blob: e9ab5166a57c1eadbd34ce0cae5bed33ee2a6015 [file] [log] [blame]
using System;
using ZMQ;
using System.IO;
using Thrift.Transport;
namespace ZmqClient
public class TZmqClient : TTransport
Socket _sock;
String _endpoint;
MemoryStream _wbuf = new MemoryStream ();
MemoryStream _rbuf = new MemoryStream ();
void debug (string msg)
//Uncomment to enable debug
// Console.WriteLine (msg);
public TZmqClient (Context ctx, String endpoint, SocketType sockType)
_sock = ctx.Socket (sockType);
_endpoint = endpoint;
public override void Open ()
_sock.Connect (_endpoint);
public override void Close ()
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public override bool IsOpen {
get {
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public override int Read (byte[] buf, int off, int len)
debug ("Client_Read");
if (off != 0 || len != buf.Length)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
if (_rbuf.Length == 0) {
//Fill the Buffer with the complete ZMQ Message which needs to be(?!) the complete Thrift response
debug ("Client_Read Filling buffer..");
byte[] tmpBuf = _sock.Recv ();
debug (string.Format("Client_Read filled with {0}b",tmpBuf.Length));
_rbuf.Write (tmpBuf, 0, tmpBuf.Length);
_rbuf.Position = 0; //For reading
int ret = _rbuf.Read (buf, 0, len);
if (_rbuf.Length == _rbuf.Position) //Finished reading
_rbuf.SetLength (0);
debug (string.Format ("Client_Read return {0}b, remaining {1}b", ret, _rbuf.Length - _rbuf.Position));
return ret;
public override void Write (byte[] buf, int off, int len)
debug ("Client_Write");
_wbuf.Write (buf, off, len);
public override void Flush ()
debug ("Client_Flush");
_sock.Send (_wbuf.GetBuffer ());
_wbuf = new MemoryStream ();