(* | |
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one | |
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file | |
* distributed with this work for additional information | |
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file | |
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the | |
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance | |
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at | |
* | |
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 | |
* | |
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, | |
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an | |
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the | |
* specific language governing permissions and limitations | |
* under the License. | |
*) | |
unit TestClient; | |
interface | |
uses | |
SysUtils, Classes, Thrift.Protocol, Thrift.Transport, Thrift.Test, | |
Generics.Collections, Thrift.Collections, Windows, Thrift.Console, | |
DateUtils; | |
type | |
TThreadConsole = class | |
private | |
FThread : TThread; | |
public | |
procedure Write( const S : string); | |
procedure WriteLine( const S : string); | |
constructor Create( AThread: TThread); | |
end; | |
TClientThread = class( TThread ) | |
private | |
FTransport : ITransport; | |
FNumIteration : Integer; | |
FConsole : TThreadConsole; | |
procedure ClientTest; | |
protected | |
procedure Execute; override; | |
public | |
constructor Create(ATransport: ITransport; ANumIteration: Integer); | |
destructor Destroy; override; | |
end; | |
TTestClient = class | |
private | |
class var | |
FNumIteration : Integer; | |
FNumThread : Integer; | |
public | |
class procedure Execute( const args: array of string); | |
end; | |
implementation | |
{ TTestClient } | |
class procedure TTestClient.Execute(const args: array of string); | |
var | |
i : Integer; | |
host : string; | |
port : Integer; | |
url : string; | |
bBuffered : Boolean; | |
bFramed : Boolean; | |
s : string; | |
n : Integer; | |
threads : array of TThread; | |
dtStart : TDateTime; | |
test : Integer; | |
thread : TThread; | |
trans : ITransport; | |
streamtrans : IStreamTransport; | |
http : IHTTPClient; | |
begin | |
bBuffered := False;; | |
bFramed := False; | |
try | |
host := 'localhost'; | |
port := 9090; | |
url := ''; | |
i := 0; | |
try | |
while ( i < Length(args) ) do | |
begin | |
try | |
if ( args[i] = '-h') then | |
begin | |
Inc( i ); | |
s := args[i]; | |
n := Pos( ':', s); | |
if ( n > 0 ) then | |
begin | |
host := Copy( s, 1, n - 1); | |
port := StrToInt( Copy( s, n + 1, MaxInt)); | |
end else | |
begin | |
host := s; | |
end; | |
end else | |
if (args[i] = '-u') then | |
begin | |
Inc( i ); | |
url := args[i]; | |
end else | |
if (args[i] = '-n') then | |
begin | |
Inc( i ); | |
FNumIteration := StrToInt( args[i] ); | |
end else | |
if (args[i] = '-b') then | |
begin | |
bBuffered := True; | |
Console.WriteLine('Using buffered transport'); | |
end else | |
if (args[i] = '-f' ) or ( args[i] = '-framed') then | |
begin | |
bFramed := True; | |
Console.WriteLine('Using framed transport'); | |
end else | |
if (args[i] = '-t') then | |
begin | |
Inc( i ); | |
FNumThread := StrToInt( args[i] ); | |
end; | |
finally | |
Inc( i ); | |
end; | |
end; | |
except | |
on E: Exception do | |
begin | |
Console.WriteLine( E.Message ); | |
end; | |
end; | |
SetLength( threads, FNumThread); | |
dtStart := Now; | |
for test := 0 to FNumThread - 1 do | |
begin | |
if url = '' then | |
begin | |
streamtrans := TSocketImpl.Create( host, port ); | |
trans := streamtrans; | |
if bBuffered then | |
begin | |
trans := TBufferedTransportImpl.Create( streamtrans ); | |
end; | |
if bFramed then | |
begin | |
trans := TFramedTransportImpl.Create( trans ); | |
end; | |
end else | |
begin | |
http := THTTPClientImpl.Create( url ); | |
trans := http; | |
end; | |
thread := TClientThread.Create( trans, FNumIteration); | |
threads[test] := thread; | |
thread.Resume; | |
end; | |
for test := 0 to FNumThread - 1 do | |
begin | |
threads[test].WaitFor; | |
end; | |
for test := 0 to FNumThread - 1 do | |
begin | |
threads[test].Free; | |
end; | |
Console.Write('Total time: ' + IntToStr( MilliSecondsBetween(Now, dtStart))); | |
except | |
on E: Exception do | |
begin | |
Console.WriteLine( E.Message + ' ST: ' + E.StackTrace ); | |
end; | |
end; | |
Console.WriteLine(''); | |
Console.WriteLine('done!'); | |
end; | |
{ TClientThread } | |
procedure TClientThread.ClientTest; | |
var | |
binaryProtocol : TBinaryProtocolImpl; | |
client : TThriftTest.Iface; | |
s : string; | |
i8 : ShortInt; | |
i32 : Integer; | |
i64 : Int64; | |
dub : Double; | |
o : IXtruct; | |
o2 : IXtruct2; | |
i : IXtruct; | |
i2 : IXtruct2; | |
mapout : IThriftDictionary<Integer,Integer>; | |
mapin : IThriftDictionary<Integer,Integer>; | |
j : Integer; | |
first : Boolean; | |
key : Integer; | |
listout : IThriftList<Integer>; | |
listin : IThriftList<Integer>; | |
setout : IHashSet<Integer>; | |
setin : IHashSet<Integer>; | |
ret : TNumberz; | |
uid : Int64; | |
mm : IThriftDictionary<Integer, IThriftDictionary<Integer, Integer>>; | |
m2 : IThriftDictionary<Integer, Integer>; | |
k2 : Integer; | |
insane : IInsanity; | |
truck : IXtruct; | |
whoa : IThriftDictionary<Int64, IThriftDictionary<TNumberz, IInsanity>>; | |
key64 : Int64; | |
val : IThriftDictionary<TNumberz, IInsanity>; | |
k2_2 : TNumberz; | |
k3 : TNumberz; | |
v2 : IInsanity; | |
userMap : IThriftDictionary<TNumberz, Int64>; | |
xtructs : IThriftList<IXtruct>; | |
x : IXtruct; | |
arg0 : ShortInt; | |
arg1 : Integer; | |
arg2 : Int64; | |
multiDict : IThriftDictionary<SmallInt, string>; | |
arg4 : TNumberz; | |
arg5 : Int64; | |
StartTick : Cardinal; | |
k : Integer; | |
proc : TThreadProcedure; | |
begin | |
binaryProtocol := TBinaryProtocolImpl.Create( FTransport ); | |
client := TThriftTest.TClient.Create( binaryProtocol ); | |
try | |
if not FTransport.IsOpen then | |
begin | |
FTransport.Open; | |
end; | |
except | |
on E: Exception do | |
begin | |
Console.WriteLine( E.Message ); | |
Exit; | |
end; | |
end; | |
Console.Write('testException()'); | |
try | |
client.testException('Xception'); | |
except | |
on E: TXception do | |
begin | |
Console.WriteLine( ' = ' + IntToStr(E.ErrorCode) + ', ' + E.Message_ ); | |
end; | |
end; | |
Console.Write('testVoid()'); | |
client.testVoid(); | |
Console.WriteLine(' = void'); | |
Console.Write('testString(''Test'')'); | |
s := client.testString('Test'); | |
Console.WriteLine(' := ''' + s + ''''); | |
Console.Write('testByte(1)'); | |
i8 := client.testByte(1); | |
Console.WriteLine(' := ' + IntToStr( i8 )); | |
Console.Write('testI32(-1)'); | |
i32 := client.testI32(-1); | |
Console.WriteLine(' := ' + IntToStr(i32)); | |
Console.Write('testI64(-34359738368)'); | |
i64 := client.testI64(-34359738368); | |
Console.WriteLine(' := ' + IntToStr( i64)); | |
Console.Write('testDouble(5.325098235)'); | |
dub := client.testDouble(5.325098235); | |
Console.WriteLine(' := ' + FloatToStr( dub)); | |
Console.Write('testStruct({''Zero'', 1, -3, -5})'); | |
o := TXtructImpl.Create; | |
o.String_thing := 'Zero'; | |
o.Byte_thing := 1; | |
o.I32_thing := -3; | |
o.I64_thing := -5; | |
i := client.testStruct(o); | |
Console.WriteLine(' := {''' + | |
i.String_thing + ''', ' + | |
IntToStr( i.Byte_thing) + ', ' + | |
IntToStr( i.I32_thing) + ', ' + | |
IntToStr( i.I64_thing) + '}'); | |
Console.Write('testNest({1, {''Zero'', 1, -3, -5}, 5})'); | |
o2 := TXtruct2Impl.Create; | |
o2.Byte_thing := 1; | |
o2.Struct_thing := o; | |
o2.I32_thing := 5; | |
i2 := client.testNest(o2); | |
i := i2.Struct_thing; | |
Console.WriteLine(' := {' + IntToStr( i2.Byte_thing) + ', {''' + | |
i.String_thing + ''', ' + | |
IntToStr( i.Byte_thing) + ', ' + | |
IntToStr( i.I32_thing) + ', ' + | |
IntToStr( i.I64_thing) + '}, ' + | |
IntToStr( i2.I32_thing) + '}'); | |
mapout := TThriftDictionaryImpl<Integer,Integer>.Create; | |
for j := 0 to 4 do | |
begin | |
mapout.AddOrSetValue( j, j - 10); | |
end; | |
Console.Write('testMap({'); | |
first := True; | |
for key in mapout.Keys do | |
begin | |
if first then | |
begin | |
first := False; | |
end else | |
begin | |
Console.Write( ', ' ); | |
end; | |
Console.Write( IntToStr( key) + ' => ' + IntToStr( mapout[key])); | |
end; | |
Console.Write('})'); | |
mapin := client.testMap( mapout ); | |
Console.Write(' = {'); | |
first := True; | |
for key in mapin.Keys do | |
begin | |
if first then | |
begin | |
first := False; | |
end else | |
begin | |
Console.Write( ', ' ); | |
end; | |
Console.Write( IntToStr( key) + ' => ' + IntToStr( mapin[key])); | |
end; | |
Console.WriteLine('}'); | |
setout := THashSetImpl<Integer>.Create; | |
for j := -2 to 2 do | |
begin | |
setout.Add( j ); | |
end; | |
Console.Write('testSet({'); | |
first := True; | |
for j in setout do | |
begin | |
if first then | |
begin | |
first := False; | |
end else | |
begin | |
Console.Write(', '); | |
end; | |
Console.Write(IntToStr( j)); | |
end; | |
Console.Write('})'); | |
Console.Write(' = {'); | |
first := True; | |
setin := client.testSet(setout); | |
for j in setin do | |
begin | |
if first then | |
begin | |
first := False; | |
end else | |
begin | |
Console.Write(', '); | |
end; | |
Console.Write(IntToStr( j)); | |
end; | |
Console.WriteLine('}'); | |
Console.Write('testEnum(ONE)'); | |
ret := client.testEnum(TNumberz.ONE); | |
Console.WriteLine(' = ' + IntToStr( Integer( ret))); | |
Console.Write('testEnum(TWO)'); | |
ret := client.testEnum(TNumberz.TWO); | |
Console.WriteLine(' = ' + IntToStr( Integer( ret))); | |
Console.Write('testEnum(THREE)'); | |
ret := client.testEnum(TNumberz.THREE); | |
Console.WriteLine(' = ' + IntToStr( Integer( ret))); | |
Console.Write('testEnum(FIVE)'); | |
ret := client.testEnum(TNumberz.FIVE); | |
Console.WriteLine(' = ' + IntToStr( Integer( ret))); | |
Console.Write('testEnum(EIGHT)'); | |
ret := client.testEnum(TNumberz.EIGHT); | |
Console.WriteLine(' = ' + IntToStr( Integer( ret))); | |
Console.Write('testTypedef(309858235082523)'); | |
uid := client.testTypedef(309858235082523); | |
Console.WriteLine(' = ' + IntToStr( uid)); | |
Console.Write('testMapMap(1)'); | |
mm := client.testMapMap(1); | |
Console.Write(' = {'); | |
for key in mm.Keys do | |
begin | |
Console.Write( IntToStr( key) + ' => {'); | |
m2 := mm[key]; | |
for k2 in m2.Keys do | |
begin | |
Console.Write( IntToStr( k2) + ' => ' + IntToStr( m2[k2]) + ', '); | |
end; | |
Console.Write('}, '); | |
end; | |
Console.WriteLine('}'); | |
insane := TInsanityImpl.Create; | |
insane.UserMap := TThriftDictionaryImpl<TNumberz, Int64>.Create; | |
insane.UserMap.AddOrSetValue( TNumberz.FIVE, 5000); | |
truck := TXtructImpl.Create; | |
truck.String_thing := 'Truck'; | |
truck.Byte_thing := 8; | |
truck.I32_thing := 8; | |
truck.I64_thing := 8; | |
insane.Xtructs := TThriftListImpl<IXtruct>.Create; | |
insane.Xtructs.Add( truck ); | |
Console.Write('testInsanity()'); | |
whoa := client.testInsanity( insane ); | |
Console.Write(' = {'); | |
for key64 in whoa.Keys do | |
begin | |
val := whoa[key64]; | |
Console.Write( IntToStr( key64) + ' => {'); | |
for k2_2 in val.Keys do | |
begin | |
v2 := val[k2_2]; | |
Console.Write( IntToStr( Integer( k2_2)) + ' => {'); | |
userMap := v2.UserMap; | |
Console.Write('{'); | |
if userMap <> nil then | |
begin | |
for k3 in userMap.Keys do | |
begin | |
Console.Write( IntToStr( Integer( k3)) + ' => ' + IntToStr( userMap[k3]) + ', '); | |
end; | |
end else | |
begin | |
Console.Write('null'); | |
end; | |
Console.Write('}, '); | |
xtructs := v2.Xtructs; | |
Console.Write('{'); | |
if xtructs <> nil then | |
begin | |
for x in xtructs do | |
begin | |
Console.Write('{"' + x.String_thing + '", ' + | |
IntToStr( x.Byte_thing) + ', ' + | |
IntToStr( x.I32_thing) + ', ' + | |
IntToStr( x.I32_thing) + '}, '); | |
end; | |
end else | |
begin | |
Console.Write('null'); | |
end; | |
Console.Write('}'); | |
Console.Write('}, '); | |
end; | |
Console.Write('}, '); | |
end; | |
Console.WriteLine('}'); | |
arg0 := 1; | |
arg1 := 2; | |
arg2 := High(Int64); | |
multiDict := TThriftDictionaryImpl<SmallInt, string>.Create; | |
multiDict.AddOrSetValue( 1, 'one'); | |
arg4 := TNumberz.FIVE; | |
arg5 := 5000000; | |
Console.WriteLine('Test Multi(' + IntToStr( arg0) + ',' + | |
IntToStr( arg1) + ',' + IntToStr( arg2) + ',' + | |
multiDict.ToString + ',' + IntToStr( Integer( arg4)) + ',' + | |
IntToStr( arg5) + ')'); | |
Console.WriteLine('Test Oneway(1)'); | |
client.testOneway(1); | |
Console.Write('Test Calltime()'); | |
StartTick := GetTIckCount; | |
for k := 0 to 1000 - 1 do | |
begin | |
client.testVoid(); | |
end; | |
Console.WriteLine(' = ' + FloatToStr( (GetTickCount - StartTick) / 1000 ) + ' ms a testVoid() call' ); | |
end; | |
constructor TClientThread.Create(ATransport: ITransport; ANumIteration: Integer); | |
begin | |
inherited Create( True ); | |
FNumIteration := ANumIteration; | |
FTransport := ATransport; | |
FConsole := TThreadConsole.Create( Self ); | |
end; | |
destructor TClientThread.Destroy; | |
begin | |
FConsole.Free; | |
inherited; | |
end; | |
procedure TClientThread.Execute; | |
var | |
i : Integer; | |
proc : TThreadProcedure; | |
begin | |
for i := 0 to FNumIteration - 1 do | |
begin | |
ClientTest; | |
end; | |
proc := procedure | |
begin | |
if FTransport <> nil then | |
begin | |
FTransport.Close; | |
FTransport := nil; | |
end; | |
end; | |
Synchronize( proc ); | |
end; | |
{ TThreadConsole } | |
constructor TThreadConsole.Create(AThread: TThread); | |
begin | |
FThread := AThread; | |
end; | |
procedure TThreadConsole.Write(const S: string); | |
var | |
proc : TThreadProcedure; | |
begin | |
proc := procedure | |
begin | |
Console.Write( S ); | |
end; | |
TThread.Synchronize( FThread, proc); | |
end; | |
procedure TThreadConsole.WriteLine(const S: string); | |
var | |
proc : TThreadProcedure; | |
begin | |
proc := procedure | |
begin | |
Console.WriteLine( S ); | |
end; | |
TThread.Synchronize( FThread, proc); | |
end; | |
initialization | |
begin | |
TTestClient.FNumIteration := 1; | |
TTestClient.FNumThread := 1; | |
end; | |
end. |