blob: d704c3a99b9ec55702589d62ee3e278443effc4c [file] [log] [blame]
-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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module TChannelTransport(TChannelTrans(..)) where
import System.IO
import IO
import Thrift
import Control.Exception
data TChannelTrans = TChannelTrans (Handle)
instance TTransport TChannelTrans where
tisOpen a = True
topen a = return a
tclose a = return a
tread a 0 = return []
tread (TChannelTrans h) i = Prelude.catch
(do c <- hGetChar h
t <- tread (TChannelTrans h) (i-1)
return $ c:t)
(\e -> if isEOFError e then return [] else throwDyn (TransportExn "TChannelTransport: Could not read" TE_UNKNOWN))
twrite a [] = return ()
twrite (TChannelTrans h) (c:t) = do hPutChar h c
twrite (TChannelTrans h) t
tflush (TChannelTrans h) = hFlush h