Roger Meier | 5b9693c | 2012-02-28 19:32:55 +0000 | [diff] [blame] | 1 | @echo off |
| 2 | if ""=="%1" goto CONFIG |
| 3 | goto HANDLEDIR |
| 4 | |
| 5 | REM ----------------------------------------------------- |
| 6 | :CONFIG |
| 7 | REM ----------------------------------------------------- |
| 8 | |
| 10 | rem * configuration settings, adjust as necessary to meet your system setup |
| 11 | set SVNWORKDIR= |
| 12 | set MY_THRIFT_FILES= |
| 13 | set BIN=C:\MSys10\local\bin |
| 14 | set MINGW_BIN=C:\MinGW\bin |
| 15 | set DCC= |
| 16 | set SUBDIR=gen-delphi |
| 17 | rem * CONFIGURATION END |
| 18 | |
| 19 | |
| 20 | REM ----------------------------------------------------- |
| 21 | :START |
| 22 | REM ----------------------------------------------------- |
| 23 | |
| 24 | rem * configured? |
| 25 | if "%SVNWORKDIR%"=="" goto CONFIG_ERROR |
| 26 | |
| 27 | rem * try to find dcc32.exe |
| 28 | echo Looking for dcc32.exe ... |
| 29 | if not exist "%DCC%" set DCC=%ProgramFiles%\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\8.0\bin\dcc32.exe |
| 30 | if not exist "%DCC%" set DCC=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\8.0\bin\dcc32.exe |
| 31 | if not exist "%DCC%" goto CONFIG_ERROR |
| 32 | echo Found %DCC% |
| 33 | echo. |
| 34 | |
| 35 | rem * some helpers |
| 36 | set PATH=%BIN%;%MINGW_BIN%;%PATH% |
| 37 | set TARGET=%SVNWORKDIR%\..\thrift-testing |
| 38 | set SOURCE=%SVNWORKDIR% |
| 39 | set TESTAPP=TestProject |
| 40 | set UNITSEARCH=%SOURCE%\lib\pas\src;%SOURCE%\lib\delphi\src |
| 41 | set OUTDCU="%TARGET%\dcu" |
| 42 | set LOGFILE=%TARGET%\%SUBDIR%\codegen.log |
| 43 | |
| 44 | rem * create and/or empty target dirs |
| 45 | if not exist "%TARGET%" md "%TARGET%" |
| 46 | if not exist "%TARGET%\%SUBDIR%" md "%TARGET%\%SUBDIR%" |
| 47 | if not exist "%OUTDCU%" md "%OUTDCU%" |
| 48 | if exist "%TARGET%\*.thrift" del "%TARGET%\*.thrift" /Q |
| 49 | if exist "%TARGET%\%SUBDIR%\*.*" del "%TARGET%\%SUBDIR%\*.*" /Q |
| 50 | if exist "%OUTDCU%\*.*" del "%OUTDCU%\*.*" /Q |
| 51 | |
| 52 | rem * recurse through thrift WC and "my thrift files" folder |
| 53 | rem * copies all .thrift files into thrift-testing |
| 54 | call %0 %SOURCE% |
| 55 | if not "%MY_THRIFT_FILES%"=="" call %0 %MY_THRIFT_FILES% |
| 56 | |
| 57 | rem * compile all thrift files, generate PAS and C++ code |
| 58 | echo. |
| 59 | echo Generating code, please wait ... |
| 60 | cd "%TARGET%" |
Jens Geyer | c2c4d72 | 2013-06-04 21:43:40 +0200 | [diff] [blame^] | 61 | for %%a in (*.thrift) do "%BIN%\thrift.exe" -v --gen delphi:ansistr_binary,register_types "%%a" 2>> "%LOGFILE%" |
Roger Meier | 5b9693c | 2012-02-28 19:32:55 +0000 | [diff] [blame] | 62 | REM * for %%a in (*.thrift) do "%BIN%\thrift.exe" -v --gen cpp "%%a" >> NUL: |
| 63 | cmd /c start notepad "%LOGFILE%" |
| 64 | cd .. |
| 65 | |
| 66 | rem * check for special Delphi testcases being processed |
| 67 | if not exist "%TARGET%\%SUBDIR%\ReservedKeywords.pas" goto TESTCASE_MISSING |
| 68 | |
| 69 | |
| 70 | rem * generate a minimal DPR file that uses all generated pascal units |
| 71 | cd "%TARGET%\%SUBDIR%\" |
| 72 | if exist inherited.* ren inherited.* _inherited.* |
| 73 | echo program %TESTAPP%; > %TESTAPP%.dpr |
| 74 | echo {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} >> %TESTAPP%.dpr |
| 75 | echo. >> %TESTAPP%.dpr |
| 76 | echo uses >> %TESTAPP%.dpr |
| 77 | for %%a in (*.pas) do echo %%~na, >> %TESTAPP%.dpr |
| 78 | echo Windows, Classes, SysUtils; >> %TESTAPP%.dpr |
| 79 | echo. >> %TESTAPP%.dpr |
| 80 | echo begin >> %TESTAPP%.dpr |
| 81 | echo Writeln('Successfully compiled!'); >> %TESTAPP%.dpr |
| 82 | echo Writeln('List of units:'); >> %TESTAPP%.dpr |
| 83 | for %%a in (*.pas) do echo Write('%%~na':30,'':10); >> %TESTAPP%.dpr |
| 84 | echo Writeln; >> %TESTAPP%.dpr |
| 85 | echo end. >> %TESTAPP%.dpr |
| 86 | echo. >> %TESTAPP%.dpr |
| 87 | cd ..\.. |
| 88 | |
| 89 | rem * try to compile the DPR |
| 90 | rem * this should not throw any errors, warnings or hints |
| 92 | dir "%TARGET%\%SUBDIR%\%TESTAPP%.exe" |
| 93 | if not exist "%TARGET%\%SUBDIR%\%TESTAPP%.exe" goto CODEGEN_FAILED |
| 94 | echo. |
| 95 | echo ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 96 | echo The compiled program is now executed. If it hangs or crashes, we |
| 97 | echo have a serious problem with the generated code. Expected output |
| 98 | echo is "Successfully compiled:" followed by a list of generated units. |
| 99 | echo ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 100 | "%TARGET%\%SUBDIR%\%TESTAPP%.exe" |
| 101 | echo ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 102 | echo. |
| 103 | pause |
| 104 | GOTO EOF |
| 105 | |
| 106 | REM ----------------------------------------------------- |
| 107 | :DXE_NOT_FOUND |
| 108 | REM ----------------------------------------------------- |
| 109 | echo Delphi Compiler (dcc32.exe) not found. |
| 110 | echo Please check the "DCC" setting in this batch. |
| 111 | echo. |
| 112 | cmd /c start notepad README.TXT |
| 113 | cmd /c start notepad %0 |
| 114 | pause |
| 115 | GOTO EOF |
| 116 | |
| 117 | |
| 118 | REM ----------------------------------------------------- |
| 119 | :CONFIG_ERROR |
| 120 | REM ----------------------------------------------------- |
| 121 | echo Missing, incomplete or wrong configuration settings! |
| 122 | cmd /c start notepad README.TXT |
| 123 | cmd /c start notepad %0 |
| 124 | pause |
| 125 | GOTO EOF |
| 126 | |
| 127 | |
| 128 | REM ----------------------------------------------------- |
| 130 | REM ----------------------------------------------------- |
| 131 | echo Missing an expected Delphi testcase! |
| 132 | pause |
| 133 | GOTO EOF |
| 134 | |
| 135 | |
| 136 | REM ----------------------------------------------------- |
| 138 | REM ----------------------------------------------------- |
| 139 | echo Code generation FAILED! |
| 140 | pause |
| 141 | GOTO EOF |
| 142 | |
| 143 | |
| 144 | REM ----------------------------------------------------- |
| 145 | :HANDLEDIR |
| 146 | REM ----------------------------------------------------- |
| 147 | REM echo %1 |
| 148 | for /D %%a in (%1\*) do call %0 %%a |
| 149 | if exist "%1\*.thrift" copy /b "%1\*.thrift" "%TARGET%\*.*" |
| 150 | GOTO EOF |
| 151 | |
| 152 | |
| 153 | REM ----------------------------------------------------- |
| 154 | :EOF |
| 155 | REM ----------------------------------------------------- |