blob: 0f3f7d78be3b133ba0a7f969d3c1ef1b7aab0bcc [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package thrift
import (
type ProtocolFactory interface {
GetProtocol(t TTransport) TProtocol
func compareStructs(m, m1 TestStruct) (bool, error) {
switch {
case m.On != m1.On:
return false, errors.New("Boolean not equal")
case m.B != m1.B:
return false, errors.New("Byte not equal")
case m.Int16 != m1.Int16:
return false, errors.New("Int16 not equal")
case m.Int32 != m1.Int32:
return false, errors.New("Int32 not equal")
case m.Int64 != m1.Int64:
return false, errors.New("Int64 not equal")
case m.D != m1.D:
return false, errors.New("Double not equal")
case m.St != m1.St:
return false, errors.New("String not equal")
case len(m.Bin) != len(m1.Bin):
return false, errors.New("Binary size not equal")
case len(m.Bin) == len(m1.Bin):
for i := range m.Bin {
if m.Bin[i] != m1.Bin[i] {
return false, errors.New("Binary not equal")
case len(m.StringMap) != len(m1.StringMap):
return false, errors.New("StringMap size not equal")
case len(m.StringList) != len(m1.StringList):
return false, errors.New("StringList size not equal")
case len(m.StringSet) != len(m1.StringSet):
return false, errors.New("StringSet size not equal")
case m.E != m1.E:
return false, errors.New("TestEnum not equal")
return true, nil
return true, nil
func ProtocolTest1(test *testing.T, pf ProtocolFactory) (bool, error) {
t := NewTSerializer()
t.Protocol = pf.GetProtocol(t.Transport)
var m = TestStruct{}
m.On = true
m.B = int8(0)
m.Int16 = 1
m.Int32 = 2
m.Int64 = 3
m.D = 4.1
m.St = "Test"
m.Bin = make([]byte, 10)
m.StringMap = make(map[string]string, 5)
m.StringList = make([]string, 5)
m.StringSet = make(map[string]bool, 5)
m.E = 2
s, err := t.WriteString(&m)
if err != nil {
return false, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to Serialize struct\n\t %s", err))
t1 := NewTDeserializer()
t1.Protocol = pf.GetProtocol(t1.Transport)
var m1 = TestStruct{}
if err = t1.ReadString(&m1, s); err != nil {
return false, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to Deserialize struct\n\t %s", err))
return compareStructs(m, m1)
func ProtocolTest2(test *testing.T, pf ProtocolFactory) (bool, error) {
t := NewTSerializer()
t.Protocol = pf.GetProtocol(t.Transport)
var m = TestStruct{}
m.On = false
m.B = int8(0)
m.Int16 = 1
m.Int32 = 2
m.Int64 = 3
m.D = 4.1
m.St = "Test"
m.Bin = make([]byte, 10)
m.StringMap = make(map[string]string, 5)
m.StringList = make([]string, 5)
m.StringSet = make(map[string]bool, 5)
m.E = 2
s, err := t.WriteString(&m)
if err != nil {
return false, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to Serialize struct\n\t %s", err))
t1 := NewTDeserializer()
t1.Protocol = pf.GetProtocol(t1.Transport)
var m1 = TestStruct{}
if err = t1.ReadString(&m1, s); err != nil {
return false, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to Deserialize struct\n\t %s", err))
return compareStructs(m, m1)
func TestSerializer(t *testing.T) {
var protocol_factories map[string]ProtocolFactory
protocol_factories = make(map[string]ProtocolFactory)
protocol_factories["Binary"] = NewTBinaryProtocolFactoryDefault()
protocol_factories["Compact"] = NewTCompactProtocolFactory()
//protocol_factories["SimpleJSON"] = NewTSimpleJSONProtocolFactory() - write only, can't be read back by design
protocol_factories["JSON"] = NewTJSONProtocolFactory()
var tests map[string]func(*testing.T, ProtocolFactory) (bool, error)
tests = make(map[string]func(*testing.T, ProtocolFactory) (bool, error))
tests["Test 1"] = ProtocolTest1
tests["Test 2"] = ProtocolTest2
//tests["Test 3"] = ProtocolTest3 // Example of how to add additional tests
for name, pf := range protocol_factories {
for test, f := range tests {
if s, err := f(t, pf); !s || err != nil {
t.Errorf("%s Failed for %s protocol\n\t %s", test, name, err)