blob: 0a8b72b51383892f3a432400d7f694a01e9d8853 [file] [log] [blame]
{%- from "backupninja/map.jinja" import client with context %}
# |\_
# B A C K U P N I N J A /()/
# `\|
# main configuration file
# how verbose to make the logs
# 5 -- Debugging messages (and below)
# 4 -- Informational messages (and below)
# 3 -- Warnings (and below)
# 2 -- Errors (and below)
# 1 -- Fatal errors (only)
loglevel = 4
# send a summary of the backup status to
# this email address:
reportemail = {{ client.report_email }}
# if set to 'yes', a report email will be generated
# even if all modules reported success. (default = yes)
reportsuccess = no
# if set to 'yes', a report email will be generated
# even if there was no error. (default = yes)
reportwarning = yes
# for most installations, the defaults below are good #
# where to log:
logfile = /var/log/backupninja.log
# directory where all the backup configuration files live
configdirectory = /etc/backup.d
# where backupninja handler scripts are found
scriptdirectory = /usr/share/backupninja
# use colors in the log file
usecolors = yes