blob: f378ea22209c705c435927b8190dfe133516fc42 [file] [log] [blame]
Noam Zilbersteinaf5d64a2014-07-31 15:44:13 -07001--
2-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
3-- or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
4-- distributed with this work for additional information
5-- regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
6-- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
7-- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
8-- with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
12-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
13-- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
15-- KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
16-- specific language governing permissions and limitations
17-- under the License.
20{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
21{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
22{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
23{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
24{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
26module Thrift.Protocol.JSON
27 ( module Thrift.Protocol
28 , JSONProtocol(..)
29 ) where
31import Control.Applicative
32import Control.Monad
33import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as P
34import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as PC
35import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Lazy as LP
36import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Builder as B
37import Data.ByteString.Internal (c2w, w2c)
38import Data.Functor
39import Data.Int
40import Data.List
41import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
42import Data.Monoid
43import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding
44import Data.Word
45import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
47import Thrift.Protocol
48import Thrift.Transport
49import Thrift.Types
51import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
52import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
54-- | The JSON Protocol data uses the standard 'TSimpleJSONProtocol'. Data is
55-- encoded as a JSON 'ByteString'
56data JSONProtocol t = JSONProtocol t
57 -- ^ Construct a 'JSONProtocol' with a 'Transport'
59instance Protocol JSONProtocol where
60 getTransport (JSONProtocol t) = t
62 writeMessageBegin (JSONProtocol t) (s, ty, sq) = tWrite t $ toLazyByteString $
63 B.char8 '[' <> buildShowable (1 :: Int32) <>
64 B.string8 ",\"" <> escape (encodeUtf8 s) <> B.char8 '\"' <>
65 B.char8 ',' <> buildShowable (fromEnum ty) <>
66 B.char8 ',' <> buildShowable sq <>
67 B.char8 ','
68 writeMessageEnd (JSONProtocol t) = tWrite t "]"
69 readMessageBegin p = runParser p $ skipSpace *> do
70 _ver :: Int32 <- lexeme (PC.char8 '[') *> lexeme (signed decimal)
71 bs <- lexeme (PC.char8 ',') *> lexeme escapedString
72 case decodeUtf8' bs of
73 Left _ -> fail "readMessage: invalid text encoding"
74 Right str -> do
75 ty <- toEnum <$> (lexeme (PC.char8 ',') *> lexeme (signed decimal))
76 seqNum <- lexeme (PC.char8 ',') *> lexeme (signed decimal)
77 _ <- PC.char8 ','
78 return (str, ty, seqNum)
79 readMessageEnd p = void $ runParser p (PC.char8 ']')
81 serializeVal _ = toLazyByteString . buildJSONValue
82 deserializeVal _ ty bs =
83 case LP.eitherResult $ LP.parse (parseJSONValue ty) bs of
84 Left s -> error s
85 Right val -> val
87 readVal p ty = runParser p $ skipSpace *> parseJSONValue ty
90-- Writing Functions
92buildJSONValue :: ThriftVal -> Builder
93buildJSONValue (TStruct fields) = B.char8 '{' <> buildJSONStruct fields <> B.char8 '}'
94buildJSONValue (TMap kt vt entries) =
95 B.char8 '[' <> B.char8 '"' <> getTypeName kt <> B.char8 '"' <>
96 B.char8 ',' <> B.char8 '"' <> getTypeName vt <> B.char8 '"' <>
97 B.char8 ',' <> buildShowable (length entries) <>
98 B.char8 ',' <> B.char8 '{' <> buildJSONMap entries <> B.char8 '}' <>
99 B.char8 ']'
100buildJSONValue (TList ty entries) =
101 B.char8 '[' <> B.char8 '"' <> getTypeName ty <> B.char8 '"' <>
102 B.char8 ',' <> buildShowable (length entries) <>
103 (if length entries > 0
104 then B.char8 ',' <> buildJSONList entries
105 else mempty) <>
106 B.char8 ']'
107buildJSONValue (TSet ty entries) = buildJSONValue (TList ty entries)
108buildJSONValue (TBool b) = if b then B.string8 "true" else B.string8 "false"
109buildJSONValue (TByte b) = buildShowable b
110buildJSONValue (TI16 i) = buildShowable i
111buildJSONValue (TI32 i) = buildShowable i
112buildJSONValue (TI64 i) = buildShowable i
113buildJSONValue (TDouble d) = buildShowable d
114buildJSONValue (TString s) = B.char8 '\"' <> escape s <> B.char8 '\"'
116buildJSONStruct :: Map.HashMap Int16 (LT.Text, ThriftVal) -> Builder
117buildJSONStruct = mconcat . intersperse (B.char8 ',') . Map.foldrWithKey buildField []
118 where
119 buildField fid (_,val) = (:) $
120 B.char8 '"' <> buildShowable fid <> B.string8 "\":" <>
121 B.char8 '{' <>
122 B.char8 '"' <> getTypeName (getTypeOf val) <> B.string8 "\":" <>
123 buildJSONValue val <>
124 B.char8 '}'
126buildJSONMap :: [(ThriftVal, ThriftVal)] -> Builder
127buildJSONMap = mconcat . intersperse (B.char8 ',') . map buildKV
128 where
129 buildKV (key@(TString _), val) =
130 buildJSONValue key <> B.char8 ':' <> buildJSONValue val
131 buildKV (key, val) =
132 B.char8 '\"' <> buildJSONValue key <> B.string8 "\":" <> buildJSONValue val
133buildJSONList :: [ThriftVal] -> Builder
134buildJSONList = mconcat . intersperse (B.char8 ',') . map buildJSONValue
136buildShowable :: Show a => a -> Builder
137buildShowable = B.string8 . show
139-- Reading Functions
141parseJSONValue :: ThriftType -> Parser ThriftVal
142parseJSONValue (T_STRUCT tmap) =
143 TStruct <$> (lexeme (PC.char8 '{') *> parseJSONStruct tmap <* PC.char8 '}')
144parseJSONValue (T_MAP kt vt) = fmap (TMap kt vt) $
145 between '[' ']' $
146 lexeme escapedString *> lexeme (PC.char8 ',') *>
147 lexeme escapedString *> lexeme (PC.char8 ',') *>
148 lexeme decimal *> lexeme (PC.char8 ',') *>
149 between '{' '}' (parseJSONMap kt vt)
150parseJSONValue (T_LIST ty) = fmap (TList ty) $
151 between '[' ']' $ do
152 len <- lexeme escapedString *> lexeme (PC.char8 ',') *>
153 lexeme decimal <* lexeme (PC.char8 ',')
154 if len > 0 then parseJSONList ty else return []
155parseJSONValue (T_SET ty) = fmap (TSet ty) $
156 between '[' ']' $ do
157 len <- lexeme escapedString *> lexeme (PC.char8 ',') *>
158 lexeme decimal <* lexeme (PC.char8 ',')
159 if len > 0 then parseJSONList ty else return []
160parseJSONValue T_BOOL =
161 (TBool True <$ string "true") <|> (TBool False <$ string "false")
162parseJSONValue T_BYTE = TByte <$> signed decimal
163parseJSONValue T_I16 = TI16 <$> signed decimal
164parseJSONValue T_I32 = TI32 <$> signed decimal
165parseJSONValue T_I64 = TI64 <$> signed decimal
166parseJSONValue T_DOUBLE = TDouble <$> double
167parseJSONValue T_STRING = TString <$> escapedString
168parseJSONValue T_STOP = fail "parseJSONValue: cannot parse type T_STOP"
169parseJSONValue T_VOID = fail "parseJSONValue: cannot parse type T_VOID"
171parseAnyValue :: Parser ()
172parseAnyValue = choice $
173 skipBetween '{' '}' :
174 skipBetween '[' ']' :
175 map (void . parseJSONValue)
176 [ T_BOOL
177 , T_I16
178 , T_I32
179 , T_I64
180 , T_DOUBLE
181 , T_STRING
182 ]
183 where
184 skipBetween :: Char -> Char -> Parser ()
185 skipBetween a b = between a b $ void (PC.satisfy (\c -> c /= a && c /= b))
186 <|> skipBetween a b
188parseJSONStruct :: TypeMap -> Parser (Map.HashMap Int16 (LT.Text, ThriftVal))
189parseJSONStruct tmap = Map.fromList . catMaybes <$> parseField
190 `sepBy` lexeme (PC.char8 ',')
191 where
192 parseField = do
193 fid <- lexeme (between '"' '"' decimal) <* lexeme (PC.char8 ':')
194 case Map.lookup fid tmap of
195 Just (str, ftype) -> between '{' '}' $ do
196 _ <- lexeme (escapedString) *> lexeme (PC.char8 ':')
197 val <- lexeme (parseJSONValue ftype)
198 return $ Just (fid, (str, val))
199 Nothing -> lexeme parseAnyValue *> return Nothing
201parseJSONMap :: ThriftType -> ThriftType -> Parser [(ThriftVal, ThriftVal)]
202parseJSONMap kt vt =
203 ((,) <$> lexeme (PC.char8 '"' *> parseJSONValue kt <* PC.char8 '"') <*>
204 (lexeme (PC.char8 ':') *> lexeme (parseJSONValue vt))) `sepBy`
205 lexeme (PC.char8 ',')
207parseJSONList :: ThriftType -> Parser [ThriftVal]
208parseJSONList ty = lexeme (parseJSONValue ty) `sepBy` lexeme (PC.char8 ',')
210escapedString :: Parser LBS.ByteString
211escapedString = PC.char8 '"' *>
212 (LBS.pack <$> P.many' (escapedChar <|> notChar8 '"')) <*
213 PC.char8 '"'
215escapedChar :: Parser Word8
216escapedChar = PC.char8 '\\' *> (c2w <$> choice
217 [ '\SOH' <$ P.string "u0001"
218 , '\STX' <$ P.string "u0002"
219 , '\ETX' <$ P.string "u0003"
220 , '\EOT' <$ P.string "u0004"
221 , '\ENQ' <$ P.string "u0005"
222 , '\ACK' <$ P.string "u0006"
223 , '\BEL' <$ P.string "u0007"
224 , '\BS' <$ P.string "u0008"
225 , '\VT' <$ P.string "u000b"
226 , '\FF' <$ P.string "u000c"
227 , '\CR' <$ P.string "u000d"
228 , '\SO' <$ P.string "u000e"
229 , '\SI' <$ P.string "u000f"
230 , '\DLE' <$ P.string "u0010"
231 , '\DC1' <$ P.string "u0011"
232 , '\DC2' <$ P.string "u0012"
233 , '\DC3' <$ P.string "u0013"
234 , '\DC4' <$ P.string "u0014"
235 , '\NAK' <$ P.string "u0015"
236 , '\SYN' <$ P.string "u0016"
237 , '\ETB' <$ P.string "u0017"
238 , '\CAN' <$ P.string "u0018"
239 , '\EM' <$ P.string "u0019"
240 , '\SUB' <$ P.string "u001a"
241 , '\ESC' <$ P.string "u001b"
242 , '\FS' <$ P.string "u001c"
243 , '\GS' <$ P.string "u001d"
244 , '\RS' <$ P.string "u001e"
245 , '\US' <$ P.string "u001f"
246 , '\DEL' <$ P.string "u007f"
247 , '\0' <$ PC.char '0'
248 , '\a' <$ PC.char 'a'
249 , '\b' <$ PC.char 'b'
250 , '\f' <$ PC.char 'f'
251 , '\n' <$ PC.char 'n'
252 , '\r' <$ PC.char 'r'
253 , '\t' <$ PC.char 't'
254 , '\v' <$ PC.char 'v'
255 , '\"' <$ PC.char '"'
256 , '\'' <$ PC.char '\''
257 , '\\' <$ PC.char '\\'
258 , '/' <$ PC.char '/'
259 ])
261escape :: LBS.ByteString -> Builder
262escape = LBS.foldl' escapeChar mempty
263 where
264 escapeChar b w = b <> (B.lazyByteString $ case w2c w of
265 '\0' -> "\\0"
266 '\b' -> "\\b"
267 '\f' -> "\\f"
268 '\n' -> "\\n"
269 '\r' -> "\\r"
270 '\t' -> "\\t"
271 '\"' -> "\\\""
272 '\\' -> "\\\\"
273 '\SOH' -> "\\u0001"
274 '\STX' -> "\\u0002"
275 '\ETX' -> "\\u0003"
276 '\EOT' -> "\\u0004"
277 '\ENQ' -> "\\u0005"
278 '\ACK' -> "\\u0006"
279 '\BEL' -> "\\u0007"
280 '\VT' -> "\\u000b"
281 '\SO' -> "\\u000e"
282 '\SI' -> "\\u000f"
283 '\DLE' -> "\\u0010"
284 '\DC1' -> "\\u0011"
285 '\DC2' -> "\\u0012"
286 '\DC3' -> "\\u0013"
287 '\DC4' -> "\\u0014"
288 '\NAK' -> "\\u0015"
289 '\SYN' -> "\\u0016"
290 '\ETB' -> "\\u0017"
291 '\CAN' -> "\\u0018"
292 '\EM' -> "\\u0019"
293 '\SUB' -> "\\u001a"
294 '\ESC' -> "\\u001b"
295 '\FS' -> "\\u001c"
296 '\GS' -> "\\u001d"
297 '\RS' -> "\\u001e"
298 '\US' -> "\\u001f"
299 '\DEL' -> "\\u007f"
300 _ -> LBS.singleton w)
302lexeme :: Parser a -> Parser a
303lexeme = (<* skipSpace)
305notChar8 :: Char -> Parser Word8
306notChar8 c = P.satisfy (/= c2w c)
308between :: Char -> Char -> Parser a -> Parser a
309between a b p = lexeme (PC.char8 a) *> lexeme p <* lexeme (PC.char8 b)
311getTypeName :: ThriftType -> Builder
312getTypeName ty = B.string8 $ case ty of
313 T_STRUCT _ -> "rec"
314 T_MAP _ _ -> "map"
315 T_LIST _ -> "lst"
316 T_SET _ -> "set"
317 T_BOOL -> "tf"
318 T_BYTE -> "i8"
319 T_I16 -> "i16"
320 T_I32 -> "i32"
321 T_I64 -> "i64"
322 T_DOUBLE -> "dbl"
323 T_STRING -> "str"
324 _ -> error "Unrecognized Type"