blob: c71ebcce4add41ed83e86f307052f07c9478a065 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2006- Facebook
// Distributed under the Thrift Software License
// See accompanying file LICENSE or visit the Thrift site at:
#ifndef T_PROGRAM_H
#define T_PROGRAM_H
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// For program_name()
#include "main.h"
#include "t_doc.h"
#include "t_scope.h"
#include "t_base_type.h"
#include "t_typedef.h"
#include "t_enum.h"
#include "t_const.h"
#include "t_struct.h"
#include "t_service.h"
#include "t_list.h"
#include "t_map.h"
#include "t_set.h"
//#include "t_doc.h"
* Top level class representing an entire thrift program. A program consists
* fundamentally of the following:
* Typedefs
* Enumerations
* Constants
* Structs
* Exceptions
* Services
* The program module also contains the definitions of the base types.
* @author Mark Slee <>
class t_program : public t_doc {
t_program(std::string path, std::string name) :
out_path_("./") {
scope_ = new t_scope();
t_program(std::string path) :
out_path_("./") {
name_ = program_name(path);
scope_ = new t_scope();
// Path accessor
const std::string& get_path() const { return path_; }
// Output path accessor
const std::string& get_out_path() const { return out_path_; }
// Name accessor
const std::string& get_name() const { return name_; }
// Namespace
const std::string& get_namespace() const { return namespace_; }
// Include prefix accessor
const std::string& get_include_prefix() const { return include_prefix_; }
// Accessors for program elements
const std::vector<t_typedef*>& get_typedefs() const { return typedefs_; }
const std::vector<t_enum*>& get_enums() const { return enums_; }
const std::vector<t_const*>& get_consts() const { return consts_; }
const std::vector<t_struct*>& get_structs() const { return structs_; }
const std::vector<t_struct*>& get_xceptions() const { return xceptions_; }
const std::vector<t_struct*>& get_objects() const { return objects_; }
const std::vector<t_service*>& get_services() const { return services_; }
// Program elements
void add_typedef (t_typedef* td) { typedefs_.push_back(td); }
void add_enum (t_enum* te) { enums_.push_back(te); }
void add_const (t_const* tc) { consts_.push_back(tc); }
void add_struct (t_struct* ts) { objects_.push_back(ts);
structs_.push_back(ts); }
void add_xception (t_struct* tx) { objects_.push_back(tx);
xceptions_.push_back(tx); }
void add_service (t_service* ts) { services_.push_back(ts); }
// Programs to include
const std::vector<t_program*>& get_includes() const { return includes_; }
void set_out_path(std::string out_path) {
out_path_ = out_path;
// Ensure that it ends with a trailing '/' (or '\' for windows machines)
char c = - 1);
if (!(c == '/' || c == '\\')) {
// Scoping and namespacing
void set_namespace(std::string name) {
namespace_ = name;
// Scope accessor
t_scope* scope() {
return scope_;
// Includes
void add_include(std::string path, std::string include_site) {
t_program* program = new t_program(path);
// include prefix for this program is the site at which it was included
// (minus the filename)
std::string include_prefix;
std::string::size_type last_slash = std::string::npos;
if ((last_slash = include_site.rfind("/")) != std::string::npos) {
include_prefix = include_site.substr(0, last_slash);
std::vector<t_program*>& get_includes() {
return includes_;
void set_include_prefix(std::string include_prefix) {
include_prefix_ = include_prefix;
// this is intended to be a directory; add a trailing slash if necessary
int len = include_prefix_.size();
if (len > 0 && include_prefix_[len - 1] != '/') {
include_prefix_ += '/';
// Language neutral namespace / packaging
void set_namespace(std::string language, std::string name_space) {
namespaces_[language] = name_space;
std::string get_namespace(std::string language) const {
std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator iter = namespaces_.find(language);
if (iter == namespaces_.end()) {
return std::string();
return iter->second;
// Language specific namespace / packaging
void add_cpp_include(std::string path) {
const std::vector<std::string>& get_cpp_includes() {
return cpp_includes_;
// File path
std::string path_;
// Name
std::string name_;
// Output directory
std::string out_path_;
// Namespace
std::string namespace_;
// Included programs
std::vector<t_program*> includes_;
// Include prefix for this program, if any
std::string include_prefix_;
// Identifier lookup scope
t_scope* scope_;
// Components to generate code for
std::vector<t_typedef*> typedefs_;
std::vector<t_enum*> enums_;
std::vector<t_const*> consts_;
std::vector<t_struct*> objects_;
std::vector<t_struct*> structs_;
std::vector<t_struct*> xceptions_;
std::vector<t_service*> services_;
// Dynamic namespaces
std::map<std::string, std::string> namespaces_;
// C++ extra includes
std::vector<std::string> cpp_includes_;