blob: 2408041a9c73604df077a3a0f9ab782b30029afc [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
using Rebus;
using Rebus.Configuration;
using Rebus.Messages;
using Rebus.RabbitMQ;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using Thrift.Protocol;
using Thrift.Transport;
* The client emits calls to BasicMathServers
* The client implements the BasicMathClient service.
* If the server has processed our request, we get the results back through this service
namespace RebusSample.Client
// handler to be registered with Rebus
class MathResponseCallHandler : IHandleMessages<MathResponseCall>
public void Handle(MathResponseCall message)
// Thrift protocol/transport stack
var stm = new MemoryStream(message.rawBytes);
var trns = new TStreamTransport(stm, null);
var prot = new TBinaryProtocol(trns);
// create a processor and let him handle the call
var hndl = new MathResponsesHandler();
var proc = new BasicMathClient.Processor(hndl);
proc.Process(prot, null); // oneway only
// serves incoming responses with calculation results
internal class MathResponsesHandler : BasicMathClient.Iface
public void FourResults(int added, int multiplied, int subtracted, int divided)
Console.WriteLine("added = {0}", added);
Console.WriteLine("multiplied= {0}", multiplied);
Console.WriteLine("subtracted = {0}", subtracted);
Console.WriteLine("divided = {0}", divided);
public void ThreeResults(int added, int multiplied, int subtracted)
Console.WriteLine("added = {0}", added);
Console.WriteLine("multiplied= {0}", multiplied);
Console.WriteLine("subtracted = {0}", subtracted);
Console.WriteLine("DIV/0 error during division");
public void Pong(long value)
var latency = DateTime.Now.Ticks - value;
Console.WriteLine("Ping took {0} ms", new DateTime(latency).Millisecond);
private void PingAndDoAnotherCalculation()
var random = new Random();
var client = new MathRequestClient("localhost");
client.DoTheMath(random.Next(), random.Next());
// provides the client-side interface for calculation requests
internal class MathRequestClient : BasicMathServer.Iface
private BuiltinContainerAdapter MQAdapter;
public MathRequestClient(string server)
MQAdapter = new BuiltinContainerAdapter();
.Transport(t => t.UseRabbitMqInOneWayMode("amqp://" + server)) // we need send only
.MessageOwnership(o => o.FromRebusConfigurationSection())
public void SerializeThriftCall(Action<BasicMathServer.Iface> action)
// Thrift protocol/transport stack
var stm = new MemoryStream();
var trns = new TStreamTransport(null, stm);
var prot = new TBinaryProtocol(trns);
// serialize the call into a bunch of bytes
var client = new BasicMathServer.Client(prot);
if( action != null)
throw new ArgumentException("action must not be null");
// make sure everything is written to the MemoryStream
// send the message
var msg = new MathRequestCall() { rawBytes = stm.ToArray() };
public void Ping(long value)
SerializeThriftCall(client =>
public void DoTheMath( int arg1, int arg2)
SerializeThriftCall(client =>
client.DoTheMath(arg1, arg2);