blob: b1e41c7455918b58ff4ea58870004ff5f93e0d41 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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import Foundation
JSON protocol implementation for thrift.
This is a full-feature protocol supporting Write and Read.
Please see the C++ class header for a detailed description of the protocol's wire format
Adapted from netstd C# version
public class TJSONProtocol: TProtocol {
static let Version: Int = 1
public var transport: TTransport
// Temporary buffer used by several methods
private var tempBuffer: [UInt8] = [0,0,0,0]
private var contextStack: JSONContextStack = JSONContextStack()
private var currentContext: JSONBaseContext?
private var context: JSONBaseContext {
get throws {
if (currentContext != nil) {
return currentContext!
throw TProtocolError(error: .depthLimit, message: "Current context is nil")
Reader that manages a 1-byte buffer
private var optionalReader: LookaheadReader?
private var reader: LookaheadReader {
get throws {
if (optionalReader != nil) {
return optionalReader!
throw TProtocolError(error: .depthLimit, message: "Lookahead reader is nil")
// MARK: TJSONProtocol Constructor
public required init(on transport: TTransport) {
self.transport = transport
currentContext = JSONBaseContext(on: self)
optionalReader = LookaheadReader(on: self)
// MARK: TJSONProtocol helpers
Push a new JSON context onto the context stack
func pushContext(_ context: JSONBaseContext) {
currentContext = context
Pop current JSON context from the context stack
func popContext() {
_ = contextStack.pop()
currentContext = contextStack.isEmpty() ? JSONBaseContext(on: self) : contextStack.peek()
Reset context stack to pristine state. Allows for reusal of the protocol even in cases where the protocol instance
was in an undefined state due to dangling/stale/obsolete contexts
func resetContext() {
currentContext = JSONBaseContext(on: self)
Read a byte that must match bytes[0]; otherwise an exception is thrown.
- bytes: Input bytes array
func readJsonSyntaxChar(bytes: [UInt8]) throws {
let ch: UInt8 = try
if (ch != bytes[0]) {
throw TProtocolError(error: .invalidData, message: "Unexpected character: \(ch.asCharacter())")
Write the bytes in array buffer as a JSON characters, escaping as needed
func writeJsonString(bytes: [UInt8]) throws {
try context.writeConditionalDelimiter()
try transport.writeJSONQuote()
let len: Int = bytes.count
for i in 0..<len {
if (bytes[i] & 0x00FF >= 0x30) {
if (bytes[i] == TJSONProtocolConstants.Backslash[0]) {
try transport.writeJSONBackslash()
try transport.writeJSONBackslash()
} else {
try transport.write(data: Data(bytes: [bytes[i]], count: 1))
} else {
tempBuffer[0] = TJSONProtocolConstants.JsonCharTable[Int(bytes[i])]
if (tempBuffer[0] == 1) {
try transport.write(data: Data(bytes: [bytes[i]], count: 1))
} else if (tempBuffer[0] > 1) {
try transport.writeJSONBackslash()
try transport.write(data: Data(bytes: [tempBuffer[0]], count: 1))
} else {
try transport.writeJSONEscSequences()
tempBuffer[0] = (bytes[i] >> 4).toHexChar()
tempBuffer[1] = (bytes[i]).toHexChar()
try transport.write(data: Data(bytes: [tempBuffer[0], tempBuffer[1]], count:2))
try transport.writeJSONQuote()
Write out number as a JSON value. If the context dicates so, it will be wrapped in quotes to output as a JSON string.
func writeJsonInteger(num: Int64) throws {
try context.writeConditionalDelimiter()
let str: String = String(num)
let escapeNum: Bool = try context.escapeNumbers()
if (escapeNum) {
try transport.write(data: Data(bytes: TJSONProtocolConstants.Quote, count: TJSONProtocolConstants.Quote.count))
let strData: Data = .utf8)!
try transport.write(data: strData)
if (escapeNum) {
try transport.write(data: Data(bytes: TJSONProtocolConstants.Quote, count: TJSONProtocolConstants.Quote.count))
Write out a double as a JSON value. If it is Nan or Infinity or if the context dictates escaping, write out as JSON string.
func writeJsonDouble(num: Double) throws {
try context.writeConditionalDelimiter()
let str = String(num)
var special = false
switch(str[0]) {
case "N", "I":
// Nan or Infinity
special = true
case "-":
if (str[1] == "I") {
// -Infinity
special = true
special = false
let escapeNum = try context.escapeNumbers()
let escapeNumOrSpecial = special || escapeNum
if (escapeNumOrSpecial) {
try transport.writeJSONQuote()
if let strData = .utf8) {
try transport.write(data: strData)
} else {
throw TProtocolError(error: .invalidData, message: "Cannot convert double number to data bytes")
if (escapeNumOrSpecial) {
try transport.writeJSONQuote()
Write out contents of byte array as a JSON string with base-64 encoded data
func writeJsonBase64(bytes: [UInt8]) throws {
try context.writeConditionalDelimiter()
try transport.writeJSONQuote()
var len = bytes.count
var off = 0
while (len >= 3) {
// Encode 3 bytes at a time
TBase64Utils.encode(src: bytes, srcOff: off, len: 3, dst: &tempBuffer, dstOff: 0)
try transport.write(data: Data(bytes: tempBuffer, count: 4))
off += 3
len -= 3
if (len > 0) {
// Encode remainder
TBase64Utils.encode(src: bytes, srcOff: off, len: len, dst: &tempBuffer, dstOff: 0)
try transport.write(data: Data(bytes: tempBuffer, count: len + 1))
try transport.writeJSONQuote()
func writeJsonObjectStart() throws {
try context.writeConditionalDelimiter()
try transport.writeJSONLeftBrace()
pushContext(JSONPairContext(on: self))
func writeJsonObjectEnd() throws {
try transport.writeJSONRightBrace()
func writeJsonArrayStart() throws {
try context.writeConditionalDelimiter()
try transport.writeJSONLeftBracket()
pushContext(JSONListContext(on: self))
func writeJsonArrayEnd() throws {
try transport.writeJSONRightBracket()
Read in a JSON string, unescaping as appropriate. Skip reading from the context if skipContext is true.
func readJsonString(skipContext: Bool) throws -> [UInt8] {
var codeunits: [Character] = []
if (!skipContext) {
try context.readConditionalDelimiter()
try readJsonSyntaxChar(bytes: TJSONProtocolConstants.Quote)
var dataBuffer = Data()
while (true) {
var ch: UInt8 = try
if (ch == TJSONProtocolConstants.Quote[0]) {
// Escaped?
if (ch != TJSONProtocolConstants.EscSequences[0]) {
dataBuffer.append([ch], count: 1)
// distinguish between \uXXXX and \?
ch = try
if (ch != TJSONProtocolConstants.EscSequences[1]) { // control chars like \n
guard let off: Int = TJSONProtocolConstants.EscSequences.firstIndex(of: ch) else {
throw TProtocolError(error: .invalidData, message: "Expected control char")
ch = TJSONProtocolConstants.EscapeCharValues[off]
dataBuffer.append([ch], count: 1)
// It's \uXXXX
let tempData: Data = try transport.readAll(size: 4)
let wch = Int16( ((tempData[0]).toHexChar() << 12) +
((tempData[1]).toHexChar() << 8) +
((tempData[2]).toHexChar() << 4) +
((tempData[3]).toHexChar()) )
guard let wchScalar = UnicodeScalar(Int(wch)) else {
throw TProtocolError(error: .invalidData, message: "Expected Unicode character")
if (try wch.magnitude.isHighSurrogate()) {
if (codeunits.count > 0) {
throw TProtocolError(error: .invalidData, message: "Exptected low surrogate char")
} else if (try wch.magnitude.isLowSurrogate()) {
if (codeunits.count == 0) {
throw TProtocolError(error: .invalidData, message: "Exptected high surrogate char")
guard let codeunitsData = String(codeunits).data(using: .utf8) else {
throw TProtocolError(error: .invalidData, message: "Codeunits cannot be converted to string bytes")
} else {
let bytesArray: [UInt8] = withUnsafeBytes(of: wch.bigEndian, Array.init)
dataBuffer.append(Data(bytes: bytesArray, count: bytesArray.count))
if (codeunits.count > 0) {
throw TProtocolError(error: .invalidData, message: "Expected low surrogate char")
let bytesResult: [UInt8] = { $0 }
return bytesResult
Read in a sequence of characters that are all valid in JSON numbers. Does not do a complete regex check
to validate that this is actually a number.
func readJsonNumericChars() throws -> String {
var str = ""
while(true) {
// TODO: Workaround for primitive types with TJSONProtocol: think - how to rewrite into more easy from without exception
do {
let ch: UInt8 = try reader.peek()
if (!ch.isJsonNumeric()) {
let c = try
} catch is TTransportError {
catch let error {
throw error
return str
Read in a JSON number. If the context dictates, read in enclosing quotes.
func readJsonInteger() throws -> Int64 {
try context.readConditionalDelimiter()
let escapeNum = try context.escapeNumbers()
if (escapeNum) {
try readJsonSyntaxChar(bytes: TJSONProtocolConstants.Quote)
let str: String = try readJsonNumericChars()
if (escapeNum) {
try readJsonSyntaxChar(bytes: TJSONProtocolConstants.Quote)
guard let result = Int64(str) else { throw TProtocolError(error: .invalidData, message: "Cannot convert \(str) to Int64") }
return result
Read in a JSON double value. Throw if the value is not wrapped in quotes when expected or if wrapped in quotes when not expected.
func readJsonDouble() throws -> Double {
try context.readConditionalDelimiter()
let escapeNum = try context.escapeNumbers()
if (try reader.peek() == TJSONProtocolConstants.Quote[0]) {
let arr: [UInt8] = try readJsonString(skipContext: true)
if let str: String = String(data: Data(arr), encoding: .utf8),
let dub = Double(str) {
if (!escapeNum && !dub.isNaN && !dub.isInfinite) {
throw TProtocolError(error: .invalidData, message: "Numeric data unexpectedly quoted")
return dub
} else {
throw TProtocolError(error: .invalidData, message: "Numeric data convertion to double failed")
if (escapeNum) {
try readJsonSyntaxChar(bytes: TJSONProtocolConstants.Quote)
let str: String = try readJsonNumericChars()
if let dub = Double(str) {
return dub
} else {
throw TProtocolError(error: .invalidData, message: "Numeric data convertion to double failed")
Read in a JSON string containing base-64 encoded data and decode it.
func readJsonBase64() throws -> [UInt8] {
var b = try readJsonString(skipContext: false)
var len = b.count
var off = 0
var size = 0
// Reduce len to ignore fill bytes
while( (len > 0) && (b[len - 1] == "=".asciiBytes()[0]) ) {
len -= 1
// Read & decode full byte triplets = 4 source bytes
while (len > 4) {
// Decode 4 bytes at a time
TBase64Utils.decode(src: b, srcOff: off, len: 4, dst: &b, dstOff: size) // Nb: decode in place
off += 4
len -= 4
size += 3
// Don't decode if we hit the end or got a single leftover byte
// (invalid base64 but legal for skip of reqular string exType)
if (len > 1) {
// Decode remainder
TBase64Utils.decode(src: b, srcOff: off, len: len, dst: &b, dstOff: size) // NB: decode in place
size += len - 1
let result: [UInt8] = Array(b[0..<size])
return result
func readJsonObjectStart() throws {
try context.readConditionalDelimiter()
try readJsonSyntaxChar(bytes: TJSONProtocolConstants.LeftBrace)
pushContext(JSONPairContext(on: self))
func readJsonObjectEnd() throws {
try readJsonSyntaxChar(bytes: TJSONProtocolConstants.RightBrace)
func readJsonArrayStart() throws {
try context.readConditionalDelimiter()
try readJsonSyntaxChar(bytes: TJSONProtocolConstants.LeftBracket)
pushContext(JSONListContext(on: self))
func readJsonArrayEnd() throws {
try readJsonSyntaxChar(bytes: TJSONProtocolConstants.RightBracket)
// MARK: - TProtocol
public func readMessageBegin() throws -> (String, TMessageType, Int32) {
try readJsonArrayStart()
let version = try readJsonInteger()
if (version != TJSONProtocol.Version) {
throw TProtocolError(error: .badVersion(expected: "\(TJSONProtocol.Version)", got: "\(version)"), message: "Bad version")
let buf = try readJsonString(skipContext: false)
guard let name = String(bytes: buf, encoding: .utf8) else {
throw TProtocolError(error: .invalidData, message: "Invalid message name")
guard let type = TMessageType(rawValue: Int32(try readJsonInteger())) else {
throw TProtocolError(error: .invalidData, message: "Invalid message type")
let seqID = try readJsonInteger()
return (name, type, Int32(seqID))
public func readMessageEnd() throws {
try readJsonArrayEnd()
public func readStructBegin() throws -> String {
try readJsonObjectStart()
return ""
public func readStructEnd() throws {
try readJsonObjectEnd()
public func readFieldBegin() throws -> (String, TType, Int32) {
let ch = try reader.peek()
if (ch == TJSONProtocolConstants.RightBrace[0]) {
return ("", TType.stop, 0)
let fieldID = try readJsonInteger()
try readJsonObjectStart()
let fieldName: [UInt8] = try readJsonString(skipContext: false)
let fieldType: TType = try TType.getTypeIdForTypeName(fieldName)
guard let name = String(bytes: fieldName, encoding: .utf8) else {
throw TProtocolError(error: .invalidData, message: "Invalid field name")
return (name, fieldType, Int32(fieldID))
public func readFieldEnd() throws {
try readJsonObjectEnd()
public func readMapBegin() throws -> (TType, TType, Int32) {
try readJsonArrayStart()
let keyTypeName = try readJsonString(skipContext: false)
let keyType = try TType.getTypeIdForTypeName(keyTypeName)
let valueTypeName = try readJsonString(skipContext: false)
let valueType = try TType.getTypeIdForTypeName(valueTypeName)
let count = try readJsonInteger()
try checkReadBytesAvailable(keyType: keyType, valueType: valueType, count: Int32(count))
try readJsonObjectStart()
return (keyType, valueType, Int32(count))
public func readMapEnd() throws {
try readJsonObjectEnd()
try readJsonArrayEnd()
public func readSetBegin() throws -> (TType, Int32) {
try readJsonArrayStart()
let elementTypeName = try readJsonString(skipContext: false)
let elementType = try TType.getTypeIdForTypeName(elementTypeName)
let count = try readJsonInteger()
try checkReadBytesAvailable(elementType, Int32(count))
return (elementType, Int32(count))
public func readSetEnd() throws {
try readJsonArrayEnd()
public func readListBegin() throws -> (TType, Int32) {
try readJsonArrayStart()
let elementTypeName = try readJsonString(skipContext: false)
let elementType = try TType.getTypeIdForTypeName(elementTypeName)
let count = try readJsonInteger()
try checkReadBytesAvailable(elementType, Int32(count))
return (elementType, Int32(count))
public func readListEnd() throws {
try readJsonArrayEnd()
public func read() throws -> String {
let buf = try readJsonString(skipContext: false)
guard let str = String(bytes: buf, encoding: .utf8) else {
throw TProtocolError(error: .invalidData, message: "Cannot convert bytes to string")
return str
public func read() throws -> Bool {
let intValue = try readJsonInteger()
return intValue == 0 ? false : true
public func read() throws -> UInt8 {
return UInt8(try readJsonInteger())
public func read() throws -> Int8 {
return Int8(try readJsonInteger())
public func read() throws -> Int16 {
return Int16(try readJsonInteger())
public func read() throws -> Int32 {
return Int32(try readJsonInteger())
public func read() throws -> Int64 {
return try readJsonInteger()
public func read() throws -> Double {
return try readJsonDouble()
public func read() throws -> Data {
let base64Bytes = try readJsonBase64()
return Data(bytes: base64Bytes, count: base64Bytes.count)
public func read() throws -> UUID {
let buf = try readJsonString(skipContext: false)
guard let id = String(bytes: buf, encoding: .utf8) else {
throw TProtocolError(error: .invalidData, message: "Cannot convert bytes to string")
guard let uuid = UUID(uuidString: id) else {
throw TProtocolError(error: .invalidData, message: "Cannot convert string to uuid")
return uuid
public func writeMessageBegin(name: String, type messageType: TMessageType, sequenceID: Int32) throws {
try writeJsonArrayStart()
try writeJsonInteger(num: Int64(TJSONProtocol.Version))
guard let nameData = .utf8) else {
throw TProtocolError(error: .invalidData, message: "Cannot convert message name to bytes data")
try writeJsonString(bytes: [UInt8] (nameData))
try writeJsonInteger(num: Int64(messageType.rawValue))
try writeJsonInteger(num: Int64(sequenceID))
public func writeMessageEnd() throws {
try writeJsonArrayEnd()
public func writeStructBegin(name: String) throws {
try writeJsonObjectStart()
public func writeStructEnd() throws {
try writeJsonObjectEnd()
public func writeFieldBegin(name: String, type fieldType: TType, fieldID: Int32) throws {
try writeJsonInteger(num: Int64(fieldID))
try writeJsonObjectStart()
let fieldTypeName = try fieldType.getTypeNameForTypeId()
try writeJsonString(bytes: fieldTypeName)
public func writeFieldStop() throws {
// Nop
public func writeFieldEnd() throws {
try writeJsonObjectEnd()
public func writeMapBegin(keyType: TType, valueType: TType, size: Int32) throws {
try writeJsonArrayStart()
let mapKeyTypeName = try keyType.getTypeNameForTypeId()
try writeJsonString(bytes: mapKeyTypeName)
let mapValueTypeName = try valueType.getTypeNameForTypeId()
try writeJsonString(bytes: mapValueTypeName)
try writeJsonInteger(num: Int64(size))
try writeJsonObjectStart()
public func writeMapEnd() throws {
try writeJsonObjectEnd()
try writeJsonArrayEnd()
public func writeSetBegin(elementType: TType, size: Int32) throws {
try writeJsonArrayStart()
let elementTypeName = try elementType.getTypeNameForTypeId()
try writeJsonString(bytes: elementTypeName)
try writeJsonInteger(num: Int64(size))
public func writeSetEnd() throws {
try writeJsonArrayEnd()
public func writeListBegin(elementType: TType, size: Int32) throws {
try writeJsonArrayStart()
let elementTypeName = try elementType.getTypeNameForTypeId()
try writeJsonString(bytes: elementTypeName)
try writeJsonInteger(num: Int64(size))
public func writeListEnd() throws {
try writeJsonArrayEnd()
public func write(_ value: String) throws {
guard let strData = .utf8) else {
throw TProtocolError(error: .invalidData, message: "Cannot convert string value to bytes data")
try writeJsonString(bytes: [UInt8](strData))
public func write(_ value: Bool) throws {
try writeJsonInteger(num: value ? 1 : 0)
public func write(_ value: UInt8) throws {
try writeJsonInteger(num: Int64(value))
public func write(_ value: Int8) throws {
try writeJsonInteger(num: Int64(value))
public func write(_ value: Int16) throws {
try writeJsonInteger(num: Int64(value))
public func write(_ value: Int32) throws {
try writeJsonInteger(num: Int64(value))
public func write(_ value: Int64) throws {
try writeJsonInteger(num: value)
public func write(_ value: Double) throws {
try writeJsonDouble(num: value)
public func write(_ value: Data) throws {
try writeJsonBase64(bytes: [UInt8](value))
public func write(_ value: UUID) throws {
guard let strData = .utf8) else {
throw TProtocolError(error: .invalidData, message: "Cannot convert UUID value to bytes data")
try writeJsonString(bytes: [UInt8](strData))
// MARK: - Private functions
private func checkReadBytesAvailable(keyType: TType, valueType: TType, count: Int32) throws {
let elmSize = try getMinSerializedSize(keyType) + getMinSerializedSize(valueType)
_ = count * elmSize
// TODO: implement checkReadBytesAvailable in TTransport
// transport.checkReadBytesAvailable(size: count * elmSize)
private func checkReadBytesAvailable(_ elementType: TType, _ count: Int32) throws {
let elmSize = try getMinSerializedSize(elementType)
_ = count * elmSize
// TODO: implement checkReadBytesAvailable in TTransport
// transport.checkReadBytesAvailable(size: count * elmSize)
private func getMinSerializedSize(_ type: TType) throws -> Int32 {
switch(type) {
case .stop, .void: return 0
case .bool, .i8, .i16, .i32, .i64, .double: return 1
case .string, .struct, .map, .set, .list: return 2 // empty object
throw TProtocolError(error: .invalidData, message: "Invalid TType")
// MARK: - TJSONProtocol inner classes
Base class for tracking JSON contexts that may require
inserting/reading additional JSON syntax characters
This base context does nothing
class JSONBaseContext {
var proto: TJSONProtocol
init(on proto: TJSONProtocol) {
self.proto = proto
func writeConditionalDelimiter() throws {
func readConditionalDelimiter() throws {
func escapeNumbers() -> Bool {
return false
Context for JSON lists. will insert/read commas before each item except for the first one
class JSONListContext: JSONBaseContext {
private var first: Bool = true
override init(on proto: TJSONProtocol) {
super.init(on: proto)
override func writeConditionalDelimiter() throws {
if (first) {
first = false
} else {
try proto.transport.writeJSONComma()
override func readConditionalDelimiter() throws {
if (first) {
first = false
} else {
try proto.readJsonSyntaxChar(bytes: TJSONProtocolConstants.Comma)
Context for JSON records. Will insert/read colons before the value portion of each record pair,
and commas before each key except the first. In addition, will indicate that numbers in the key position
need to be escaped in quotes (since JSON keys must be strings).
class JSONPairContext : JSONBaseContext {
private var colon: Bool = true
private var first: Bool = true
override init(on proto: TJSONProtocol) {
super.init(on: proto)
override func writeConditionalDelimiter() throws {
if (first) {
first = false
colon = true
} else {
if (colon) {
try proto.transport.writeJSONColon()
} else {
try proto.transport.writeJSONComma()
self.colon = !self.colon
override func readConditionalDelimiter() throws {
if (first) {
first = false
colon = true
} else {
try proto.readJsonSyntaxChar(bytes: colon ? TJSONProtocolConstants.Colon : TJSONProtocolConstants.Comma)
self.colon = !self.colon
override func escapeNumbers() -> Bool {
return colon
class JSONContextStack {
private var items: [JSONBaseContext] = []
func peek() -> JSONBaseContext {
guard let topElement = items.first else { fatalError("This stack is empty.") }
return topElement
func pop() -> JSONBaseContext {
return items.removeFirst()
func push(_ element: JSONBaseContext) {
items.insert(element, at: 0)
func clear() {
func isEmpty() -> Bool {
return items.count == 0
class LookaheadReader {
private var byteData: UInt8?
private var hasData: Bool = false
var proto: TJSONProtocol
init(on proto: TJSONProtocol) {
self.proto = proto
func read() throws -> UInt8 {
if (hasData) {
hasData = false
} else {
let data = try proto.transport.readAll(size: 1)
byteData = Array(data)[0]
if let byte = byteData {
return byte
throw TProtocolError(error: .invalidData, message: "Reader does not have data to read")
func peek() throws -> UInt8 {
if (!hasData) {
let data = try proto.transport.readAll(size: 1)
byteData = Array(data)[0]
hasData = true
if let byte = byteData {
return byte
throw TProtocolError(error: .invalidData, message: "Reader does not have data to peek")
// MARK: TJSONProtocolConstants
TJSONProtocol Constants properties/fields
public struct TJSONProtocolConstants {
public static let Comma: [UInt8] = ",".asciiBytes()
public static let Colon: [UInt8] = ":".asciiBytes()
public static let LeftBrace: [UInt8] = "{".asciiBytes()
public static let RightBrace: [UInt8] = "}".asciiBytes()
public static let LeftBracket: [UInt8] = "[".asciiBytes()
public static let RightBracket: [UInt8] = "]".asciiBytes()
public static let Quote: [UInt8] = "\"".asciiBytes()
public static let Backslash: [UInt8] = "\\".asciiBytes()
public static let JsonCharTable: [UInt8] = [
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, b, t, n, 0, f, r, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1, 1, qt, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
// \b -> \u{0008}
// \f -> \u{000C}
public static let EscapeChars: [Character] = ["\"", "\\", "/", "\u{0008}", "\u{000C}", "\n", "\r", "\t" ]
public static let EscapeCharValues: [UInt8] = "\"\\/\u{0008}\u{000C}\n\r\t".asciiBytes()
public static let EscSequences: [UInt8] = "\\u00".asciiBytes()
public struct TypeNames {
public static let NameBool: [UInt8] = "tf".asciiBytes()
public static let NameByte: [UInt8] = "i8".asciiBytes()
public static let NameI16: [UInt8] = "i16".asciiBytes()
public static let NameI32: [UInt8] = "i32".asciiBytes()
public static let NameI64: [UInt8] = "i64".asciiBytes()
public static let NameDouble: [UInt8] = "dbl".asciiBytes()
public static let NameStruct: [UInt8] = "rec".asciiBytes()
public static let NameString: [UInt8] = "str".asciiBytes()
public static let NameMap: [UInt8] = "map".asciiBytes()
public static let NameList: [UInt8] = "lst".asciiBytes()
public static let NameSet: [UInt8] = "set".asciiBytes()
// MARK: private fields helpers
private static let b: UInt8 = "b".asciiBytes()[0]
private static let t: UInt8 = "t".asciiBytes()[0]
private static let n: UInt8 = "n".asciiBytes()[0]
private static let f: UInt8 = "f".asciiBytes()[0]
private static let r: UInt8 = "r".asciiBytes()[0]
private static let qt: UInt8 = "\"".asciiBytes()[0]
// MARK: Extensions
extension String {
public func asciiBytes() -> [UInt8] {
var result: [UInt8] = []
for char in self {
return result
subscript(offset: Int) -> Character {
self[index(startIndex, offsetBy: offset)]
extension Character {
public func asciiByte() -> UInt8 {
return self.asciiValue!
extension UInt8 {
Convert a byte containing a hex value to its corresponding hex character
public func toHexChar() -> UInt8 {
var value = self & 0x0F
if (value < 10) {
let zeroChar = Character("0").asciiValue!
return value + zeroChar
value -= 10
let aChar = Character("a").asciiValue!
return value + aChar
public func isJsonNumeric() -> Bool {
let numberBytes = "+-.0123456789Ee".asciiBytes()
if (numberBytes.contains(self)) {
return true
return false
public func asCharacter() -> Character {
let scalar = UnicodeScalar(self)
return Character(scalar)
extension UInt16 {
public func isHighSurrogate() throws -> Bool {
let wch = self
if let d800 = UInt16("D800", radix: 16),
let dbff = UInt16("DBFF", radix: 16) {
return wch >= d800 && wch <= dbff
} else {
throw TProtocolError(error: .invalidData, message: "isHighSurrogate failed")
public func isLowSurrogate() throws -> Bool{
let wch = self
if let dc00 = UInt16("DC00", radix: 16),
let dfff = UInt16("DFFF", radix: 16) {
return wch >= dc00 && wch <= dfff
} else {
throw TProtocolError(error: .invalidData, message: "isLowSurrogate failed")
extension TType {
public static func getTypeIdForTypeName(_ name: [UInt8]) throws -> TType {
var result = TType.stop
if (name.count > 1) {
switch(name[0]) {
case "t".asciiBytes()[0]:
result = TType.bool
case "i".asciiBytes()[0]:
switch(name[1]) {
case "8".asciiBytes()[0]:
result = TType.i8
case "1".asciiBytes()[0]:
result = TType.i16
case "3".asciiBytes()[0]:
result = TType.i32
case "6".asciiBytes()[0]:
result = TType.i64
result = TType.stop
case "d".asciiBytes()[0]:
result = TType.double
case "l".asciiBytes()[0]:
result = TType.list
case "m".asciiBytes()[0]:
result =
case "r".asciiBytes()[0]:
result = TType.struct
case "s".asciiBytes()[0]:
if (name[1] == "t".asciiBytes()[0]) {
result = TType.string
} else if (name[1] == "e".asciiBytes()[0]) {
result = TType.set
result = TType.stop
if (result == TType.stop) {
throw TProtocolError(error: .notImplemented, message: "Unrecognized exType")
return result
public func getTypeNameForTypeId() throws -> [UInt8] {
let typeId = self
switch(typeId) {
case .bool:
return TJSONProtocolConstants.TypeNames.NameBool
case .i8:
return TJSONProtocolConstants.TypeNames.NameByte
case .i16:
return TJSONProtocolConstants.TypeNames.NameI16
case .i32:
return TJSONProtocolConstants.TypeNames.NameI32
case .i64:
return TJSONProtocolConstants.TypeNames.NameI64
case .double:
return TJSONProtocolConstants.TypeNames.NameDouble
case .string:
return TJSONProtocolConstants.TypeNames.NameString
case .struct:
return TJSONProtocolConstants.TypeNames.NameStruct
case .map:
return TJSONProtocolConstants.TypeNames.NameMap
case .set:
return TJSONProtocolConstants.TypeNames.NameSet
case .list:
return TJSONProtocolConstants.TypeNames.NameList
throw TProtocolError(error: .invalidData, message: "TypeId: \(typeId) does not have mapping Name")
extension TTransport {
func writeJSONColon() throws {
try self.write(data: Data(bytes: TJSONProtocolConstants.Colon, count: TJSONProtocolConstants.Colon.count))
func writeJSONComma() throws {
try self.write(data: Data(bytes: TJSONProtocolConstants.Comma, count: TJSONProtocolConstants.Comma.count))
func writeJSONQuote() throws {
try self.write(data: Data(bytes: TJSONProtocolConstants.Quote, count: TJSONProtocolConstants.Quote.count))
func writeJSONBackslash() throws {
try self.write(data: Data(bytes: TJSONProtocolConstants.Backslash, count: TJSONProtocolConstants.Backslash.count))
func writeJSONEscSequences() throws {
try self.write(data: Data(bytes: TJSONProtocolConstants.EscSequences, count: TJSONProtocolConstants.EscSequences.count))
func writeJSONLeftBrace() throws {
try self.write(data: Data(bytes: TJSONProtocolConstants.LeftBrace, count: TJSONProtocolConstants.LeftBrace.count))
func writeJSONRightBrace() throws {
try self.write(data: Data(bytes: TJSONProtocolConstants.RightBrace, count: TJSONProtocolConstants.RightBrace.count))
func writeJSONLeftBracket() throws {
try self.write(data: Data(bytes: TJSONProtocolConstants.LeftBracket, count: TJSONProtocolConstants.LeftBracket.count))
func writeJSONRightBracket() throws {
try self.write(data: Data(bytes: TJSONProtocolConstants.RightBracket, count: TJSONProtocolConstants.RightBracket.count))