}
{%- if store.crypto_plugin is defined %}
crypto_plugin = {{ store.crypto_plugin }}
{%- endif %}
{%- if store.global_default is defined %}
global_default = {{ store.global_default }}
{%- endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for plugin_name, plugin in server.get('plugin', {}).iteritems() %}
{%- set plugin_fragment = "barbican/files/" + server.version + "/plugin/_" + plugin_name +".conf" %}
[{{ plugin_name }}_plugin]
{%- include plugin_fragment %}
{% endfor %}
{%- set _data = server.identity %}
{%- if 'cacert_file' not in _data.keys() %}{% do _data.update({'cacert_file': server.cacert_file}) %}{% endif %}
{%- set auth_type = _data.get('auth_type', 'password') %}
{%- if server.get('cache',{}).members is defined and 'cache' not in _data.keys() %}
{% do _data.update({'cache': server.cache}) %}
{% endif %}
{%- include "oslo_templates/files/queens/keystonemiddleware/_auth_token.conf" %}
{%- include "oslo_templates/files/queens/keystoneauth/_type_" + auth_type + ".conf" %}
# From barbican.common.config
# True enables keystone notification listener functionality. (boolean
# value)
#enable = false
enable = {{ server.get('ks_notifications_enable', 'False') }}
# The default exchange under which topics are scoped. May be
# overridden by an exchange name specified in the transport_url
# option. (string value)
#control_exchange = openstack
# Keystone notification queue topic name. This name needs to match one
# of values mentioned in Keystone deployment's 'notification_topics'
# configuration e.g. notification_topics=notifications,
# barbican_notificationsMultiple servers may listen on a topic and
# messages will be dispatched to one of the servers in a round-robin
# fashion. That's why Barbican service should have its own dedicated
# notification queue so that it receives all of Keystone
# notifications. (string value)
#topic = notifications
# True enables requeue feature in case of notification processing
# error. Enable this only when underlying transport supports this
# feature. (boolean value)
#allow_requeue = false
allow_requeue = {{ server.get('ks_notifications_allow_requeue', 'False') }}
# Version of tasks invoked via notifications (string value)
#version = 1.0
# Define the number of max threads to be used for notification server
# processing functionality. (integer value)
#thread_pool_size = 10
# From oslo.messaging
# DEPRECATED: Host to locate redis. (string value)
# This option is deprecated for removal.
# Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
# Reason: Replaced by [DEFAULT]/transport_url
#host =
# DEPRECATED: Use this port to connect to redis host. (port value)
# Minimum value: 0
# Maximum value: 65535
# This option is deprecated for removal.
# Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
# Reason: Replaced by [DEFAULT]/transport_url
#port = 6379
# DEPRECATED: Password for Redis server (optional). (string value)
# This option is deprecated for removal.
# Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
# Reason: Replaced by [DEFAULT]/transport_url
#password =
# DEPRECATED: List of Redis Sentinel hosts (fault tolerance mode),
# e.g., [host:port, host1:port ... ] (list value)
# This option is deprecated for removal.
# Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
# Reason: Replaced by [DEFAULT]/transport_url
#sentinel_hosts =
# Redis replica set name. (string value)
#sentinel_group_name = oslo-messaging-zeromq
# Time in ms to wait between connection attempts. (integer value)
#wait_timeout = 2000
# Time in ms to wait before the transaction is killed. (integer value)
#check_timeout = 20000
# Timeout in ms on blocking socket operations. (integer value)
#socket_timeout = 10000
{%- if server.message_queue is defined %}
{%- set _data = server.message_queue %}
{%- if _data.engine == 'rabbitmq' %}
{%- set messaging_engine = 'rabbit' %}
{%- else %}
{%- set messaging_engine = _data.engine %}
{%- endif %}
[oslo_messaging_{{ messaging_engine }}]
{%- include "oslo_templates/files/queens/oslo/messaging/_" + messaging_engine + ".conf" %}
{%- endif %}
{%- set _data = server.get('notification', {}) %}
{%- include "oslo_templates/files/queens/oslo/messaging/_notifications.conf" %}
{%- set _data = server %}
{%- include "oslo_templates/files/queens/oslo/_middleware.conf" %}
{%- if server.policy is defined %}
{%- set _data = server.policy %}
{%- include "oslo_templates/files/queens/oslo/_policy.conf" %}
{%- endif %}
# From barbican.common.config
# True enables queuing, False invokes workers synchronously (boolean
# value)
#enable = false
{% if server.async_queues_enable is defined %}
enable = {{ server.async_queues_enable }}
{%- endif %}
# Queue namespace (string value)
#namespace = barbican
# Queue topic name (string value)
#topic = barbican.workers
# Version of tasks invoked via queue (string value)
#version = 1.1
# Server name for RPC task processing server (string value)
#server_name = barbican.queue
# Number of asynchronous worker processes (integer value)
#asynchronous_workers = 1
# From barbican.common.config
# Number of secrets allowed per project (integer value)
#quota_secrets = -1
# Number of orders allowed per project (integer value)
#quota_orders = -1
# Number of containers allowed per project (integer value)
#quota_containers = -1
# Number of consumers allowed per project (integer value)
#quota_consumers = -1
# Number of CAs allowed per project (integer value)
#quota_cas = -1
# From barbican.common.config
# Seconds (float) to wait before starting retry scheduler (floating
# point value)
#initial_delay_seconds = 10.0
# Seconds (float) to wait between periodic schedule events (floating
# point value)
#periodic_interval_max_seconds = 10.0
# From barbican.plugin.secret_store
# Extension namespace to search for plugins. (string value)
#namespace = barbican.secretstore.plugin
# List of secret store plugins to load. (multi valued)
#enabled_secretstore_plugins = store_crypto
# Flag to enable multiple secret store plugin backend support. Default
# is False (boolean value)
#enable_multiple_secret_stores = false
enable_multiple_secret_stores = True
# List of suffix to use for looking up plugins which are supported
# with multiple backend support. (list value)
#stores_lookup_suffix = <None>
stores_lookup_suffix = {{ server.get('store', {}).keys() | join(', ') }}
{%- include "oslo_templates/files/queens/oslo/service/_ssl.conf" %}