blob: 07d1ee99b33eada4c5f696977a2bcbe2bca4e1dc [file] [log] [blame]
David Reiss5e530af2009-06-04 02:01:24 +00001%% Tests the behavior of clients in the face of transport errors.
2%% Makes sure start, start_linked, and start_tethered work as expected.
8t() ->
9 io:format("Starting.~n", []),
10 register(tester, self()),
12 Pid1 = erlang:spawn(?MODULE, test_start, []),
13 receive after 200 -> ok end, % Wait for completion.
14 case is_up(Pid1) of
15 true ->
16 io:format("PASS. Unlinked owner still alive.~n");
17 false ->
18 io:format("FAIL. Unlinked owner is dead.~n")
19 end,
21 Pid2 = erlang:spawn(?MODULE, test_linked, []),
22 receive after 200 -> ok end, % Wait for completion.
23 case is_up(Pid2) of
24 true ->
25 io:format("FAIL. Linked owner still alive.~n");
26 false ->
27 io:format("PASS. Linked owner is dead.~n")
28 end,
30 check_extras(2),
32 erlang:halt().
34is_up(Pid) ->
35 MonitorRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
36 receive
37 {'DOWN', MonitorRef, process, Pid, _Info} ->
38 false
39 after
40 50 ->
41 erlang:demonitor(MonitorRef),
42 true
43 end.
45check_extras(0) -> ok;
46check_extras(N) ->
47 receive
48 {client, Type, Pid} ->
49 case {Type, is_up(Pid)} of
50 {unlinked, true} ->
51 io:format("PASS. Unlinked client still alive.~n");
52 {unlinked, false} ->
53 io:format("FAIL. Unlinked client dead.~n");
54 {linked, true} ->
55 io:format("FAIL. Linked client still alive.~n");
56 {linked, false} ->
57 io:format("PASS. Linked client dead.~n")
58 end,
59 check_extras(N-1)
60 after
61 500 ->
62 io:format("FAIL. Expected ~p more clients.~n", [N])
63 end.
65make_protocol_factory(Port) ->
66 {ok, TransportFactory} =
67 thrift_socket_transport:new_transport_factory(
68 "", Port, []),
69 {ok, ProtocolFactory} =
70 thrift_binary_protocol:new_protocol_factory(
71 TransportFactory, []),
72 ProtocolFactory.
75test_start() ->
76 {ok, Client1} = gen_server:start(thrift_client, [thriftTest_thrift], []),
77 tester ! {client, unlinked, Client1},
78 {ok, Client2} = gen_server:start(thrift_client, [thriftTest_thrift], []),
79 io:format("PASS. Unlinked clients created.~n"),
80 try
81 gen_server:call(Client2, {connect, make_protocol_factory(2)}),
82 io:format("FAIL. Unlinked client connected.~n", [])
83 catch
84 Kind:Info ->
85 io:format("PASS. Caught unlinked error. ~p:~p~n", [Kind, Info])
86 end,
87 receive after 100 ->
88 io:format("PASS. Still alive after unlinked death.~n"),
89 %% Hang around a little longer so our parent can verify.
90 receive after 200 -> ok end
91 end,
92 %% Exit abnormally to not kill our unlinked extra client.
93 exit(die).
95test_linked() ->
96 {ok, Client1} = gen_server:start_link(thrift_client, [thriftTest_thrift], []),
97 tester ! {client, linked, Client1},
98 {ok, Client2} = gen_server:start_link(thrift_client, [thriftTest_thrift], []),
99 io:format("PASS. Linked clients created.~n"),
100 try
101 gen_server:call(Client2, {connect, make_protocol_factory(2)}),
102 io:format("FAIL. Linked client connected.~n", [])
103 catch
104 Kind:Info ->
105 io:format("FAIL. Caught linked error. ~p:~p~n", [Kind, Info])
106 end,
107 receive after 100 ->
108 io:format("FAIL. Still alive after linked death.~n"),
109 % Hang around a little longer so our parent can verify.
110 receive after 200 -> ok end
111 end,
112 %% Exit abnormally to kill our linked extra client.
113 %% But we should never get here.
114 exit(die).