blob: 0e7aa1a25331343b8426fca51e4d79a87bbb14aa [file] [log] [blame]
#include <struct.h>
#include <constants.h>
static native_proto_method_table *mt;
#define IS_CONTAINER(ttype) ((ttype) == TTYPE_MAP || (ttype) == TTYPE_LIST || (ttype) == TTYPE_SET)
#define STRUCT_FIELDS(obj) rb_const_get(CLASS_OF(obj), fields_const_id)
// Writing section
// default fn pointers for protocol stuff here
VALUE default_write_bool(VALUE protocol, VALUE value) {
rb_funcall(protocol, write_boolean_method_id, 1, value);
return Qnil;
VALUE default_write_byte(VALUE protocol, VALUE value) {
rb_funcall(protocol, write_byte_method_id, 1, value);
return Qnil;
VALUE default_write_i16(VALUE protocol, VALUE value) {
rb_funcall(protocol, write_i16_method_id, 1, value);
return Qnil;
VALUE default_write_i32(VALUE protocol, VALUE value) {
rb_funcall(protocol, write_i32_method_id, 1, value);
return Qnil;
VALUE default_write_i64(VALUE protocol, VALUE value) {
rb_funcall(protocol, write_i64_method_id, 1, value);
return Qnil;
VALUE default_write_double(VALUE protocol, VALUE value) {
rb_funcall(protocol, write_double_method_id, 1, value);
return Qnil;
VALUE default_write_string(VALUE protocol, VALUE value) {
rb_funcall(protocol, write_string_method_id, 1, value);
return Qnil;
VALUE default_write_list_begin(VALUE protocol, VALUE etype, VALUE length) {
rb_funcall(protocol, write_list_begin_method_id, 2, etype, length);
return Qnil;
VALUE default_write_list_end(VALUE protocol) {
rb_funcall(protocol, write_list_end_method_id, 0);
return Qnil;
VALUE default_write_set_begin(VALUE protocol, VALUE etype, VALUE length) {
rb_funcall(protocol, write_set_begin_method_id, 2, etype, length);
return Qnil;
VALUE default_write_set_end(VALUE protocol) {
rb_funcall(protocol, write_set_end_method_id, 0);
return Qnil;
VALUE default_write_map_begin(VALUE protocol, VALUE ktype, VALUE vtype, VALUE length) {
rb_funcall(protocol, write_map_begin_method_id, 3, ktype, vtype, length);
return Qnil;
VALUE default_write_map_end(VALUE protocol) {
rb_funcall(protocol, write_map_end_method_id, 0);
return Qnil;
VALUE default_write_struct_begin(VALUE protocol, VALUE struct_name) {
rb_funcall(protocol, write_struct_begin_method_id, 1, struct_name);
return Qnil;
VALUE default_write_struct_end(VALUE protocol) {
rb_funcall(protocol, write_struct_end_method_id, 0);
return Qnil;
VALUE default_write_field_begin(VALUE protocol, VALUE name, VALUE type, VALUE id) {
rb_funcall(protocol, write_field_begin_method_id, 3, name, type, id);
return Qnil;
VALUE default_write_field_end(VALUE protocol) {
rb_funcall(protocol, write_field_end_method_id, 0);
return Qnil;
VALUE default_write_field_stop(VALUE protocol) {
rb_funcall(protocol, write_field_stop_method_id, 0);
return Qnil;
VALUE default_read_field_begin(VALUE protocol) {
return rb_funcall(protocol, read_field_begin_method_id, 0);
VALUE default_read_field_end(VALUE protocol) {
return rb_funcall(protocol, read_field_end_method_id, 0);
VALUE default_read_map_begin(VALUE protocol) {
return rb_funcall(protocol, read_map_begin_method_id, 0);
VALUE default_read_map_end(VALUE protocol) {
return rb_funcall(protocol, read_map_end_method_id, 0);
VALUE default_read_list_begin(VALUE protocol) {
return rb_funcall(protocol, read_list_begin_method_id, 0);
VALUE default_read_list_end(VALUE protocol) {
return rb_funcall(protocol, read_list_end_method_id, 0);
VALUE default_read_set_begin(VALUE protocol) {
return rb_funcall(protocol, read_set_begin_method_id, 0);
VALUE default_read_set_end(VALUE protocol) {
return rb_funcall(protocol, read_set_end_method_id, 0);
VALUE default_read_byte(VALUE protocol) {
return rb_funcall(protocol, read_byte_method_id, 0);
VALUE default_read_bool(VALUE protocol) {
return rb_funcall(protocol, read_bool_method_id, 0);
VALUE default_read_i16(VALUE protocol) {
return rb_funcall(protocol, read_i16_method_id, 0);
VALUE default_read_i32(VALUE protocol) {
return rb_funcall(protocol, read_i32_method_id, 0);
VALUE default_read_i64(VALUE protocol) {
return rb_funcall(protocol, read_i64_method_id, 0);
VALUE default_read_double(VALUE protocol) {
return rb_funcall(protocol, read_double_method_id, 0);
VALUE default_read_string(VALUE protocol) {
return rb_funcall(protocol, read_string_method_id, 0);
VALUE default_read_struct_begin(VALUE protocol) {
return rb_funcall(protocol, read_struct_begin_method_id, 0);
VALUE default_read_struct_end(VALUE protocol) {
return rb_funcall(protocol, read_struct_end_method_id, 0);
static void set_default_proto_function_pointers() {
mt = ALLOC(native_proto_method_table);
mt->write_field_begin = default_write_field_begin;
mt->write_field_stop = default_write_field_stop;
mt->write_map_begin = default_write_map_begin;
mt->write_map_end = default_write_map_end;
mt->write_list_begin = default_write_list_begin;
mt->write_list_end = default_write_list_end;
mt->write_set_begin = default_write_set_begin;
mt->write_set_end = default_write_set_end;
mt->write_byte = default_write_byte;
mt->write_bool = default_write_bool;
mt->write_i16 = default_write_i16;
mt->write_i32 = default_write_i32;
mt->write_i64 = default_write_i64;
mt->write_double = default_write_double;
mt->write_string = default_write_string;
mt->write_struct_begin = default_write_struct_begin;
mt->write_struct_end = default_write_struct_end;
mt->write_field_end = default_write_field_end;
mt->read_struct_begin = default_read_struct_begin;
mt->read_struct_end = default_read_struct_end;
mt->read_field_begin = default_read_field_begin;
mt->read_field_end = default_read_field_end;
mt->read_map_begin = default_read_map_begin;
mt->read_map_end = default_read_map_end;
mt->read_list_begin = default_read_list_begin;
mt->read_list_end = default_read_list_end;
mt->read_set_begin = default_read_set_begin;
mt->read_set_end = default_read_set_end;
mt->read_byte = default_read_byte;
mt->read_bool = default_read_bool;
mt->read_i16 = default_read_i16;
mt->read_i32 = default_read_i32;
mt->read_i64 = default_read_i64;
mt->read_double = default_read_double;
mt->read_string = default_read_string;
static void set_native_proto_function_pointers(VALUE protocol) {
VALUE method_table_object = rb_const_get(CLASS_OF(protocol), rb_intern("@native_method_table"));
// TODO: check nil?
Data_Get_Struct(method_table_object, native_proto_method_table, mt);
// end default protocol methods
static VALUE rb_thrift_struct_write(VALUE self, VALUE protocol);
static void write_anything(int ttype, VALUE value, VALUE protocol, VALUE field_info);
VALUE get_field_value(VALUE obj, VALUE field_name) {
char name_buf[RSTRING(field_name)->len + 1];
name_buf[0] = '@';
strlcpy(&name_buf[1], RSTRING(field_name)->ptr, sizeof(name_buf));
VALUE value = rb_ivar_get(obj, rb_intern(name_buf));
return value;
static void write_container(int ttype, VALUE field_info, VALUE value, VALUE protocol) {
int sz, i;
if (ttype == TTYPE_MAP) {
VALUE keys;
VALUE key;
VALUE val;
Check_Type(value, T_HASH);
VALUE key_info = rb_hash_aref(field_info, key_sym);
VALUE keytype_value = rb_hash_aref(key_info, type_sym);
int keytype = FIX2INT(keytype_value);
VALUE value_info = rb_hash_aref(field_info, value_sym);
VALUE valuetype_value = rb_hash_aref(value_info, type_sym);
int valuetype = FIX2INT(valuetype_value);
keys = rb_funcall(value, keys_method_id, 0);
sz = RARRAY(keys)->len;
mt->write_map_begin(protocol, keytype_value, valuetype_value, INT2FIX(sz));
for (i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
key = rb_ary_entry(keys, i);
val = rb_hash_aref(value, key);
if (IS_CONTAINER(keytype)) {
write_container(keytype, key_info, key, protocol);
} else {
write_anything(keytype, key, protocol, key_info);
if (IS_CONTAINER(valuetype)) {
write_container(valuetype, value_info, val, protocol);
} else {
write_anything(valuetype, val, protocol, value_info);
} else if (ttype == TTYPE_LIST) {
Check_Type(value, T_ARRAY);
sz = RARRAY(value)->len;
VALUE element_type_info = rb_hash_aref(field_info, element_sym);
VALUE element_type_value = rb_hash_aref(element_type_info, type_sym);
int element_type = FIX2INT(element_type_value);
mt->write_list_begin(protocol, element_type_value, INT2FIX(sz));
for (i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
VALUE val = rb_ary_entry(value, i);
if (IS_CONTAINER(element_type)) {
write_container(element_type, element_type_info, val, protocol);
} else {
write_anything(element_type, val, protocol, element_type_info);
} else if (ttype == TTYPE_SET) {
VALUE items;
if (TYPE(value) == T_ARRAY) {
items = value;
} else {
if (rb_cSet == CLASS_OF(value)) {
items = rb_funcall(value, entries_method_id, 0);
} else {
Check_Type(value, T_HASH);
items = rb_funcall(value, keys_method_id, 0);
sz = RARRAY(items)->len;
VALUE element_type_info = rb_hash_aref(field_info, element_sym);
VALUE element_type_value = rb_hash_aref(element_type_info, type_sym);
int element_type = FIX2INT(element_type_value);
mt->write_set_begin(protocol, element_type_value, INT2FIX(sz));
for (i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
VALUE val = rb_ary_entry(items, i);
if (IS_CONTAINER(element_type)) {
write_container(element_type, element_type_info, val, protocol);
} else {
write_anything(element_type, val, protocol, element_type_info);
} else {
rb_raise(rb_eNotImpError, "can't write container of type: %d", ttype);
static void write_anything(int ttype, VALUE value, VALUE protocol, VALUE field_info) {
if (ttype == TTYPE_BOOL) {
mt->write_bool(protocol, value);
} else if (ttype == TTYPE_BYTE) {
mt->write_byte(protocol, value);
} else if (ttype == TTYPE_I16) {
mt->write_i16(protocol, value);
} else if (ttype == TTYPE_I32) {
mt->write_i32(protocol, value);
} else if (ttype == TTYPE_I64) {
mt->write_i64(protocol, value);
} else if (ttype == TTYPE_DOUBLE) {
mt->write_double(protocol, value);
} else if (ttype == TTYPE_STRING) {
mt->write_string(protocol, value);
} else if (IS_CONTAINER(ttype)) {
write_container(ttype, field_info, value, protocol);
} else if (ttype == TTYPE_STRUCT) {
rb_thrift_struct_write(value, protocol);
} else {
rb_raise(rb_eNotImpError, "Unknown type for binary_encoding: %d", ttype);
static VALUE rb_thrift_struct_write(VALUE self, VALUE protocol) {
// call validate
rb_funcall(self, validate_method_id, 0);
if (RTEST(rb_funcall(protocol, native_qmark_method_id, 0))) {
} else {
// write struct begin
mt->write_struct_begin(protocol, rb_class_name(CLASS_OF(self)));
// iterate through all the fields here
VALUE struct_fields = STRUCT_FIELDS(self);
VALUE struct_field_ids_unordered = rb_funcall(struct_fields, keys_method_id, 0);
VALUE struct_field_ids_ordered = rb_funcall(struct_field_ids_unordered, sort_method_id, 0);
int i = 0;
for (i=0; i < RARRAY(struct_field_ids_ordered)->len; i++) {
VALUE field_id = rb_ary_entry(struct_field_ids_ordered, i);
VALUE field_info = rb_hash_aref(struct_fields, field_id);
VALUE ttype_value = rb_hash_aref(field_info, type_sym);
int ttype = FIX2INT(ttype_value);
VALUE field_name = rb_hash_aref(field_info, name_sym);
VALUE field_value = get_field_value(self, field_name);
if (!NIL_P(field_value)) {
mt->write_field_begin(protocol, field_name, ttype_value, field_id);
write_anything(ttype, field_value, protocol, field_info);
// write struct end
return Qnil;
// Reading section
static VALUE rb_thrift_struct_read(VALUE self, VALUE protocol);
static void set_field_value(VALUE obj, VALUE field_name, VALUE value) {
char name_buf[RSTRING(field_name)->len + 1];
name_buf[0] = '@';
strlcpy(&name_buf[1], RSTRING(field_name)->ptr, sizeof(name_buf));
rb_ivar_set(obj, rb_intern(name_buf), value);
static VALUE read_anything(VALUE protocol, int ttype, VALUE field_info) {
VALUE result = Qnil;
if (ttype == TTYPE_BOOL) {
result = mt->read_bool(protocol);
} else if (ttype == TTYPE_BYTE) {
result = mt->read_byte(protocol);
} else if (ttype == TTYPE_I16) {
result = mt->read_i16(protocol);
} else if (ttype == TTYPE_I32) {
result = mt->read_i32(protocol);
} else if (ttype == TTYPE_I64) {
result = mt->read_i64(protocol);
} else if (ttype == TTYPE_STRING) {
result = mt->read_string(protocol);
} else if (ttype == TTYPE_DOUBLE) {
result = mt->read_double(protocol);
} else if (ttype == TTYPE_STRUCT) {
VALUE klass = rb_hash_aref(field_info, class_sym);
result = rb_class_new_instance(0, NULL, klass);
rb_thrift_struct_read(result, protocol);
} else if (ttype == TTYPE_MAP) {
int i;
VALUE map_header = mt->read_map_begin(protocol);
int key_ttype = FIX2INT(rb_ary_entry(map_header, 0));
int value_ttype = FIX2INT(rb_ary_entry(map_header, 1));
int num_entries = FIX2INT(rb_ary_entry(map_header, 2));
VALUE key_info = rb_hash_aref(field_info, key_sym);
VALUE value_info = rb_hash_aref(field_info, value_sym);
result = rb_hash_new();
for (i = 0; i < num_entries; ++i) {
VALUE key, val;
key = read_anything(protocol, key_ttype, key_info);
val = read_anything(protocol, value_ttype, value_info);
rb_hash_aset(result, key, val);
} else if (ttype == TTYPE_LIST) {
int i;
VALUE list_header = mt->read_list_begin(protocol);
int element_ttype = FIX2INT(rb_ary_entry(list_header, 0));
int num_elements = FIX2INT(rb_ary_entry(list_header, 1));
result = rb_ary_new2(num_elements);
for (i = 0; i < num_elements; ++i) {
rb_ary_push(result, read_anything(protocol, element_ttype, rb_hash_aref(field_info, element_sym)));
} else if (ttype == TTYPE_SET) {
VALUE items;
int i;
VALUE set_header = mt->read_set_begin(protocol);
int element_ttype = FIX2INT(rb_ary_entry(set_header, 0));
int num_elements = FIX2INT(rb_ary_entry(set_header, 1));
items = rb_ary_new2(num_elements);
for (i = 0; i < num_elements; ++i) {
rb_ary_push(items, read_anything(protocol, element_ttype, rb_hash_aref(field_info, element_sym)));
result = rb_class_new_instance(1, &items, rb_cSet);
} else {
rb_raise(rb_eNotImpError, "read_anything not implemented for type %d!", ttype);
return result;
static VALUE rb_thrift_struct_read(VALUE self, VALUE protocol) {
// read struct begin
VALUE struct_fields = STRUCT_FIELDS(self);
// read each field
while (true) {
VALUE field_header = rb_funcall(protocol, read_field_begin_method_id, 0);
VALUE field_type_value = rb_ary_entry(field_header, 1);
int field_type = FIX2INT(field_type_value);
if (field_type == TTYPE_STOP) {
// make sure we got a type we expected
VALUE field_info = rb_hash_aref(struct_fields, rb_ary_entry(field_header, 2));
if (!NIL_P(field_info)) {
int specified_type = FIX2INT(rb_hash_aref(field_info, type_sym));
if (field_type == specified_type) {
// read the value
VALUE name = rb_hash_aref(field_info, name_sym);
set_field_value(self, name, read_anything(protocol, field_type, field_info));
} else {
rb_funcall(protocol, skip_method_id, 1, field_type_value);
} else {
rb_funcall(protocol, skip_method_id, 1, field_type_value);
// read field end
// read struct end
return Qnil;
void Init_struct() {
VALUE struct_module = rb_const_get(thrift_module, rb_intern("Struct"));
rb_define_method(struct_module, "write", rb_thrift_struct_write, 1);
rb_define_method(struct_module, "read", rb_thrift_struct_read, 1);