blob: 4ef1dcd8124373ece22d38109295333218136636 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
import Foundation
import Thrift
public enum Protocol: String {
case binary
case compact
case header
case json
public enum Transport: String {
case buffered
case framed
case http
case anonpipe
case zlib
public enum ServerType: String {
case simple
case threadPool = "thread-pool"
case threaded
case nonblocking
public enum ParserError: Error {
case unknownArgument(argument: String)
case missingParameter(argument: String)
case invalidParameter(argument: String, parameter: String)
case unsupportedOption
public class ParametersBase {
public var showHelp = false
public var port: Int?
public var domainSocket: String?
public var namedPipe: String?
public var proto: Protocol?
public var transport: Transport?
public var multiplex = false
public var abstractNamespace = false
public var ssl = false
public var zlib = false
public init (arguments: [String]) throws {
if arguments.count > 1 {
for argument in arguments[1...] {
let equalSignPos = argument.firstIndex(of: "=") ?? argument.endIndex
let name = String(argument[..<equalSignPos])
let value: String? = (equalSignPos < argument.endIndex) ? String(argument[argument.index(equalSignPos, offsetBy: 1)..<argument.endIndex]) : nil
try processArgument(name: name, value: value)
try checkSupported()
open func processArgument(name: String, value: String?) throws {
switch name {
case "-h", "--help":
showHelp = true
case "--port":
guard value != nil else { throw ParserError.missingParameter(argument: name) }
port = Int(value!)
guard port != nil else { throw ParserError.invalidParameter(argument: name, parameter: value!) }
case "--domain-socket":
guard value != nil else { throw ParserError.missingParameter(argument: name) }
domainSocket = value!
case "--named-pipe":
guard value != nil else { throw ParserError.missingParameter(argument: name) }
namedPipe = value!
case "--transport":
guard value != nil else { throw ParserError.missingParameter(argument: name) }
transport = Transport(rawValue: value!)
guard transport != nil else { throw ParserError.invalidParameter(argument: name, parameter: value!) }
case "--protocol":
guard value != nil else { throw ParserError.missingParameter(argument: name) }
proto = Protocol(rawValue: value!)
guard proto != nil else { throw ParserError.invalidParameter(argument: name, parameter: value!) }
case "--multiplex":
multiplex = true
case "--abstract-namespace":
abstractNamespace = true
case "--ssl":
ssl = true
case "--zlib":
zlib = true
throw ParserError.unknownArgument(argument: name)
open func fillDefaults() {
if port == nil && domainSocket == nil && namedPipe == nil {
port = 9090
if transport == nil {
transport = .buffered
if proto == nil {
proto = .binary
open func checkSupported() throws {
guard transport == .buffered || transport == .framed else { throw ParserError.unsupportedOption }
guard proto == .binary || proto == .compact else { throw ParserError.unsupportedOption }
public class TestClientParameters: ParametersBase {
public var host: String?
public var testLoops: Int?
public var threads: Int?
public func printHelp() {
Allowed options:
-h | --help produce help message
--host=arg (localhost) Host to connect
--port=arg (9090) Port number to connect
--domain-socket=arg Domain Socket (e.g. /tmp/ThriftTest.thrift),
instead of host and port
--named-pipe=arg Windows Named Pipe (e.g. MyThriftPipe)
--anon-pipes hRead hWrite Windows Anonymous Pipes pair (handles)
--abstract-namespace Create the domain socket in the Abstract Namespace
(no connection with filesystem pathnames)
--transport=arg (buffered) Transport: buffered, framed, http, evhttp, zlib
--protocol=arg (binary) Protocol: binary, compact, header, json
--multiplex Add TMultiplexedProtocol service name "ThriftTest"
--ssl Encrypted Transport using SSL
--zlib Wrap Transport with Zlib
-n=arg | --testloops=arg (1) Number of Tests
-t=arg | --threads=arg (1) Number of Test threads
open override func processArgument(name: String, value: String?) throws {
switch name {
case "--host":
guard value != nil else { throw ParserError.missingParameter(argument: name) }
host = value!
case "-n", "--testloops":
guard value != nil else { throw ParserError.missingParameter(argument: name) }
testLoops = Int(value!)
guard testLoops != nil else { throw ParserError.invalidParameter(argument: name, parameter: value!) }
case "-t", "--threads":
guard value != nil else { throw ParserError.missingParameter(argument: name) }
threads = Int(value!)
guard threads != nil else { throw ParserError.invalidParameter(argument: name, parameter: value!) }
try super.processArgument(name: name, value: value)
open override func fillDefaults() {
if host == nil {
host = "localhost"
if testLoops == nil {
testLoops = 1
if threads == nil {
threads = 4
public class TestServerParameters: ParametersBase {
public var serverType: ServerType?
public var processorEvents = false
public var workers: Int?
public func printHelp() {
Allowed options:
-h | --help produce help message
--port=arg (=9090) Port number to listen
--domain-socket=arg Unix Domain Socket (e.g. /tmp/ThriftTest.thrift)
--named-pipe=arg Windows Named Pipe (e.g. MyThriftPipe)
--server-type=arg (=simple) type of server, "simple", "thread-pool",
"threaded", or "nonblocking"
--transport=arg (=buffered) transport: buffered, framed, http, anonpipe, zlib
--protocol=arg (=binary) protocol: binary, compact, header, json
--multiplex Add TMultiplexedProtocol service name "ThriftTest"
--abstract-namespace Create the domain socket in the Abstract Namespace
(no connection with filesystem pathnames)
--ssl Encrypted Transport using SSL
--zlib Wrapped Transport using Zlib
--processor-events processor-events
-n=arg | --workers=arg (=4) Number of thread pools workers. Only valid for
thread-pool server type
open override func processArgument(name: String, value: String?) throws {
switch name {
case "--server-type":
guard value != nil else { throw ParserError.missingParameter(argument: name) }
serverType = ServerType(rawValue: value!)
guard serverType != nil else { throw ParserError.invalidParameter(argument: name, parameter: value!) }
case "--processor-events":
processorEvents = true
case "-n", "--workers":
guard value != nil else { throw ParserError.missingParameter(argument: name) }
workers = Int(value!)
guard workers != nil else { throw ParserError.invalidParameter(argument: name, parameter: value!) }
try super.processArgument(name: name, value: value)
open override func fillDefaults() {
if serverType == nil {
serverType = .simple
if workers == nil {
workers = 4
open override func checkSupported() throws {
try super.checkSupported()
guard serverType == .simple else { throw ParserError.unsupportedOption }