blob: 9a3a81ea11ce3dc1cbe985c9e009ba4765ad89a7 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef T_MAIN_H
#define T_MAIN_H
#include <string>
* Defined in the flex library
int yylex(void);
int yyparse(void);
* Expected to be defined by Flex/Bison
void yyerror(char* fmt, ...);
* Parse debugging output, used to print helpful info
void pdebug(char* fmt, ...);
* Parser warning
void pwarning(int level, char* fmt, ...);
* Failure!
void failure(char* fmt, ...);
* Converts a string filename into a thrift program name
std::string program_name(std::string filename);
* Gets the directory path of a filename
std::string directory_name(std::string filename);
* Get the absolute path for an include file
std::string include_file(std::string filename);
* Flex utilities
extern int yylineno;
extern char yytext[];
extern FILE* yyin;