blob: cc9ca1b7db81a9314c1be5835aee4c2bf037015e [file] [log] [blame]
%% Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
%% or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
%% distributed with this work for additional information
%% regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
%% to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
%% "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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%% under the License.
%% constructors
-export([new/1, new/2]).
%% transport callbacks
-export([read/2, read_exact/2, write/2, flush/1, close/1]).
-record(t_transport, {
module :: module(),
state :: term()
-type t_transport() :: #t_transport{}.
%%% API
-type state() :: term().
-type reason() :: term().
-callback write(state(), iolist() | binary()) -> {state(), ok | {error, reason()}}.
-callback read(state(), non_neg_integer()) -> {state(), {ok, binary()} | {error, reason()}}.
-callback flush(state()) -> {state(), ok | {error, reason()}}.
-callback close(state()) -> {state(), ok | {error, reason()}}.
case Transport#t_transport.module of
?transport_wrapper_module ->
_Else ->
{ok, Result} = ?transport_wrapper_module:new(Transport),
-define(debug_wrap(Transport), Transport).
-type wrappable() ::
| list()
| {membuffer, binary() | list()}
| {membuffer, binary() | list(), list()}
| {tcp, port()}
| {tcp, port(), list()}
| {file, file:io_device()}
| {file, file:io_device(), list()}
| {file, file:filename()}
| {file, file:filename(), list()}.
-spec new(wrappable()) -> {ok, #t_transport{}}.
new({membuffer, Membuffer}) ->
new({membuffer, Membuffer, []});
new({membuffer, Membuffer, Opts}) when is_binary(Membuffer); is_list(Membuffer) ->
thrift_membuffer_transport:new(Membuffer, Opts);
new({tcp, Socket}) when is_port(Socket) ->
new({tcp, Socket, []});
new({tcp, Socket, Opts}) when is_port(Socket) ->
thrift_socket_transport:new(Socket, Opts);
new({file, Filename}) when is_list(Filename); is_binary(Filename) ->
new({file, Filename, []});
new({file, Filename, Opts}) when is_list(Filename); is_binary(Filename) ->
{ok, File} = file:open(Filename, [raw, binary]),
new({file, File, Opts});
new({file, File, Opts}) ->
thrift_file_transport:new(File, Opts).
-spec new(Module :: module(), State :: any()) -> {ok, t_transport()}.
new(Module, State) when is_atom(Module) ->
{ok, ?debug_wrap(#t_transport{module = Module, state = State})}.
read(Transport = #t_transport{module = Module}, Len) when
is_integer(Len), Len >= 0
{NewState, Result} = Module:read(Transport#t_transport.state, Len),
{Transport#t_transport{state = NewState}, Result}.
read_exact(Transport = #t_transport{module = Module}, Len) when
is_integer(Len), Len >= 0
case lists:keyfind(read_exact, 1, Module:module_info(exports)) of
{read_exact, 2} ->
{NewState, Result} = Module:read_exact(Transport#t_transport.state, Len),
{Transport#t_transport{state = NewState}, Result};
_ ->
read(Transport, Len)
write(Transport = #t_transport{module = Module}, Data) ->
{NewState, Result} = Module:write(Transport#t_transport.state, Data),
{Transport#t_transport{state = NewState}, Result}.
flush(Transport = #t_transport{module = Module}) ->
{NewState, Result} = Module:flush(Transport#t_transport.state),
{Transport#t_transport{state = NewState}, Result}.
close(Transport = #t_transport{module = Module}) ->
{NewState, Result} = Module:close(Transport#t_transport.state),
{Transport#t_transport{state = NewState}, Result}.